The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 848: travelling poet

When Bai En returned, he found a stranger by the fire. He was tall, covered in wind and frost, and dressed in leather. A wide-brimmed leather cap covered his face. There was a long sword beside him. He tied a bundle of cloth to one end of a stick and stuck it in the soil. The stranger carelessly played the piano with his fingers, all of which indicated that he was a wandering bard.

No one showed any interest in him, but the stranger didn't seem to care much. He seemed very grateful to have fire, and had a partner to share with him. Bai En was not so interested in him. He wanted to talk to Angelica, but Angelica was already lying on the other side of the fire, in the middle of her bodyguard, and seemed determined to pretend he was not here.

Bai En's heart was faintly painful, and he felt inexplicably hurt. His self-esteem was also hurt. If that was what she wanted, he thought, then let her do it. Either way, he needs some time to think about what she said.

"Who are you?" Bai En turned to ask the stranger, not at all polite. The stranger looked at him happily.

"John Gates is my name, friend. What about you?"

"Bern ... Fatlin."

"Are you companions of these oath-takers"


"Humans and dwarfs can often be seen traveling in these mountains. But three Lady Caslers, one wizard of the Marnus Empire, one ... sorry, I can't see where you come from Oathbreakers travel together. Are you united for safety on the road, or are there any stories I can sing here "

"It depends on what type of song you sing," Bai En said.

"All types."

"Like I told you before, we are going to kill this dragon," Wu Li growled proudly. John Gates frowned. "Are you exploring death with these oath-takers? Your friends here told me all kinds of stories about you and Grerogan sitting there. Your life is very interesting."

"Obviously." Bai En didn't know why this person's curiosity made him angry, but he was really angry. It's common for bards to like to find out. They often deal with gossip news and gossip, just like songs and music.

The dwarves didn't seem to have much disgust with him, but there was something annoying him about this person. He tried to tell himself that it was unfair for him to do so. He was just uneasy about his conversation with Angelica, but there was something in him that made him suspicious.

"How did you walk through these mountains?" Bai En asked. "I thought that traveling alone in this place was very dangerous."

"A bard can travel anywhere he likes. Even the most brutal robber will not kill a penniless singer because he can get a song for free."

"I've never heard the orcs and Goblins appreciate the wandering singers so much."

"I am a fast man," John Gates said with a smile. "But to be honest, I must admit that I was a little surprised by what I found here."


"Yes. The last time I passed here was a few years ago. Towns and villages are on both sides of the avenue. People can earn bread and some money there. This area is not so savage and lawless. At that time there was neither The orcs have no robbers. If I know what I know now, I will not return in this way, but will stay within the eastern border, no matter what competition there is. "

"It might be wiser."

"Yes, it is possible. As my dear old mother often said, decisions made afterwards are always wise."

"You said that even the most savage robber will let go of a bard. Have you ever encountered such a thing?"

"I met some people I thought were like this, even though they let me go."

"Have you heard of Henrik Richter? He is said to be the king of robbers in this area."

John Gates laughed out loud. "So in my opinion, as a king, he rules a rather poor kingdom. I have not seen a large group of robbers, nor have I heard anything about this robber king. However, I have to admit that since you mentioned him , Maybe it ’s a good idea to write a song for him. "

"I've never encountered a bandit who is as romantic as you heard in a bard singer's song," Bai En said. "I've never seen someone rob the rich and then give it to the poor, or fight against the unjust authorities for the rights of trampled oppressors. The people I met just wanted to separate my head and shoulders and separate My wallet and belt are separated. "

"Then you have met many robbers, Mr. Fatalin" John Gates asked, his eyes shining strangely.

"There are a few." Bai En answered. Being called Mr. Fatalin made him uncomfortable.

"Then you have to be tougher than you look in order to survive. Although your speech does not sound like a mercenary or swordsman, if I can say that."

"Tough enough," Bai En said, feeling a subtle insult from the man's words.

"Bern is one of the most powerful humans that Snowry knows," Snowry said suddenly on the other side of the fire.

Bai En looked at him in surprise. He did not expect to make such a good impression on the dwarf. He did not realize that the other dwarves had been listening to their conversations at such a close distance.

"Of course, this doesn't mean anything." Snowry added quickly, and the dwarves laughed.

Bai En shrugged and turned his attention to the bard again. "Let's go to the dragon with us," he invited the bard. "If you are willing to accompany us, I believe you will write a good song."

"I like to live," said the bard. "But if you can survive this experience and find me, I will compile this story into a song. This may make me famous."

He paused for a moment, considering what he was going to say. "Do you really think you still have a chance to survive? If you told me about the orcs, goblins, and human robbers, are you still alive to the mountain?"

"We have let a team of orcs run away," said Bai En, who knew he was bragging, but he was stimulated by the bard's tone. John Gates raised his eyebrows again.

"You twelve people did it"

"We have a magician. The oath taker is a very powerful warrior. Mackason is an excellent weapon engineer." Bai En did not mention himself and Angelica, he also regretted that he was stimulated and said these , Although the other party is clearly visible at a glance.

"Then you are using dwarven weapons, gatling guns and the like"

Bai En nodded. The bard smiled happily.

"It seems that you haven't slaughtered dragons in an orthodox way. No white horses, no spears, no magic weapons."

"We also have magic weapons ~ ~ Snowory said." Grerogan's axe is amazing. He used it to kill a **** big devil. Snowy saw it with his own eyes. Bai En's sword also has magic. If you look closely, you can tell from the runes. "

Bain wondered whether Snowry had overheard his conversation with Eisenheim-Schneider, or whether he could really discern it through the runes. In any case, Bai En hopes to say nothing in front of this curious stranger.

He felt that he had said too much. He didn't know why, but he began to distrust John Gates more and more, and didn't believe him at first.

"It seems that I underestimated you," said the bard. "Your adventure seems to be very well prepared. I can sympathize with almost any robber you encounter."

"It's too late," said Bai En, who didn't intend to continue these topics. "I need to sleep for a while."

"It seems a wise choice," the stranger sneered. "After all, you have a lot of things to do in the next few days."

Bai En lay down on the other side of the fire. He finally glanced at the bard and saw that the man was staring at him closely, and he was not surprised. Instead, he was surprised to find that Eisenheim Schneider was also looking at Gates with suspicion. He seems to have doubts about this person.

Bai En wasn't sure if his throat would be cut when he woke up at night, but later thought it was impossible. Anyone who tries to do this in front of the oathbreakers around him will have only a short life after that. Moreover, considering Grerogan's hearing, Bian believes that any abnormal sound will trigger Grerogan's attack.

Then Bai En fell into a restless sleep, thinking in his heart, if he died himself, it would be a great comfort.

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