The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 216: Slytherin's common room

Hearing Daphne Greengrass' words, Jon wanted to refuse.

However, he did not know the password required to enter the Slytherin common room.

And as a freshman arriving at Hogwarts for the first time, he shouldn't know where the Slytherin common room is.

In desperation, Jon had to follow Daphne, and together they came to the exit between the hall and the basement... Then they stepped down the stone steps and entered the corridor of the basement.

The light in the basement was very dark, and there was only a torch on the wall about a dozen yards away.

A ray of light emerged from the end of Daphne's wand, leading the way forward.

The corridor is a bit empty, but from time to time you can hear slightly gloomy footsteps.

"This way!" Every time Daphne passed a fork in the road, Daphne would stop and show Jon the way.

Apart from that, they basically have no communication.


After a few minutes, they stopped by an empty, wet stone wall.

On the stone wall, a stone gate appeared. The stone gate was painted with a large snake whose tail was bitten by its mouth.

Facing the stone gate, Daphne Greengrass said softly: "Blood is thicker than blood."

The stone gate hidden in the stone wall slowly opened with the password.

"The password is changed once every two weeks. Pay attention to the bulletin board. It will be updated in time." Daphne said softly, and then she took the lead into the front basement.

This is a translucent lounge at the bottom of the lake. The walls on both sides are made of black Gothic marble. The ceiling is a transparent semicircle carved from crystal. You can see the sparkling waves on the ceiling when you look up.

At the same time, the green-lighted lamp was tied with a chain and hung down to illuminate the entire basement.

Just walked into the basement, and in the curtain was a beautifully carved fireplace.

There was a crackling fire under the fireplace, surrounded by a few Slytherin students.

"You wait there!" Daphne pointed to the empty chairs by the fireplace and said: "The prefects will come back and take you to your dormitory later."

After speaking, she strode to a door on the other side of the basement with a silver curtain on the door...

Passing through the curtain, Daphne was nowhere to be seen.


Jon looked around curiously, found a seat by the fireplace and sat down.

These chairs by the fireplace have a low incline and are very comfortable to lie on...

Jon looked up at the ceiling and saw a giant squid drifting slowly above the ceiling.

The first time he saw the two black eyes and the slightly hideous mouthparts of the squid from below, Jon was almost taken aback.

A Slytherin **** the side giggled.

"I heard that Durmstrang's castle was also built underwater?" She sat in the seat in front of Jon and asked with a grin.

"Yeah...but we don't have such squid and octopus. There are a lot of whales!" Jon explained forcefully, "So I was almost scared just now!"

Fortunately, the other party didn't have any doubts.

"Selwyn!" The girl about the same age as Jon stretched out a hand to him: "Tiffany Selwyn!"

Of course Jon knew who she was. After all, she had been classmates with her for three years before, although she was not in the same college.

"Christopher Patrick!" Shaking hands with her, Jon introduced himself.

"I know." Selwyn nodded, and then asked curiously: "Are you an Austrian?"

"Yes." Jon bit his head and replied: "I was born in Linz, Austria..."

"My grandmother is also Austrian, she came to England when she was twenty, and then..." Selwyn said with a smile.

"Ouch..." Jon suddenly covered his stomach with a painful expression on his face.

"Huh, what's the matter with you?" Selwyn asked with concern.

"It seems that I have some diarrhea..." Jon said with a struggling face, "I may be a little uncomfortable with Hogwarts food! Excuse me, do you know where the bathroom is?"

Tiffany Selwyn frowned, but she stood up and pointed out the location of the bathroom to Jon.


After finally hiding in the bathroom, Jon couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I was witty enough and found an excuse temporarily!

Otherwise, what if this girl learns a few words of German from her grandmother, and then tells herself a few words... Isn't everything exposed?

Except for the sentence "I'm alone", Jon doesn't know anything in German... So he has made up his mind, unless he confirms that Selwyn doesn't know a word in German, otherwise he will stay away from her in the future...

After shrinking in the bathroom for a long time, Jon walked out when there was a noise in the common room.

Sure enough, it was Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson, the two new prefects, who came back with freshmen.

"Christopher!" Malfoy arrogantly led a group of first-year students, and after seeing Jon, he waved at him.

"That...Draco..." Jon walked over and asked Malfoy, "I don't know which bedroom I should be in yet?"

"Your dormitory... I almost forgot!" Malfoy suddenly realized, "You should be in the same dormitory with Avery and the others!"

"Come with me!" Malfoy threw the first-year freshmen into Pansy Parkinson, then motioned to Jon to follow him.

Following Malfoy's footsteps, Jon passed through the door with the silver curtain... After a few turns, he came to a spacious room.

There were already three boys inside, two of whom were already lying on the bed; another stood up friendly and greeted Malfoy and recognized him, he was Sean Avery... At the sorting ceremony when he first enrolled three years ago, the sorting hat first called out his name.

There are four beds in the bedroom, and one of them is empty. Jon's luggage is placed next to this bed.

This is a traditional four-poster bed with green silk curtains and silver embroidery on the bedspread.

On the wall on the side are medieval-style tapestries and a few silver lanterns hanging from the ceiling.

Malfoy told Jon a few words about Hogwarts, and then left.


Jon Hart was lying on the bed, covered with a silver blanket.

There were many things in my mind, but I quickly left them all behind.

Listening to the soft waves on the bottom of the lake outside the window beating the window, she slept peacefully.

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