Chapter 146

After leaving Yile Ramen, Iruka’s mood improved a lot in an instant. The past cannot be recalled, everything must be looked forward.

Then, Iruka walked slowly to the residence of the Uchiha clan, walking really slowly, until the sunset went down to the lake next to the Uchiha residence.

“When I was young, people around me said not to cry;

After I matured, I told the mirror that I should not regret it later.

Wandering in a range, my heart is constantly reincarnation on the lifeline, people sleep with a mask day and night, and I am exhausted.

When I was crying, I forgot how my eyes shed tears;

When I regretted it, I forgot how I regretted it in my heart.

The invisible pressure made me so tired, I started to feel a little difficult to breathe, and slowly began to take off my defenses, slowly regretting, and crying slowly.

Men cry

If there is only a broken heart behind the smile, why do you have to fight so embarrassedly?

Men cry, cry, cry, it’s not a sin, taste the tears of a long absence

Even if it rains, it’s a kind of beauty. It’s better to seize this opportunity and cry bitterly…”

The familiar song floated over, and people who hadn’t experienced it would not realize the sadness in it.

Iruka stood on a high slope, quietly looking at the sparkling lake in the setting sun, a melancholy boy sitting by the lake, singing in a low voice.

“Brother, I don’t like this song” Sasuke blinked his eyes wide, feeling aggrieved.

“Oh” Uchiha Itachi nodded. Sasuke is still young and at a lively age. “Cry a man, cry, it’s not a crime” is definitely not his favorite style.

“Then what do you like?” Uchiha Itachi casually.

“I like BeatIt” Sasuke stood up excitedly as he spoke.

“Then you just sing.” Uchiha Itachi managed to squeeze a smile.

“TheyToldHimDon’tYouEverComeAroundHere…” Sasuke sang and danced, completely in a state of madness.

“Hehe” Iruka smiled helplessly in the distance. This song is a song and dance song when he and Elvis PK. Unexpectedly, Uchiha Itachi wrote it down on the spot and taught it to Sasuke.

“…TheFire’sInTheirEyesAndTheirWordsAreReallyClear, SoBeatIt, JustBeatIt…”

“…YouWannaBeToughBetterDoWhatYouCan, SoBeatItButYouWannaBeBad.JustBeatIt, BeatIt, BeatIt, BeatIt…”


Sasuke’s ability in singing and dancing is very strong, even far surpassing Iruka. If it weren’t for Iruka, who was the creator of this style of singing and dancing in this world, and had a sense of novelty, he might not have been able to do Elvis at that time.

However, Uchiha Sasuke is different. Even if this style of singing and dancing becomes popular, he must be one of the best.

A child is so happy. When a younger brother is happier, everyone protects him from wind and rain and creates a happy atmosphere. No matter how complicated the outside world is, it will not be fed back to him.

“Good, good”, after a dance, Iruka applauded enthusiastically.

Uchiha Itachi turned his head and seemed to have discovered Iruka only now. It was a strange feeling that the two of them looked at each other like this, as if all they had to say had already been understood.

Uchiha Itachi’s heart is very bitter, he wants to vent but he doesn’t know where to go.

Iruka understands this, but there is no way. The conflict between Konoha and Uchiha is getting more and more serious. Even if it is not serious, the masked man will continue to fan the flames.

“Crunchy”, Iruka walked up the boardwalk and slowly came to the lake.

At this time, Sasuke was sweating profusely, and it seemed that he was very tired from dancing just now.

“Brother Iruka, snap”, Sasuke took out his standard equipment again~ Chakra pistol, but there is still no bullets in it. In the past two years, he has released countless empty guns and got a name among the children~ “Wood Ye Qiang King.”

Konoha Spear King Sasuke is now full of vigor: “Brother Iruka, is your IQ high?”

“Definitely high safa” Iruka did not hesitate and was very confident. Is my IQ high? Just ask those who have taken the exam with me.

“What is 1+1?” Sasuke said.

“Equal to 2”, if this is not a child, Iruka would not bother to open her mouth.

“What is 2+2?” Sasuke continued to ask.

“Equal to 4”, Iruka’s heart was already sneered. No matter how fierce Uchiha Sasuke is in the future, IQ is now only the level of a three- to five-year-old.

“What is 4+4?” Sasuke blinked.

“Equal to 8”, Iruka felt that his IQ had been lowered by answering this way.

“What is 8+8?” Sasuke’s questions are endless.

“Equal to 16” Iruka is too lazy to think.

“What about 16+16?” Sasuke seemed curious.

“Equal to 32” Iruka really didn’t want to answer any more.

“Then what was the first question I just asked?” Sasuke asked quickly.

“What is 1+1?” Iruka’s thinking is still at a low level of operation.

“Pouch,” Uchiha Itachi couldn’t help laughing on the spot.

Sasuke is even more proud: “Brother Iruka, you are wrong. My first question is: Is your IQ high?”

“I rely on” Iruka’s expression was ugly in an instant, shit, it was so simple that I was defeated, but I was so confident in my IQ just now.

“Hahaha…” Sasuke laughed loudly.

Uchiha Itachi seems to be more cheerful, and has been crushed by Iruka’s IQ. Is everyone happy to see this ending?

“Haha” Iruka chuckled dryly. What the fuck is Konoha Spear King, and Konoha Routine King is about the same.

“Thank you, Brother Iruka” Sasuke’s eyes were very sly: “My brother has been very sad just now, and it doesn’t work for me to dance. If you didn’t come over and let me play tricks, my brother wouldn’t laugh now.”

“Hehe da” Iruka was even more confused. It turns out that my role is this. I teased me just to make your brother happy. Sure enough, the difference between my brother and Qiange is huge.

“Sasuke…” Uchiha Itachi was very moved. Unexpectedly, Sasuke had been tossing for a while just to make himself smile. This is really…

“Good boy”, Iruka has to admit that Uchiha Sasuke is a good boy, and his innermost being is kind, especially when he treats his brother, he is soft and attentive to make people feel distressed.

Who says children are ignorant? They are very sensitive to emotions and emotional observations.

Uchiha Itachi looked very ugly when he came out of Konoha Hospital. Uchiha Sasuke has always known it, has been thinking of ways, and even sacrificed Iruka for it.

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