Chapter 367 Mid-term Exam

Sarutobi Hiruzen compromised. Instead of letting Uchiha Itachi monitor the Uchiha clan, it is better to let the surveillance equipment monitor it.

The monitoring equipment can easily work 24 hours a day, and it can not only monitor the Uchiha family, but also the small movements of other ethnic groups.

————————-Coming to the dividing line of the mid-term exam—————— ————

Time passed quickly, two days passed in the blink of an eye.

The mid-term exam has begun.

Before the exam, Shikamaru was holding the textbook and chanting words, as if he was studying assault.

“Crunchy”, Chōji was stunned as he ate snacks: Shikamaru is really different. He should take two more exams this time.

Iruka took the test paper and walked into the classroom.

“Now that the exam begins, students collect all the materials related to the exam. Once I discover cheating, you will be met with cruel punishment.” Iruka solemnly said.

The students couldn’t help being shocked. Although they didn’t know what the punishment was, it was cruel.

The papers were distributed.

The students all bowed their heads, writing fast, especially Sasuke and Shikamaru, it was so fast!

Iruka smiled and nodded. Sasuke writes fast, which makes sense. After all, he has good grades, and Shikamaru writes fast, probably because he has improved.

Iruka patrolled the audience, and there was no cheating. Perhaps the first-year students were timid and hadn’t learned to cheat.

Half an hour passed.

With a soft sound, Sasuke finished answering the question.

With a soft sound, Shikamaru also finished answering the question.

Next, Haruno Sakura, Yojiro Noda, Hyūga Hinata and others answered the questions.

However, no one turned in the papers in advance, and they are still checking them carefully.

Naruto didn’t finish writing. He scratched his head and looked around. He really couldn’t.

“Ting Bell”, the bell rang for the end of the exam.

“Everyone should stop answering, sit in their seats and don’t move. You can leave after I collect the test papers,” Iruka announced loudly.

The students were really honest, all sitting in their seats obediently.

“Huh”, Sasuke sighed softly, checked it several times, and there should be nothing wrong.

“Huh,” Shikamaru sighed softly. He was sure that he answered perfectly, and some questions were given several solutions.

Noda Yojiro and others have different expressions, but in any case, they have tried their best.

Iruka collects the test papers.

“Shadow Clone Technique” Iruka divided five clones, one clone changed six or seven papers, and the results came out soon.

“Ting Bell”, the class bell rang, and the students returned to their seats.

“Cough cough” Iruka cleared his cough, and then smiled: “The results of this test are out. Everyone did well in the test, especially some of the classmates who performed exceptionally well. I couldn’t even think of the answering ideas.”

“Next I will announce the results.” Iruka reads the results of the students one by one: “Uzumaki Naruto, 60 points.”

“Wow”, everyone was in an uproar, don’t think about it, Naruto must be at the bottom of the sixty points test, and can’t be the squad leader.

Naruto was also dejected, and there was no way he could do it. Who would make his culture class impossible.

“Hyūga Hinata, 95 points” Iruka.

“Wow,” everyone exclaimed, 95 points, it should be a very high score, but it is hard to say whether it can become the first.

Hyūga Hinata lowered his head, drawing circles with his index fingers, looking very shy.

“Akimichi Chōji, 62 points” Iruka.

There was no reaction from the crowd, Akimichi Chōji’s grades could not be more normal, he was not a person who likes to study.

“Crunchy”, Akimichi Chōji doesn’t matter, only food is his favorite thing.

“Haruno Sakura, 98 points” Iruka’s pitch is all high, but the schoolmaster is different and deserves praise.

“Wow”, all the students looked at Haruno Sakura, no wonder Mr. Iruka had to arrange her as a class representative. This is strength.

“Yojiro Noda, 94 points” Iruka smiled, this result is very good.

“Oh” Yojiro Noda is a little regretful. He is one point less than Hyūga Hinata, but one point is less. The position of class leader is destined to miss him.

“Yamanaka Ino, 81 points” Iruka continued to announce.

“Aburame Shino, 75 points”

“Inuzuka tooth, 80 points”

One result after another was announced, some were happy, some were sad.

This is the first exam in Iruka’s class. Although it doesn’t mean anything, freshmen generally care about it.

Those who have good grades, who have bad grades, who will be worthy of admiration, and who will be judged by everyone as scumbags, start from here.

“Uchiha Sasuke, 99 points” Iruka announced loudly.

Sure enough, he deserves to be Uchiha Itachi’s younger brother, this achievement is definitely a face.

There was a complete uproar in the whole class. The boys looked at Uchiha Sasuke with an inexplicable awe; the girls looked at Uchiha Sasuke with red hearts in their eyes.

The boys discuss.

“How did Uchiha Sasuke take the test? He was able to score 99 points. You know, I still don’t know how to do several questions.” Boy 1 was shocked.

“After all, it is a study committee member, the son of a big family, it should be better to have a better foundation than us.” Boy 2 was a little helpless.

“I really feel so tired. I reviewed it very seriously before this exam, but why can’t I keep up with Uchiha Sasuke?” The boy experienced the cruelty of life at a young age.

Switch to the girls to discuss.

“Sasuke-kun is so great, it’s just one point away from full marks. I will find a boyfriend with such good grades in the future.” Girl 1 looked admiring.

“Cut, you want to find Sasuke-kun right now. I tell you, you have no chance, Sasuke-kun’s girlfriend must be me” Girl 2 is very bossy.

“Are you kidding? Sasuke-kun is such a good boy, only a good girl like me can be worthy” Girl 3 raised her head proudly.

“Are you good? I seem to be the girl with the best grades in our class this time” Haruno Sakura also joined the team.

Yamanaka Ino is also polite: “What’s the use of good grades? You don’t even know what kind of girl Sasuke-kun likes?”

“Then do you know?” There was a girl who was very curious.

“I don’t know either” Yamanaka Ino.

The “cut” girls all expressed their disdain.

Iruka looked at the noisy classroom, smiled and shook her head, and said, “Classmates, don’t get excited. I have not announced the results yet.”

When the students heard the words, they were quiet.

“Ahem” Iruka cleared his throat and said in the loudest voice: “The first place in this exam is Nara Shikamaru. His score is 100!”

The scene was silent, and everyone couldn’t believe it!

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