The Legend of the Witch Girl

Chapter 187: Escape from the dead

Bai Bao jumped off the cliff and stood firmly on a big rock. She looked around and found nothing new. In this strange environment, the burglar didn't know how to escape from the tiger's mouth.

The sky was getting darker and the sunset in the distance was gradually disappearing. As the evening approached, the surrounding environment became silent. In this environment, burglars seemed to be able to hear their own breathing.

At the bottom of the cliff, there were still wailings from time to time, and the rows of neatly flying crows in the air brought psychological pressure on the thieves.

She stood tremblingly, picked up all the firewood around her, and prepared to make a fire for heating. While picking firewood, he accidentally found a frog, and the frog was about to become its dinner.

Hours passed, and the burglar returned to the original place to prepare a fire. She set up the firewood and prepared to use a drill to get fire. She drilled the wood vigorously with a small wooden stick, but she couldn't ignite the fire. In desperation, she had to give up this method.

The burglar sat next to the firewood, and he looked up at the sky. It was dark, and only the surroundings of the moon seemed particularly bright. Her gaze stayed at a certain point in the distance, and she followed that point. After walking for a long time, I finally walked there. It turned out to be a small puddle, and it was particularly bright under the moonlight.

Beside the pool, she saw a group of ants carrying food. One of the ants couldn't move, but it never gave up. Seeing it worked so hard, she wanted to help it. But who knew it scared it away.

The burglar returned to the firewood pile along the pool, and the night would be very long. The surroundings disturbed her, and she really wished that it would light up the moment she opened her eyes. I fell asleep after thinking about it.

Waking up the next morning, the monster has left. The burglar did not know how to return to the ground from the bottom of the cliff.

She looked around, only to find that she had fallen into the nest of Zigui Bird, but she did not see Zigui Bird. This place is far away from the ground, and it is almost impossible to go up on its own.

Even so, she was reluctant to give up all opportunities for survival. The burglar decides to temporarily camp here, and she firmly believes that she can escape from this ghost place.

The burglars began to learn how to survive in this place. Every morning she goes to the woods under the cliff to look for firewood. One day, she found a large orchard in the forest, and she concluded that there must be someone living in the forest. She seemed to see a hint of hope.

The burglar started looking around for a house, and she walked along the orchard. Sure enough, I saw a small house, but the house was not large. She went in and knocked gently on the door. It was a door opened by a woman in red.

The burglar politely said, "Hi, my name is burglar." The woman looked up, looked at her, and said, "Come in."

After entering the room, the burglar saw an elderly woman on the bed. The old woman seemed to be sick.

"How did you get here?" The woman in red asked.

"I was also entrusted to help others. I encountered some accidents along the way. By the way, do you always live here?"

"Two years ago, my mother and I were chased and then fled to this forest and have been living in seclusion. Not long after we arrived here, my mother was seriously ill, because she had no money, so she never had Fa took his mother to the hospital. "

The burglar also sympathized with her and was willing to help her take care of her old mother.

At one afternoon, the woman was about to go to the manor to collect fruit, leaving her old mother and burglar in the house. While the old mother was asleep, Bai Steal went to the river to pick up water to wash clothes. After returning from washing, the thief came to the house and saw the old mother lying on the ground. She dropped her clothes and ran to the bed. She picked up the old mother and saw a knife mark on her left chest. She was frightened at the time.

The woman happened to be returning from the orchard and saw the old mother lying on the ground. She knelt forward and crawled forward, still calling her mother in her mouth. The woman yelled loudly, "What the **** happened! Tell me!" Bai Thi cried and said, "I don't know what happened. Just now the old mother fell asleep, I went to the river while he was asleep I washed my clothes and came back to see him lying on the ground, blame me. I should not leave my old mother alone at home. "

"You leave, hurry up and leave for me. I don't want to see you again. If you left my mother alone at home, my mother would not die. It's all because of you. Get out!"

The burglar slowly got up, bowed deeply to them, and then left. Along the way, the burglars were thinking wildly and always blaming themselves. Now that she had nowhere to go, she had to go back to where she was before. When he got there, he saw rows of Zigui birds flying in the sky, thinking: Maybe I can let them help me out of here, so I can leave with amethyst.

Speaking of amethyst, Bai stole his pocket and found that amethyst was missing, and she kept looking.

Suddenly remembered that amethyst was placed in the woman's house and decided to go to the woods again. She followed the original route and quickly found the room. She didn't dare to enter after turning around for a long time, she walked quietly to the door and pushed the door gently. She was so frightened that she lay on the ground, and she never thought that the woman had broken herself.

Feeling sorry for the mother and daughter, she buried them together. Then she came to that room and found amethyst. I just saw a note on the table

It says:

Thief, sorry! I shouldn't be angry with you that day. In fact, I can't blame you on this matter. I blame me. I shouldn't leave then. In addition, thank you for helping me take care of my old mother these days. Now that my mother has gone, I have no sense of living. I am going to accompany my mother so that I will not be alone. I don't know if you can see this letter. In short, I'm glad to meet you and hope you can remember me too. By the way, it's been so long. You don't know what my name is yet. My name is Zimo. Hmm ... I wish you could leave early and return to your home.

After reading the letter, Baike felt very heartbroken. She put the letter in her clothes and took it with her. She ran back with a cry, and kept thinking in her heart: Zimo, rest assured, I will definitely come back to see you! wait for me.

She went back to the guinea bird's nest again. How big are these birds! They are gentle in nature, and they are not afraid of people. They can take people to the sea. Great! You can let them take me to the magic cave to find the devil and return the amethyst.

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