The Legendary Mechanic in Marvel Universe

Chapter 336: Captain Marvel is here

Hamill didn't know what Leo was thinking. After he introduced the origin of the training room, he went straight to the point and began to tell Leo about the manipulation of mirror dimensions.

Seeing Hamill begin to explain magic, Leo also stopped his distracted attention and concentrated on listening.

"Mirror Dimension, Mr. Erwin, you have already come into contact with it and read related books. I believe you already know a lot."

"In short, the mirror dimension is the dimension that mages use to fight, and everything that happens here will not affect the main dimension universe."

"In order to create a home field advantage, the mages have painstakingly studied the mirror dimension manipulation technique, which can arbitrarily change the spatial layout, destroy the enemy by virtue of the terrain, and strengthen their own side."

"There are eighteen spells and runes that can manipulate the mirror dimension, which can be opened, closed, rotated, magnified for one..."

As he spoke, Hamill also started to demonstrate.

Hamill's left-hand flexibility is really good, and Hamill's adaptability is also quite strong.

The first few spell runes were a little difficult to release, but they became more and more proficient later, almost the same as before they broke off.

After the demonstration, Hamill began to explain in detail the rune corresponding to "open".

Leo has a very strong memory and a good understanding.

About half an hour later, Leo had already mastered the opening rune, and facing the space in front of him, he began to try to open the mirror dimension.

The mechanical force was transformed into pure magic power through the magic ring, and the correct gesture was made with both hands, and the "open" rune was slowly formed.

Using magic as a guide and using runes, Leo successfully locked the mirror dimension.


He gave a low drink.


There was a faint sound, accompanied by the sound, and the space in front of Leo suddenly shattered like a mirror, sparkling.

The mirror dimension is activated.

"One piece in."

Hamill reminded, and walked into the mirror dimension with Leo.

A brief trance flashed by, and the two reappeared in a stone room. The stone room in this mirror-dimensional space was exactly the same as in the main-dimensional universe.

"The mirror dimension is a kind of secondary dimension universe in the main dimension universe. It has projections of various buildings in the main dimension universe." Hamill explained.

Leo knew this because Gu Yi told him a similar setting.

He suddenly had an idea and thought about the secret base he had just thought about:

"Hamil, if I build a factory in the mirror dimension, is this feasible?"


Hamill gave a depressing answer, explaining,

"The mirror dimension is the projection of the main dimension universe. No matter how we change this dimension, it will eventually slowly return to the same shape as the main dimension universe."

"So, you've worked so hard to build the factory, and maybe a week later, the factory will slowly melt."

Leo felt a little pity.

If his idea is feasible, then he is equivalent to having an extra space the size of the earth.


Leo thought suddenly again,

"If this is the case, then objects placed in the mirror dimension, such as corpses, will eventually 'melt' quickly?"


Hamill gave a positive answer,

"That's why in the last battle in the small village at the foot of the Himalayas, Venerable Ancient One finally chose to leave all the demon corpses in the mirror dimension."

"If you go to investigate now, those corpses are definitely gone, and the mirror dimension should have recovered to be exactly the same as the main dimension universe."

"So, the mirror dimension is actually a perfect place to throw corpses, and it will never leave a trace or pollute the environment."

"Even, some mages and scholars have suggested that if there is too much garbage on the earth to deal with, and it threatens the survival of the earth, mages will eventually be responsible for throwing all the garbage into the mirror dimension."

"You mages are so heartbroken about the earth!"

Leo couldn't help but complain, and he wasn't afraid that the mass would not be conserved, which would lead to less and less energy in the main-dimensional universe!

The chat was over, and Hamill began to teach Leo other control runes.

Leo also studied hard.

As time passed, Master Hamill slowly changed the shape of the runes, and the cave in the mirror dimension had already been changed by Hamill.

Leo also learned quickly. In just three hours, he had already learned to expand and rotate two kinds of runes.

However, it is still very unfamiliar, and needs to be practiced with logistics.

Three hours have passed, and today's study has come to an end.

Leo led Hamill back to New York, and brought Hamill to get acquainted with the company, and introduced Hamill to Old Tom, Fudge and others.

Fudge, Old Tom and other ordinary people who have been with Leo for a long time know some secrets of their boss.

My boss is definitely not an ordinary person, so the people who brought him back are definitely not ordinary.

They easily accepted Hamill as the head of a subordinate department of the overseas Erwin Technology Company.

After the group finally had a pleasant dinner together, Leo returned to the laboratory, Hamil returned to Kama Taj, and found Venerable Ancient One.

Hamill told Venerable Gu Yi that Leo wanted to set up a small magic tool refining company in Kama Taj.

Venerable Gu Yi pondered for a while, then rubbed his palms and smiled, readily agreeing.

In this way, Leo is considered to have a share of the industry in Kama Taj.

And the reason why Gu Yi agreed is precisely because Leo is now involved in interests with Kama Taj, so he is truly tied to Kama Taj.

In this way, the small magic tool refining company led by Hamill was officially established.


The sun rises and sets, and nearly a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

In a month's time, Leo has mastered the relevant runes of the mirror dimension manipulation technique.

In this regard, Leo has another good place to kill people and destroy corpses.

Moreover, without Leo's request at all, Hamill's work day and night for the past month has finally managed to handle the small company.

The name is all set, it is called the Erwin Magical Instrument Support Department.

This is a secret department, an overseas branch of Aer Technology, and only a small number of people know it.

There were also eight apprentices of the Refiner Mage, and even Hamill drew the Octavius ​​Mage over.

It's not right to say that you are trying to win over, Otto came over completely by himself.

He heard that Leo had set up a small workshop for the manufacture of magical instruments in Kama Taj, so he had to add it in, but he couldn't stop him.

In this way, the original Doctor Octopus also became an employee of Leo.

With the manpower available, Hamill can finally officially start the task arranged by Leo.

According to Leo's vision, the first step is for Hamill to refine several physical portals, and first connect the magic weapon support department with the Marvel base.

The entrance is located on the ground floor of the Erwin Laboratory Building.

In the next step, Hamill will change his career as a geological surveyor and architect.

He is responsible for finding a suitable place on Earth to help Leo build a secret base.

This secret base is always available, so that Leo can manufacture spaceships and large-scale machinery in the future.

But Leo has no professional construction talents available, so he can only let Hamill, the 997, do it for him.

After arranging all these, Leo finally returned to his daily life in the laboratory.

He is actively building search drones and preparing for the search and rescue of Captain America.

He is also writing software, in order to wipe out all of Dr. Zola's backup consciousness in one fell everything is proceeding step by step.

By the way, Leo is still waiting for Carol Danvers.

For this, he has already made sufficient preparations.

After half a month...

On March 6, 1995, New York City, at 5:32 in the morning, New York had just finished the last snow, and the lowest temperature finally returned to above zero, still very cold.

But far away in Los Angeles, on the other side of the United States, the birds and flowers are fragrant, and the spring flowers are blooming.

Or, in the coastal city of Los Angeles, there is no winter at all!

Because of the time difference, the time in Los Angeles at this time is 2:32 in the morning.

Leo was sleeping in the bedroom of the Erwin Laboratory Building.

Suddenly, Stim's voice sounded in the empty room:

"Om~ High-energy fluctuations in outer space were detected, but no images were found through satellites..."

"Om~ It is detected that there is a suspected explosion trace between the earth and Mars, which is in line with the preset detection target."

"Om~ According to the preset process, the teleportation coordinates of the explosion site are being calculated..."

Leo, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly opened his eyes when he heard Stim's clear sound.

At the same time, in outer space, on the Crewe's spaceship.

Carroll accidentally blew up the spaceship because her hands were trapped.

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