The Legendary Mechanic in Marvel Universe

Chapter 638: Hi Laufi, Goodbye Laufi!

Carroll held the handle of Thor's Hammer with one hand, and exerted force on his waist, arms, and elbows at the same time.


Thor's Hammer rose in response, and was lifted above his head by Carol.

A huge thunder fell from the sky and landed on Carol, as if covering her with a suit of armor made of thunder and lightning.

The crowd turned pale with shock, and then immediately shouted loudly.

Of course, except for Sol, this guy's face is ashen.

His sweetheart, his beloved Meowmeow Hammer... betrayed!

The lightning quickly dissipated, but what everyone did not expect was that the armor cast by the lightning remained, and it condensed into a solid body. .

Carol looked at his outfit, smiled slightly, and put Thor's Hammer on the ground, and the armor on his body disappeared.

Carroll looked at Leo: "Captain, it's your turn."

Leo let out a laugh, strode up, and stood where Carroll was standing before, holding the handle of Thor's Hammer with one hand, just like Carroll.

It is cool and comfortable to start with, refreshing and refreshing, as if both the spirit and the body have undergone a wash.

The palm of your hand doesn't feel like holding a metal, but more like holding the touch of soft white and bright red, anyway, it's very comfortable.

Leo didn't know whether he was worthy of Thor's Hammer, and with some anxiety, he exerted a little force in his hand... Thor's Hammer remained motionless.

Saul looked at this picture and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart: With so many people, Hammer only liked one, and it was a woman. It's okay, it's okay...

Like a girlfriend being played by a girl once, Sol can bear it!

But before Saul could turn on the cheap-mouth mode and mock Leo for a few words, an exclamation suddenly sounded in his ears.

He immediately raised his head and looked intently, only to see Leo holding Thor's Hammer high above his head, and a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and fell into Leo's hands, setting Leo's figure incomparably stalwart.

Sol: "..."

My sweetheart became a third-hand product in an instant, and this time it was handled by a man, so let me die! !

Leo held Thor's Hammer and waited for a while, and found that Lei Ting did not condense a suit of armor for himself, and was immediately bored.

Maybe it was because he used the power gem to lift Thor's Hammer. Thor's Hammer discovered this tricky behavior and got angry. It only gave him the ability to control thunder and lightning, and it didn't come with a handsome armor.

Of course, this is Leo's random guess, and the real reason is probably only known to Odin.

And he had four Infinity Stones in hand, and Thor's hammer was useless to him, so he threw the hammer to Carol.

Carroll caught it, and the beautiful female armor was condensed again. It was very beautiful, and Carroll was also very satisfied.

Saul continued to face ashes, and he felt that he might never have a relationship with the hammer.

Only then did Leo walk in front of Sol, look at Sol with a pale face, and persuade: "The hammer is still yours, Carol will keep it for you for the time being, you can't hold it now anyway."

Sol didn't want to speak, so he gave Leo the back of his head.

Leo looked at Sol's behavior and wanted to laugh. The current Sol's temper is really bad. Although he lived for more than a thousand years, his mind is similar to that of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old human boy, and he is in the period of youth rebellion.

His younger brother, elder sister, father, and mother did not make sacrifices to heaven. His growth is really slow!

To deal with such a young man, Leo could only persuade him again with patience: "Don't be unhappy, let's go, I'll take you to Jotunheim, and I'll take you to fight the Frost Giant a few times, so that you can relieve your suffocation.

Then help you kill the frost giant Wang Laufey, and let Jotunheim bow his head to you, so that if your father is happy, maybe he will cancel the punishment for you, and you will naturally be able to hold the Thor again when you regain your divine power. hammered. "

Saul was really moved by Leo, he stood up suddenly, his eyes flashed: "Really?"

"When did I tell a lie?" Leo said with a smile.

Saul laughed loudly: "Let's go now, if I solve the Jotunheim matter, my father will be very happy!"

happy? Odin is almost mad at you...

But Odin's anger has nothing to do with Leo.

Leo has nothing to do now, and the frost giant is really not a good idea. He wanted to destroy the earth more than a thousand years ago. Leo did not feel any guilt after destroying them. training.

The matter was settled in this way, Leo took Sol back to the Marvel Legion, and immediately dispatched troops, driving a total of nine battleships, and set off mightily that night.

Two cosmic days later, nine warships reached the outer space of Jotunheim by space voyage.

Saul revisited his hometown and was in a very good mood. He aimed at Jotunheim with his main gun and fired a few shots.

The cannonball landed on Jotunheim, smashing layers of ice crystals, and the frost giant Laufey suddenly looked at the sky... but he couldn't see anything.

The thick atmosphere blocked his vision.

You may not believe it when you say it. The Frost Giants are such an awesome clan that they have occupied an entire planet, but... they don't even have any means of anti-air.

Even the king of the Frost Giants, Lau Fei, doesn't even have any decent armor, and his weapons are only temporary condensed ice long swords and ice daggers. With their technological strength, it is impossible for them to fly into space.

I don't know why such a backward frost giant makes Odin so afraid.

Leo would never believe that Odin didn't leave Jotunheim for his stupid son's exploits!

Saul steered the spaceship to fire over there, from laughing excitedly to being dull at the end, in fact, it didn't take a few shots.

The more cannonballs hit, the more Saul is tired. This kind of battle without resistance is really not exciting at all. Saul wants something more exciting.

"Leo, can you land on the surface?" Thor preferred the feeling of punching to the flesh, and began to ask.

Saul's thoughts were exactly what Leo wanted. He came here to train troops, mainly to train the Inhuman Legion that he had incorporated. Close combat is essential.

As a result, the nine battleships began to approach the surface, and finally suspended at an altitude of 1,000 meters, dropping soldiers one by one.

Leo waved his hand and gave Sol a nano suit: "You have no power now. This suit was developed by me. You are wearing defense."

Thor was actually full of disdain for the battle suit Leo gave him. Technological weapons were a research direction that Asgard had long since given up. In Thor's view, they were completely inferior.

But who made Thor lose his divine power now, although he was disdainful in his heart, he was honest, put on his battle clothes obediently, and landed on the surface of Jotunheim.

Laufey saw Thor at a glance, and immediately roared, "It's you again? Odin likes to go back on his word so much?!"

"It's your grandfather and me," Thor mocked. "This has nothing to do with my father. It's just that I personally feel bad about you and want to kill you."

"Hmph, shameless." Laufey snorted coldly, a frost dagger condensed in his hand, and charged towards Sol.

With a move in Sol's heart, the nanoparticles surged, forming a... hammer.

There's no way, it's easy to use, but if you give him a knife or sword at this time, he really doesn't know how to use it.

But this hammer is not another hammer. Sol used an ordinary hammer, plus he had no divine power, and was knocked to the ground by Laufey in a few strokes.

Laufi clenched the ice dagger tightly and stabbed Saul's stomach a few times.

But... Saul is still alive and kicking.

Lau Fei's dagger couldn't pierce the battle suit made of vibranium nanoparticles at all.

Sol stood up, touched his stomach, and found that the battle suit was intact, and he had not been disembodied. First, he was shocked and then overjoyed, secretly thinking that this battle suit was definitely a rare treasure.

Sol put away his contempt for the technology side, and secretly said that the battle would be over after a while... I must find Leo to get rid of this battle suit!

Lau Fei glanced at his ice dagger, and found that the tip of the dagger was bald. He quickly gathered a new dagger, pointed at Thor and shouted: "What is the ability to rely on the strength of the armor, if you have the ability like me, let's Let’s compete for real strength.”

Saul took a look at Laufey's look, and found that he was only wearing a pair of underpants, and quickly shook his head.

Laufy can't afford to wear clothes because Jotunheim is too poor, and Sol is the dignified prince of is so rich, what does it look like to dress in Laufy's style.

Saying it out will be ridiculed by the rest of the Nine Realms!

Seeing the humiliation in Sol's eyes, Laufey was furious and charged towards Sol with a loud shout.

But at this moment, a hammer with silver light fell from the sky and hit Lau Fei's head, smashing Lau Fei's head to pieces.

Then Carol, wearing a shiny armor, descended from the sky, looked at Sol and said, "Catch the thief first, where is the king of the frost giants? I'll meet him!"


Saul was silent for a second, then pointed to Carol's feet and said weakly, "This is Laufey..."

Carol frowned: "It's really weak. When you are holding the Thor's Hammer, you can't even beat this kind of thing? Jotunheim's strongest is like this, how could it be possible to threaten Aspen Gard??"

Carol thought that there was a miscellaneous soldier under his feet, but he really didn't see that this would be the king of the frost giants!

Why does Lau Fei look like a king? Not even decent clothes!

Saul was speechless when asked by Carroll, and finally he could only shrug.

"Sol, where is Lau Fei?" Leo also flew over and asked Lau Fei's whereabouts.

Saul pointed to Carroll's feet again.

Leo: "..."

Hello Laufi, goodbye Laufi!

: . :

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