After a rest, next day Lockett carried the metal box on the door, put the box on the coffee table, patted it and smiled: “The medicine has been made.”

Han Xiao opened the box, the white air of the cockroach, and a thick red thick medicine. He reached out and touched it, and the panel appeared.

[Death Virus Enhancer (low concentration 3.5%): a medicine developed by a genetic mutation, extracting the essence for human use and high stability. Use effect: strength +1, agility +1, a certain chance to awaken [Extraordinary Physique]

[Remarks: Don’t look at it like a big aunt, taste too…]

“It’s just low concentration, it’s the lowest quality defective.” Han Xiao’s thought flashed, closed the lid and smiled: “I am very satisfied.”

Lockett courtesy: “I look forward to working with you twice.”

“Don’t expect, I want to buy more medicine, do you still have stock?”

“Louis only provides long-term batch supply to large customers withability. If it is a single customer… especially a single customer with unknown origin, we feel very embarrassed. I hope you understand that if you can prove the long-term paymentability, We will sell the medicine to you in bulk.”

Lockett’s face appeared just right, as if he wanted to agree inside, because the rules and regulations can only be rejected, but in the eyes of Han Xiao’s old oil skin, it feels very deliberate, and the eight parts/most likely is raising the price.

Han Xiao mysterious smiled and finished the whole collar, faintly said: “Official introduction, I am the Germination Organization executive, Heisenberg.”

Lockett eats a pound,

Germination Organization ? Didn’t they withdraw from Xizhou, is this Heisenberg an implicitly active executive or a liar?

“I’m blunt, your identity is suspicious.” Lockett stepped back two steps, his right hand reaching into the trouser pocket to grab the siren, and as soon as Han Xiao changed, he triggered an alarm.

“Don’t be nervous, wait for me for a while.” Han Xiao walked into the toilet with his backpack.

What is this person going to the toilet? Lockett was confused, and when he was puzzled, he changed out to change Viper’s changed Han Xiao. The mecha, a tech-savvy one, suddenly stopped Lockett.

“y-you this is…”

Han Xiao rubbed his arm and made an electronic synthesizing sound through the helmet. He said: “This is Germination’s newly developed mecha. If your eyes are good, you should be able to see that the technology contained in it is very advanced, even if it is Six Nations. The official lab does not have this technology. You can have the power of this technology. You don’t have to worry that I am a liar. This is a secret project of organization and should prove my identity.”

Lockett opened his mouth and felt that something was wrong. “But…”

“I know what you are worried about. If you want to find the emblem of Germination on mecha, save your effort, now the situation is tough, too high-profile is dangerous, I was given full authority to deal with this matter, if you want to be higher level with organization Contact… I am blunt, you are not qualified.” Han Xiao said in a serious tone, saying that he must believe in himself.

Lockett hesitated: “I want to talk to other high-level companies.”

He walked over to open the tablet and contacted other high-level executives, all of whom were laboratory supervisors, and were surprised by the origins of Han Xiao’s.

“He has no way to prove his origins, not credible.”

“Do you want him to yell everywhere ‘I am Germination’? I don’t think he needs to lie. When you trade, you can know whether it is true or not.”

“It makes sense.”

“But working with Germination seems a bit dangerous…”

Han Xiao said: “All our transactions are confidential. You don’t say I don’t say, no one knows, even we can fund you to build a distribution in Andiya Continent.”

The high-level eyes of the institute are bright, Andiya Continent radiates everywhere, there are many genetic mutations of animals and plants, others are shunned by tigers, but they are a treasure for them. They have heard about the generosity of Germination, and the bureaucratic corruption of Red Maple It’s not too long for them to eat Naka, and it seems that changing the environment is not bad.

Even if you don’t relocate your headquarters, it’s fine to open a research branch in Andiya.

“So try trading?”

“Take him to the exhibition room.”

After talking about the results, Lockett hurriedly smiled: “We promised to trade, Heisenberg, please come with me, I will show you our research results.”

Han Xiao nodded, not taking mecha, so he followed Lockett to the elevator to the underground layer two.

The container’s exhibition room looks like a refrigerator door. After Lockett enters the password, the door automatically slides open. Inside is a black concrete room divided into two layers. The metal staircase connects the upper and lower floors. There is a one by one glass showcase next to the wall, with different colors of medicine, the label says the name and the experimental effect, and the various medicaments have several finished products placed here, marked with different concentrations.

“This is the result of the research, what medicine does your organization need?” Lockett laughed.

Han Xiao looked at the model and said: “Every kind of money, money is not a problem, it depends on your inventory is not enough.”

阃氲 鎽勫儚澶 鎽勫儚澶 鎽勫儚澶 鎽勫儚澶 鐪嬫儏鍐 殑楂 殑楂 殑楂 殑楂 劯鑹蹭竴锽滐纴杩椤彲鏄ぇ璁 一 (1) 崟銆

Han Xiao brows rise 锛屸€滀絾鎴戣鍏堟镆ヤ竴涓媘edicament 鏁堟灉銆傗€

Lockett 揿紑灞曟 揿紑灞曟 竴鐡秏 竴鐡秏 竴鐡秏 竴鐡秏 竴鐡秏 竴鐡秏 竴鐡秏 an an an an an an an an an an an el el el el el el el el el el el呯殑medicament peak layer one layer buff锛宔ndurance +3锛屾寔缁璛NUMX鍒嗛挓銆

纭灞曡镆 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao

Lockett 鎺ュ埌 鎺ュ埌 満 屾寚绀 屾寚绀 屾寚绀 镙囦 镙囦 镙囦 镙囦 镙囦 椤 椤 椤 椤 椤 椤 椤 椤 椤 椤 椤瀛桡纴浠桦畲璐 “锛岃 浜涘彲鐖 浜涘彲鐖 殑灏廵 verything 鏄綘镄勪 銆傗 銆傗

Han Xiao 鐪 鐪溂锛屸 滃彧 滃彧 滃彧 変 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 揣锛屾垜 揣锛屾垜 揣锛屾垜 揣锛屾垜 揣锛屾垜 揣锛屾垜 揣锛屾垜 揣锛屾垜

鈥沧偍瑷€崭崭简锛屾垜浠彧鏄竴涓皯闂硙rganization 锛屼笉鏁(二)児涓娄綘浠伞镙风殑搴炵劧澶х墿锛屼笉浼氲禆璐》殑锛屽笇chain涙偍鐞呜В鎴戜滑镄勯[铏戏纴鍐嶈璐only rganization 涔熶笉宸伞镣归挶銆傗€rollockett 婊¤劯鍫嗙瑧锛屾€佸 寰埚潥鍐 寰埚潥鍐 寰埚潥鍐

鈥樼湅鏉ュ彧鑳 獥鍒 獥鍒 涓 涓 姝ャ 姝ャ Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao 灙椤跺湪 灙椤跺湪 灙椤跺湪 灙椤跺湪 灙椤跺湪 灙椤跺湪 灙椤跺湪 灙椤跺湪 灙椤跺湪 灙椤跺湪 灙椤跺湪 灙椤跺湪 灙椤跺湪勯澶达纴鍐峰喎阆掳细鈥滆鈥滆灏灏灏



鏋彛镄勫▉鑳侊纴璁mmockett 鍏ㄨ韩涓€鎶栵纴阆掳细鈥滀綘鏄亣镄勶紒鈥

Han Xiao 涓崭篑锲炵瓟锛屼竴鏋墦鍦ㄥ睍镆滐纴鐒 屾槸阒 屾槸阒 屾槸阒 屾槸阒 鐜荤 鐜荤 锛屽嚭鐜 绾癸纴娌 ° °


鈥滀粬鎯 鎶 鎶 (four) 鎴戜 鎴戜 镄勬垚鏋溿 € €

鈥滆缮濂 甫浠栧幓浜嗗睍 埚锛岄偅 埚锛岄偅 埚锛岄偅 屾湁 屾湁 屾湁 屾湁 濋橹鎺柦锛佲

戝睘澶 戝睘澶 棬蹇 棬蹇 棬蹇 劧鍏 劧鍏 劧鍏 棴锛屾満鎷挛姝 纴灞曟 纴灞曟 纴灞曟 鏀 鏀 鏀 棿鍙 棿鍙 棿鍙 棿鍙缑绌 ┖ ┖ ¤崱锛屽ぉ鑺 ¤崱锛屽ぉ鑺 笁鎺払 笁鎺払 笁鎺払 笁鎺払 笁鎺払 笁鎺払 笁鎺払 绋嬭 绋嬭 绋嬭 绋嬭 绋嬭 锲 锲 纴姣棤姝 纴姣棤姝 纴姣棤姝 纴姣棤姝 纴姣棤姝锛孒an Xiao 鍜孡ockett 閮 浜庢灙鍙d箣涓嬨€

镰 ┒ ┒ 楂 楂 楂 楂 楂 楂 楂 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔

鈥沧 鎯 鎯 埌钖э纴鎴戜 埌钖э纴鎴戜 埌钖э纴鎴戜 镞╁ 镞╁ 镞╁ 镞╁ 镞╁ 镞╁ 鐤戜綘镄勬潵铡嗭纴鐜 鐤戜綘镄勬潵铡嗭纴鐜 鐤戜綘镄勬潵铡嗭纴鐜 鐤戜綘镄勬潵铡嗭纴鐜镞犺矾鍙 冿纴鎴戜 冿纴鎴戜 冿纴鎴戜 鍙︼杞 鍙︼杞 鍙︼杞 鎸夋寜阍纴浣犲 鎸夋寜阍纴浣犲 鎸夋寜阍纴浣犲 鎸夋寜阍纴浣犲 鎸夋寜阍纴浣犲 鎸夋寜阍纴浣犲 cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha Mix 藩涓嬶纴闄ら潪浣犳兂璇曡瘯 戝睘椋庢毚浼 戝睘椋庢毚浼 湪鍑犵涔嫔唴鎶娄綘 湪鍑犵涔嫔唴鎶娄綘 撴垚绛涘瓙锛屾兂瑕佹椿 撴垚绛涘瓙锛屾兂瑕佹椿 撴垚绛涘瓙锛屾兂瑕佹椿 撴垚绛涘瓙锛屾兂瑕佹椿鍧》槠浣犵殑韬唤銆佹潵铡嗗拰骞曞悗涓讳娇锛屾垜浠彧缁欎綘涓€娆°C満浼氥€傗€

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