Up to Mechanic Throne, the sound of pyli pālā, a path of a rough Mechanical Force arc exploded, whipped the ground like a whip, leaving a dark trace.

The brain has a slight shock, and it feels like the electrical stimulus.

With a shining light, Han Xiao can clearly feel that the body cells are functioning at full strength and that the source continues to spit energy.

After a few minutes, the symptoms slowed down, the world in its eyes changed delicate, with a clearer machine Tool Sense knowledge capability and a more insight into microstructures.

“This is amazing.”

Han Xiao had eyes and felt that change.

The use of character card cards is quite different from its own ownership of Specialty, and now [perfect Tool Sense] makes him change in itself.

Personal basic attribute remains unchanged, strengthened by his Mechanical Force strength, as well as the sense of machinery, in his sense organ, which became more familiar with relatives and relatives.


core effect of perfect Tool Sense is that of mechanical relatives and 1.4x, which, according to Han Xiaos attribute, led to an increase of about 2,000 to 3000 Machinery Affinity, directly flew a number of crossroads!

The second two roles, the first of which is the increase in Mechanical Force, are to upgrade the mechanical quality to a level not exceeding pink quality, and now Han Xiaos is basically orange equipment, which is no longer useful for Han Xiao today. The other role is more important, and the effect is that all machinery systems active skill level 4, which can be breakthrough ceiling, is very practical, and not to say, at least a few additional envoys have been added.

Tool Sense Specialty belonged to the individual innate talent category, and later learning was difficult to learn because of people, and some of them were easy to learn, while others were not, even if they were strong enough, to learn, that Han Xiao Xiao (elementary Tool Sense) was drawn from quest and self-upgraded into “perfect Tool Sense” rates, basically zero.

Generally speaking, this innate talent is not passive enough to develop from the youngest to the most plastic, and it is known that he is known as the best age for the development of innate talent in young age, and that, after age and strength, personal innate talent Specialty’s learning difficulties have risen.

“The total amount of perfect Tool Sense has been taken, and my conventional state of war power has finally lasted with the use of character cards.”

Han Xiao was satisfied, and he looked forward to that capacity for a long time.

Now it’s not embarrassing, Hāhā!

It is only by virtue of its own strength that it is most reassuring to turn the bottom plates of the outbreak into normal warfare and to increase stability significantly. It is now that Peak’s super A Grade Mechanic qualification has been completely sealed and that the gap between Tool Nation and his own strength has been significantly reduced.

But it’s too early to have a wrist with Manison, and there’s perfect Tool Sense, which is only a part of the gap.

Han Xiao was not anxious, although he was Peak superA Grade, but after all, he had a clear and adequate Sky.

Before the next dramatic escalation, Han Xiao and Manison were temporarily unwilling to create new rectification, and while Manison felt that he could not shake his position, he would not be able to look at each other at the pace of progress in his power, thereby reorienting his approach once again.

Han Xiao, while not afraid of Manison’s doing well, does not want to save the branches until Glittering World is completed. After all, Manison has Radiance Federation masked, and the big industry has a crafty rabbit, and he has no choice.

“However, while perfect Tool Sense became a regular force of warfare, it does not represent the loss of this bottom card.”

Han Xiao’s heart moves.

Character Descends Card is not related to his abilities, such as the character card in the category of an increase in status, even if character itself is in the same level of growth, character card can enter into force and give dual additions.

That is to say, perfect Tool Sense’s character card remains useful to himself.

Access to perfect Tool Sense has been doubled.

Two or two overlaps. How much terrifying? It’s supposed to be a double perfect Tool Sense in cosmos, which is a little acid… Han Xiao’s darkness, just thinking about terrifying.

If used in front of Manison, people are afraid not to break up.

“So Blank Character Card better leave it to Leonard or Nile, without smoking, to look at his face.”

Han Xiao met for a while with perfect Tool Sense, which turned off Specialty’s presentation.

Back to skill list, pull down to blueprint capacity column, looking forward to a new blueprint recently obtained.

[[time-space scissors]: The use of a strange time-space technology to open a new, temporary branch outside the lead of the main time axis, designate the completion of a well-established plan of action, form a permanent chain of time, and breakthrough time-space continuity and jump in time points, thereby reducing the process and making use of arbitrary objects.]

[The equipment has irreversible negative effects, and the object cut off by time space will be amended by the main time axis, and once completely amended, the object will be wiped out together with the cutting of the time chain, and if the time chain goes smoothly, the object will disappear as well.

[NOTE: If you’re a fanatic lover of suicide attacks, this equipment must be suitable for you, although technology is not mature, but it’s suicide, and believe you don’t care about these details.]

Han Xiao stole the time-space cutting technique from the Kurdish community, and then took some experience, deduce the technology, eventually acquiring the new blueprint identified on the board, and took some time to produce a product.

Stand up and walk down the temple, Han Xiao comes to the warehouse next to bring out a long-term body device of more than 10 metres high, 4 to 5 metres wide.

This is the product of the time-space scissors, which looks like a three-layers building.

These days, he conducted a number of simple tests and tests of time-space scissors, which were normal, namely, a slightly longer start, and not an empty function, which would require early access to time-space scissors on target to allow for the entry into force of objects and objects in the body’s space.

Han Xiao would certainly not use this dangerous device against himself, but he thought about it all these days, which seemed to be very helpful to mechanic.

It’s the most appropriate target to use time-space scissors. It’s the mechanical force that’s produced!

The depletion of mechanical soldier is not painful, and with this extra function, it will be possible to implement some of the tactical quest that was previously impossible to do, and the qualitative upgrading of the operational capability would amount to a surge in the use of continuous navigation for several gradation tactical shocks, and naturally, for mechanic with legion.

Secondly, it could also be used as a new type of strategic killing weapon, which is more anonymous than what carries nether energy bombs, biochemistry genetically, time-space cutters, which are difficult to detect and fit for assassination and destruction.

Han Xiao touched the chin, clattered:

“But it will be less useful, and then the empire will begin to conceal and monopolize this technology when it realizes that time-space cuts all formidable power, although, in my position, the empire will not force the technology in my hand, it will also require my confidentiality.”

There is no need to conceal the empire with regard to the possession of time-space cutting techniques, but only before the empire monopolizes, he steals one as a repository and does not intend to conceal it, nor is it necessary.

Let the empire know that he also has this technology, and it will improve his position, so that all of it is stolen before the empire takes care of it, that it is legitimate, that it is not easy to hide it, and that it will be exposed sooner or later, if it is used against others, perhaps the empire will help him conceal it.

Anyway, he’s not gonna spit out again.

Shake your head, pick up these ideas, Han Xiao takes out a time-space Amber, hang it in half the air, and then connect it to the outer interface of the time-space scissors.

Today, he intends to test whether time-space Amber can be cut off by time, and that’s how he did it.

the time-space scissors operate a bit complicated, and Han Xiao did it for a while before it started.

wng wng wng wng wng…

The whole device was immediately shaken, and a path of seven colored clouds of light was injected into time-space amber.

He stepped back a few steps, and silent waited for a while before the device’s shock stopped.

“Cut it out.”

Han Xiao’s eyes slipped off Nami particle, hanging time-space amber, and saw time space amber fall, and the process was smooth and did not jump in accordance with the planned procedure.

He picked up the time-space amber before he got his eyes on it for a while, confirming that nothing had changed at all.

“Looks like time-space amber immunization time-space cutting.”

It was concluded that Han Xiao slightly slightly slightly slightly ghed in relief, which was a good news for him.

the time-space cutting cannot break this cosmos curiosity, and representing time-space Amber is still an unbridled instrument, and even if the empire or more power is given this technology, time-space Amber in his hand has an irreplaceable role to play.

Think about it. Han Xiao conducted a new experiment.

Time space cutting for a normal machine and then packing it with time-space Amber, see if the side effects of time-space cutting can still come into effect.


rationale of time-space Amber seems to be a solid special time-space, and its wrapped machinery has not been cut off by time space and appears to be disregarding the modification of the time axis.

At the same time, however, the normal role of time-space cutting will not come into effect.

And after the release of time-space Amber, the machine was corrected by the main time axis, self-destroying, releasing enormous energy and almost blowing up the warehouse.

“In this way, that means that time-space Amber can only temporarily freeze objects and help it * * *, and that it does not offset the side effects of time-space cutting… so it can only be a coffin? It’s exactly the same as Amber.”

Han Xiao Shan went to dust and fell into thought.

“Or there are other ways, such as the early establishment of time-space cutting operations, and their storage, using Amber’s immune attack characteristics, to send them to target positions in a normal manner and then to unravel Amber and activate time-space cutting.”

Think about it, Han Xiao would have thought it was a promising course of application, and it would take time to dig up more possibilities.

He has also tested several times to ensure that the time-space scissors are taken away, thinking, taking out the communication or contacting the Empire Detective Tallokov.

As a result, the old tower’s big face basin appeared on the screen, in the context of the tactical conference room, which seemed to be meeting.

Black Star, what’s up?

“Are you meeting? I’ll call you later.”

“Just routine meetings, no matter what, just say something.”

Han Xiao laughed and said, “The recent enemy movement has been weird, and you’ve found it.”

“Well, the enemy seems to have an insight into it. Do you have any information about it?”

“Almost in the past, I dispatched the troop, detonated the enemy’s database, and found that the enemy was using a sophisticated Turkish tactics to swallow these galaxy pieces with original nether energy, causing death and injury to the Imperial fleet. I have the coordinates of the enemy that bury nether energy, and the movements of all their fleets.”

“Good work.” Tallokov’s eyes are bright and comfortable.

Other superA Grade’s attitude to this war, most of which is in love, is to take care of force as powerhouse moments, not to be interested in bullying an indigenous civilization without super power systems, and, secondly, to brave opponents throwing their original nether energy, fearing the loss of water, and to send subordinate responses to the call.

And Black Star is a superA Grade ally who only helped himself. It’s a great talent for the empire.

“Wait for me to send you the information, don’t forget to write me a note.” Han Xiao is joking.

“Hāhā, don’t worry, this job will certainly be remembered.” Tallokov is in a good mood, the more Han Xiao feels.

Han Xiao laughed and hung up the newsletter.

[perfect Tool Sense] and time-space cutting techniques are in place, and he intends to put an end to the war as soon as possible and to resume normal exploratory work at an early date.

Another aim of providing this information is to upgrade the Kurdish war quest evaluation, which, anyway, has been completed by the rest of his target, which has helped the empire resolve its opponents as soon as possible.

Since it is not intended to conceal that it possesses time-space cutting techniques, Han Xiao does not care to take the information directly.

Tarcrokov’s efficiency was quick, and arrangements were made immediately after receiving Han Xiaos’ information.

Several formations of legion on the front line sent troops, clandestinely travelling to coordinates displayed by the information, before destroying the enemy’s anxiety plan.

And in the information provided by Han Xiao, coordinates and directions of all the Kunduz fleets were also marked, and the empire equato open a full vision, and the actions of the enemies were all handled.

The legion of the front line is no longer moving slowly, but rather purposely dispersed, heading to the main fleet of the Kunde community.


Kurdish people do not know that all their plans are exposed and that, as far as the empire is in control, the plan of warfare is still being implemented on a regular basis.

With Han Xiaos’ help, the Empire province has made numerous efforts and with no difficulty fully repress the Kurdish people in terms of intelligence.

The victory of war has been completely moved towards the empire.

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