More than a decade later, the Imperial fleet, together with Black Star Legion, brought all Kunde civilians to Audoran galaxy of the Golden Star Club, one of the Black Stars Territories.

Black Star Legion was well handled with the empire, and Han Xiao chose to place Kunde in this galaxy.

There is a place in his hand, there is no panic in his heart, and when he waves, he temporarily borrows hundreds of suitable planets to the Kunde community and shares them, with an average population of about a billion people per planet.

With the productivity of the interstellar society, a planet is burdened with millions of people, and living conditions are good, but there is no doubt that much overcrowding is in comparison with the Kunde original situation.

Prior to the acquisition of Stargate technology, Kunde were crippled and the relatively poor mobility between cosmos led to too inefficient delivery of the population. Don’t look at the Kunde claiming several galaxy pieces of galaxy, making thousands of colonial star stars, and actually because of the restrictions on the movement of cosmos, the majority of colonial star people are small, largely settlers and less mobile.

At this juncture, the fleet surrendered the Empire’s planet to transform foolish bags, quickly set up the Roma city on the surface and then landed and transported all Kunde civilian groups to these planet groups.

The landing platform on the ground, with numerous Kunde immigrants walking out of spaceship at the direction of the empire, riding on the stranger land, is like parking spaceship’s hatch spreading out a tide that brings together an uninterrupted human sea.

Thousands of people are curious about looking to the right, and weighing their new homes for the future.

At the same time, in the command hall at the Black Star Palace, countless staff members in legion uniforms work in their respective positions, and in hall’s front is a super screen, which is shaped by hundreds of virtual little screens, watching the immigration situation of each planet.

Han Xiao’s men stand in the hall center, and hold your head and take all the surveillance images out of sight.

“The relocation of the entire star cluster grade civilization is a big project.” Aurora is passing around a waist.

“After the Kunde leaders died, they had no head, they had no choice but to listen to the arrangements, and they were good at it, so they moved well.” Melos was next to nodded.

He also came with the fleet and had not seen Han Xiao for a long time, and he thought about it, sometimes turning his eyes around and looking at Han Xiaos’ back.

“There are few accidental casualties, very good.” Han Xiao uned.

“Suddenly getting so many people, how do we use it?” Silvia’s distant projection has a glimpse of silvia, and it’s a little loud to ask.

Han Xiao, put your hands on the chin, slow down:

“These population resources cannot be instrumental immediately, and the empire has an arrangement with them, which is responsible for the cultural transformation of them. During the transformation, the Kunde community’s communications network will be blocked and the interstellar society and the development of science and technology will not be allowed to enter the interstellar society… The only super energy knowledge that is suitable for transmission will be allowed to grow slowly.”

“The time has not come for these population resources to function, and we have to keep them alive for a while, after the imperial liberation, they are Black Star Legion’s talent reserve base and a significant force source.”

“So, in order to achieve this target, you’re going to be in the process of cultural transformation in the Empire, filling up some extra things, building legion’s mind…”

The number of demonstrable people, more than the whole legion member, so many chives, if they want to harvest, have to go to the ground to produce fertilizers, thus increasing the position of Black Star Legion in the heart of the Kunde community.

While the award of the legacy quest includes a large number of battalions Favorability Degree, normal ideological construction is also essential, twice the results for the half of the effort.

Speaking of this, Han Xiao suddenly paused, pondered then said:

“In addition, the teaching of mechanical mythology is disseminated among the Kunde community, allowing as many people as possible to practise mechanical teachings.”

During the alteration period, the Kunde community was unable to overthrow the wall, which was tantamount to isolation, without a better teaching environment than that, and it was possible to use the mechanical mythology as a foreign denominator to shock the Kunde faith.

Without interfering with outside information, the target of their faith is naturally one person, so that Kunde can become a treasure capable of providing it [Mechanic God Investiture].

For other mechanic, the development of new religions is the best way to activate [Mechanic God Investiture], although it is very inefficient, but at least better than not.

Manison wants the faith of the existing followers, which is the biggest fertilizer, and besides that, he is happy to see people teach, sitting in the strongest mechanic position, expanding the plates, and only good for him, and there’s always faith in him, and nothing can be lost.

For Manison, the other person has developed new religion as a chives for him, and he has to harvest then it will be alright at the right time.

So as long as he didn’t want to rob his mechanical goddess, Manison wouldn’t come out, and he couldn’t have a mechanical missionary more and more.

The people are not having a conversation, and at this point, an operator next to us is alerting.

“Legion commander, immigrants have been completed.”

Han Xiao turned to the screen and surveillance images showed that all Kunde civilians were on the floor.

“All right, put on a virtual screen.”

Doesn’t sound, the spaceship of all planet groups is shooting out a virtual screen, with all the people rising up at the top of the Kunde immigrant.

Only to see Han Xiaos silhouette on every big screen, smiling, opening up, yelling at the sky:

“Kunde’s friends, I’m Black Star, and now I’m responsible for your placement, so you see me on TV for a long time.”

“Today, you will move into new homes, all of which are my land, and you will be able to seek help from Black Star Legion Member, based on all the planes, without fear of security.”

“I also express my deep regret that the empire is pursuing those who use your backbone designers, and I will try to find them, punish them and bring you back to justice.”

“In any event, wish you all the best of life from the pain of the past.”

Han Xiao does not have a long story, and he is not now eligible for the Kunde to be thankful to Dad, so stop by and sing a red face.


virtual screen disappears and a large number of Kunde immigrants look at each other in dismay, resulting in minor disturbances.

More than empire, most people have an impression of Black Star, but they can’t talk about friendly.

He said he wanted to help us get back to justice? I don’t know if I’m talking about it.

After a dramatic change, Kunde clansman has become difficult to believe in the oral commitment of foreigners.

End of simple’s speech, Han Xiao headed by Melos next to Melos, and Melos walked out of the room.

After a while, Melos came in with a bunch of Academy graduates headed by Nero, who returned with the fleet and received Han Xiaos today.

“You’re coming.”

Han Xiao cleaned up this group of students.

After about four months of warfare experience, many people have taken out of the mood of the first time when they met, and the temperature has changed considerably.

And Nello, after the “enemy” trap, has learned and constantly reflected, now has a bit of a steady atmosphere, and Mia, besides him, has been doing a lot of work.

Han Xiao, however, was unable to withstand the move and looked forward to holding hands on this dog’s men and women.

“cough cough.” Seems Han Xiaos look, Mia’s sorry to let go, pretending that if you don’t have anything to do with your hair.

The relationship between the two people was just a little confused with the windows and friends, and after the last incident, the ignorance index had risen straight, although no one stabbed the window paper, recently honeymooned oil, just like a real lover.

How do you feel I’m a media man?

Han Xiao corner of mouth twitching, fixing God and commending:

“I am pleased to see you change, and now you are qualified legion warrior.”

hearit, this group of students can’t stand to be straight and proud.

“I promise to find you a teacher of natural disaster grade, from today on Melos is your teacher, and he will do his best to teach you.”

Melos had been informed of this before, and he was most loyal to legion, without any complaints and laughing at nodded.

“Although I’m usually busy, I’ll try to get out of my time to point you out, don’t worry, I’m different from Leonard, and I like to relax.”

“Thank you, Black Star Your Distinguished Self! Good teacher,” Mia was surprised, rushed to thank Han Xiao, and then saw Melos earlier.

See, a large group of students in the back can’t stand to show jealousy.

Who’s Melos? That’s legion high, old leadership who was fighting Black Star!

To be his student, the future will certainly be the bone of legion and undoubtedly embark on a broad and open road.

These people, however, are the most envious, and Nile is jealous of gnashing teeth.

– I want a normal teacher too! Why do I have to meet Leonard?

Han Xiao withdraw, staring at Nero, and staring at Nile: “What’s that look like?”


Nile is in pain, and I don’t want to say.

He paused, suddenly remembered one thing, “Right, Dad, I seized an enemy weapon during the fighting, and I think it’s weird to show you something.”

“Is there something strange?”

“When I picked up the starboard war, I got the profits from a Kunde army officer, and I asked my team friend to identify…” Nello thwarted his head, “which seems to be a magic weapon for advanced enchant.”

Han Xiao’s a little bit.

the enchant weapon?

This thing is common in interstellar, but the Kunde do not have super power systems, pure science and technology civilization and a little magic.

So, how did the magic weapons in the hands of Kunde Army officers come from?

“Show me.” Han Xiao Xiao was interested.

“I put it in the house, not on my body, and I’ll bring it to you later.”

hearthis, Han Xiao is going to criticize him, communicator suddenly dí dí dí dí dí, and interrupt him.

Take out the communication or look, it’s an Aesop.

How did Messy Old Man contact me?

Han Xiao’s darkness, he pulled his hands off the crowd, walked to the side and contacted the communication.

“Aesop, what are you looking for?”

“It’s supposed to be something for you to do.” Aesop’s face is impatient, “I just saw you get in touch with me, so I’m active looking for you and asking if you’re looking for me.”

Han Xiao’s face is smoking.

It’s good to have a haircut first. You’re good for a chicken.

“Yes, I do. I need you to help me predict a group of people’s whereabouts…” Shake your head, and Han Xiao said something about Kunde.

Aesop is also very simple, “The more information will be sent to me, the more information will be available, the more accurate the prophecy will be.”

“Yes.” Han Xiao nodded, paused, suddenly, “How’s Emersy and Hela?”

“Risk everywhere, what else?” Aesop turned a white eye, “You can’t reach her. Ask me what I’m doing. All right, all right, I’ll hang up, the prophecy comes out and tell you.”

After all, Aesop directly cut off the communication.

Han Xiao picked up the communication or had an old family, if there was a baby, there was a way to do it.

However, he did not intend to rely entirely on Aesop, step away from hall, go straight to the port terminal and open one of those machines.

With a severely damaged spaceship in the warehouse, it has been completely annulled – the smuggler surrendered to spaceship in the Kunde community, which was seized by the empire after the war.

Han Xiao applied specifically to Tarrokov, who sent the spaceship to the old tower.

Technology, magic and knowledge are all used, and the empire has not found any clues on the crash of spaceship, so don’t mind letting Han Xiao check, as long as it can be found.

Aesop’s prophecy can only look at what will happen in the future, while Han Xiaos’s special skill [a bold explorer] can see a piece of what item has experienced in the past.

He thinks it’s always possible to get something out of here.

Put your hands on spaceship’s sophisticated outer armor, pits, armoured metals like some kind of corrosive liquid erosion, not a lubrilliant slide, into the ice.

“Look at what leads can be found this time.”

Han Xiao exhales one breath saying, launch [bold explorer].



the sight turned around, and everything before it was like a broken glass, and it was blown out.

Suddenly, these fragments stopped, instantaneously rolled back, struggled to restructure, and the world produced a lot of variations.

The scene of becoming a industrial shipyard, a giant spaceship skull floating halfway, countless mechanical assembly parts around it, and countless mechanical Karakalá’s activities sound like a whole symphony.

Han Xiao observes all around, quickly keeping the environment in mind.

Next moment, the vision is broken again, and this time it turns into a cosmos space, an already formed spaceship crashes into a planet that goes into the atmosphere, like a red Firestream Star, which is a rare identification when spaceship is over.

That’s when the picture stopped.

The original vision recovered, and remained in the hangar, touching the crash spaceship.

[Darling Secrets] It’s over.

Your luck attribute’s down 60 percent, 14 days.

Han Xiao is used to ignoring the side effects of skill and not falling, and there is no difference to him.

Thought about the slide he just saw, he had a slight eye.

“This section reveals the slide of the spaceship factory and crash, although the process is short, it seems to have a good clue…”

At the time of the shipyard, he quickly remembered all around the environment, and found a detail – workers working in the shipyards – with the same markings on their clothes.

He entered the Empire database and quickly matched the target, which was the trademark of a ship built at star river in the old days.

“The factory locks” Han Xiao’s eyes.

Generally, the vessel company retains the number of spaceship production at all factories, although it is not known that the number of spaceship is minimal, but at least a clue.

“Looks like it’s time to send a mechanical troop to the old star river.”

And then Han Xiao suddenly remembered one thing.

“By the way, the old star river… is Manison’s nest.”

– Yeah.

(Recently accepted an honourable invitation to do an event at the starlight Square Experiment Hotel in Suzhou, 1588 in the Pennsylvania Tiger Road, at 16: 00 on 4 August, in the form of 755138511 in the Galaxy group, certifying information: Sunday ground. There’s some extra quotas. You can come and play with my little partner.

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