is so special to eat cross-bridge rice noodles, Alice prepared cross-bridge rice noodles, which are used in cross-bridge rice noodles. Yangyang loves to eat Chinese New Year's Eve rice very much, Alice prepared a spicy platter of coriander, mixed with dried beans appetizing to grab money, hand-dried mixed money degree strange flavored beans, eight treasure rice, and water beans, only steamed bacon onions, oil cinnamon fish, as well as chestnuts, cherry meat, and dry pot rabbit, braised beef, braised prawns, steamed dumplings with green vegetables and leeks, shredded pork shredded dumplings, and soup balls.

Alice prepared a spicy brand, sesame spicy brand has 4 meats that are particularly delicious, and coriander mixed with dried tofu, first of all, this dried bean curd is cut into small cubes, cucumbers are also cut into small squares of cooked peanuts, and then add some light soy vinegar, sugar, sesame oil, chili oil, coriander, monosodium glutamate, and then pour these into it and stir well to eat. Alice also prepared eight treasure rice for Yangyang, which is very simple.

This needs glutinous rice to run overnight, then dry the water, then add some lard, and then add dried fruits with red dates, dates, sweet potato fries, and worshippers, brush a layer of oil on the night, put on a layer of oil, and then put this night to the button, put all the juice in, add brown sugar, and add a water, so that you can eat, you can eat it after it is loaded, this glutinous rice and brown sugar work overtime evenly If the white glutinous rice is evenly added, add some sugar, and then in the backbone, also add glutinous rice, around the fan, some red dates and the like,

Finally, the brown sugar glutinous rice is pounced, and finally after these seven-year-old backbones finally put some glutinous rice on it, it is done, add more water to the pot, just about this hour, sprinkle hot water twice halfway, so that the last sprinkled water is cool and re-evaluate 100 grams, and finally boil this temperature After the mouth is in the dish, use the smearing knife to put the edge, push it to be soft, this is particularly simple, and then add some sugar to the small pot,

Add the water starch and then get it on top of this eight-treasure rice. Yangyang also likes to eat dry pot rabbit very much, as well as braised prawns, roasted beef with radish, and greasy vegetables, leek shreds are also very delicious, as well as steamed dumplings, and it's still early, steamed dumplings are particularly interesting, and there are mash dumplings. Alice made fish head stewed wide noodles for Yangyang at the time, as well as prawn Dongpo elbows. Alice also prepared bacon snow peas for Yangyang,

Exclusive beef shank, mushroom grilled rape, belly slices, and okra salad. Yang is very fond of Japanese food, and this Japanese food includes Jill Ramen, Tonkotsu Ramen, Brandy Liver, Pan-fried Beef Tongue, Lemon Yakult, Fried Chicken Wings, Pan-fried Salmon, Pork Floss Sushi, and Salmon Sushi.

Yang Yang likes to eat ham meat very much, which needs some seaweed, Alice and Yang Yang have prepared a lot, seaweed, and salad dressing, and Thousand Island salad dressing, these two salad dressings are very delicious mixed together, Yangyang and Aunt also prepared eggs, added some starch in them, and added some salt,

Then I made this egg into the egg skin, there is a good look at the skin of the egg, the carrot is cut into strips, the ham is cut into strips, and the inside is passed for a while, and then some Thousand Island sauce salad dressing is put on top of the rice, and then rolled up, rolled up, this is formed, and then this sushi is divided into plates.

Yang Yang also particularly likes to eat pan-fried brandy foie gras, Alice prepared some foie gras, coated both sides of this foie gras with some starch, and then put me in it when the oil was hot, soon both sides were frightened, and when some foie gras was cooked, add some brandy to taste, Yang Yang likes to eat this taste,

Alice also prepared beef tongue, prepared a total of 6 bottles, cut the beef rope thinly, and then sprinkled some peppercorns, when it was hot, Alice heated up, and then quickly turned over in the pot and soon came out of the pot, Yang Yang likes to eat beef tongue sauce very much, this dipping sauce is made by Alice herself, especially delicious.

Yangyang also likes to eat salmon very much.

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collection, recommendation, and points

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