In fact, Ye Nianning didn't think that her relationship with Qi Jueze was so good as to give birth and birthday gifts.

But since Qi Jueze gave it to the door, she was disrespectful.

Carrying a heavy brocade bag back to the room, Ye Nianning absently pulled the brocade rope tied to the opening of the brocade bag.

She didn't expect Qi Jueze to give her any gifts. Today, Qin Jixun's series of expectations have been crushed to pieces.

But unexpectedly, the gift she took out of the bag greatly exceeded her expectations.

It is a malachite green ice jade bead chain. The jadeite embedded on it is between transparent and translucent. Under the light of an oil lamp, it looks like frozen green water, beautiful and elegant.

All of a sudden, Ye Nianning couldn't put it down, hung it on Hao's wrist eagerly, and began to admire the oil lamp, the light and shadow flowing among the emeralds, so beautiful that her eyes could bloom.

Ye Nianning's mood suddenly improved again.

She didn't even think about why Qi Jueze knew her birthday, and why he gave her a gift.

However, she had already put Qi Jueze in the circle of good friends in her heart.

The next day.

It's another hard study day.

Ye Nianning pulled the small head that hadn't woken up, and was carried into the school by Ye Maoshan.

As soon as she took the first step of enrolling in school, she suddenly became sober.

From the cold head to the awakeness of the feet.

Yesterday’s birthday was so enjoyable that she even forgot to finish the homework assigned by her husband.

It would be okay if it was the usual homework of copying and memorizing, but the homework assigned by Mr. yesterday was a gift.

Now it is less than half an hour before her husband checks her homework, it is impossible for her to write on the spot in such a short time, even if she had to scratch her head for several hours before.

Ye Nianning glanced anxiously, just in time to catch Qin Jixun who followed the prince into the threshold.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, and he ran over with short legs.

"Brother Qin, early!" She greeted enthusiastically, completely forgetting who was itching yesterday, and determined that Qin Jixun was the most annoying person in the entire Dagan Dynasty.

Qin Jixun glanced at her faintly, and arched his hands in a polite manner: "Ye Di, early."

The prince was already familiar with these early morning scenes, and smiled empathetically and said, "Hehe, Brother Ye, haven't you finished your homework?"

"..." Ye Nianning had become accustomed to the ridicule of the prince.

In any case, the prince is not much better. He laughs at fifty steps and laughs at a hundred steps. I don’t know what's so funny.

Ye Nianning continued to look at Qin Jixun, eagerly, reminding Qin Jixun of the big yellow dog kept by the housekeeper in Zhuangzi that he was going to visit every year.

Every time it stared at the food in his hand, it also looked like this, no different.

With a sigh in his heart, Qin Jixun thought helplessly, if it wasn't for the prince's face, he would have been away from this unlearned Ye Nianmiao long ago.

I really don't know why the prince wants to call him a brother.

Seeing Qin Jixun's eyes evasive, Ye Nianning had to go one step further.

With a shy face, he approached Qin Jixun and said with a smile: "Brother Qin, I didn't know how to do yesterday's homework. Can you give me some pointers?"

Qin Jixun knew that if he nodded, Ye Nianmiao would hand over a few blank rice papers and ask him to do it all.

Give pointers one or two? It sounds nice.

Which time wasn't he writing from beginning to end?

You have to write almost deliberately, or you will be discovered by your husband.

Qin Jixun really didn't know what sin he had committed, either for the prince, or for Ye Nianmiao.

Today, Qin Jixun didn't know what he was doing, and suddenly a sulky sulked in his heart.

He did not nod his head for an unprecedented time, but chuckled lightly, looking at Ye Nianmiao with a cold look: "Today, what is the reason?"

Why didn't you write your homework? Ye Nianning had ten thousand reasons.

But the prince did the first to answer it for her.

"The pen is not easy to use, and the paper is not good to write, which hinders Ye Di's creativity and agility."

Hmm... Ye Nian lowered her head, this was indeed the reason she used the most.

Even the prince can skillfully speak out for her with a bad reason.

Ye Nianning stared at her toe with embarrassment, she didn't bother to make up other reasons, the prince said very well.

Unexpectedly, Qin Jixun laughed and looked at her with dark eyes: "I remember yesterday that the prince gave you an old Hetian Baiyu xuan pen, and I gave you Chengxintang paper."

With the best pen and the best paper, how can you say that the pen is not easy to use, and the paper is not easy to write?

Ye Nianning reacted, daring to give her these two gifts, just to stop her from making excuses? !

An anger came from Ye Nianning's heart, and she didn't want to talk to Qin Jixun anymore.

He glared directly at him and the prince, and returned to his seat in a desperate manner.

The prince looked at Ye Nianning's back inexplicably, and then at Qin Jixun.

"What's wrong with Brother Ye?" The prince was still a little dazed. He didn't understand why Ye Nianmiao suddenly glared at him and then returned to his seat. Hasn't his homework been written yet?

Qin Jixun's lips twitched slightly, and said with a non-smiling smile: "He is angry."

The prince became more and more confused: "Why is Brother Ye still angry like a little girl? Why is he angry?"

Qin Jixun shrugged indifferently, "I don't know."

The prince was silent, and it was unimaginable that there were things in the world that Ah Xun didn't know.


Soon after Qin Jixun left, the assistant professor of the Imperial College came in with a book of virtue.

The Deye Book is dedicated to recording the completion of daily homework, and the stigma on it is behind the names of Prince and Ye Nianning.

Today, the teaching assistant, as always, is the first to check Ye Nianning's homework.

Ye Nianning stood up very calmly and spread her hands out: "Sir, I'm sorry, I didn't finish my homework."

She looked at the assistant teacher Guozi frankly and apologetically, her black grape-like eyes were dark, sincere and pure.

This is also the most helpless thing for the teaching assistant. Although Ye Nianmiao didn't do his homework well, his attitude of admitting mistakes was really good.

Such a cute child looked at you pitifully and apologized, but he couldn't stop scolding him, so he had to arrange for him to stand on the wall of the school for a while, lest other students feel unfair in their hearts.

It is not the first time that Ye Nianning has been punished. She sincerely admitted her mistake and immediately walked out of the school hall and stood under the wall outside.

But as soon as she stood still, she saw the prince also walked out from the same place and walked to her side with a smile on her face.

She and the prince were unwilling to mention the profound friendship of being punished to stand together.

But unexpectedly, the prince said shamelessly this time: "Brother Ye, I'm here to accompany you."

"You didn't write either?" Ye Nianning couldn't help asking.

The prince touched the paper in his cuffs, and was entangled in the homework that Qin Jixun had just written in the morning, wondering if the ink was dry.

But he nodded: "I didn't write it. I congratulated you on your birthday yesterday. It was too late to go back, and I forgot it for a while."

Ye Nianning suddenly felt like meeting his confidant: "Yeah! Me too! I had a good time yesterday, and I completely forgot that Mr. did his homework!"

When the prince heard Ye Nianning's familiar tone, he became happy: "Di Ye, are you not angry with me?"

It's not in vain that he deliberately came out to accompany Ye Di, so that Ye Di didn't get angry.

Ye Nianning raised her eyebrows: "Who said I was angry with you?"

"Axun..." The prince touched his head.

At this moment, Ye Nianning's light caught a glimpse of a figure that had never appeared before, stepping out of the academy and walking towards them wrapped in chills.

The author has something to say: Thank you Yiyu for three or four days and the little monk for your feed, what is it~~~

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