To this end, Shangguan Binghen specially converted the energy in his body into holy power and healed Lily's injuries.

Although the power of holy power cannot heal internal injuries by 590, it has a very powerful therapeutic effect on trauma.

"What kind of power is this? Hey, brother Binghen, can you tell us?"

Tiona was entangled in Shangguan Binghen again, and her eyes were full of curiosity.Shangguan Binghen is getting more and more mysterious, and the occasional revealing hand can amaze her inexplicably.She had never seen such a person in Orali.

"Let's go, time is running out."

Looking at the curious Tiona, Shangguan Binghen couldn't help rolling his eyes and said helplessly.

"Cut, stingy. You're so kind to Ace."

Hearing this, Tiona couldn't help but glared at Shangguan Binghen and pouted.And this made Ace not sure how to react.

"Tiona, stop making trouble."

Seeing the atmosphere became embarrassing again, although he was equally curious, the calm Tiogie still eased the atmosphere.

Afterwards, several people went on the road together, laughing and laughing along the way.

As a first-level adventurer, he is naturally familiar with the road to the upper levels.Take a shortcut.There are also few monsters on the road.

The monsters that appeared occasionally were also hacked to death by Shangguan Binghen.


seventeenth floor

"Brother Frozen, monsters are appearing more and more frequently. You have consumed a lot of stamina because of that move. If you can't handle it, remember to ask for help. It will soon be the place where the Minotaur's group will appear. It's over."

Walking in the increasingly dull corridor, Tiona teased.

She already had a clearer evaluation of Shangguan Binghen's strength.Although the sword moves that occasionally erupted scare people to death, their attributes in all aspects did not reach their level of lv.5.Otherwise, it is impossible for the monsters who cut LV.2 to hit the key points with exquisite swordsmanship to achieve the instant kill effect.

Of course, Tiona didn't mean to underestimate Shangguan Binghen. As a rookie adventurer, it was unprecedented to be able to achieve this level.Even Ais and Orari, the only LV.7 adventurer, were still at the top with peace of mind when they first became adventurers.And also with a partner.

The number of layers in the dungeon is divided into upper, middle, lower and deep layers according to the difficulty level.

The number of layers in the upper layer is 1~12.

The number of layers in the middle layer is 13~24.

The number of layers in the lower layer is 25~36.

The number of deep layers is the floor below the 37th floor.

At present, the development area of ​​the dungeon is up to 58 floors.

In other words, the area below the 58th floor has not been reached by any adventurer or even a single family.

To sum up, the difficulty of the dungeons with the upper, middle, lower and deeper layers will have a big leap every other stage.

If it is said that the upper level is the difficulty that an adventurer of level 1 can explore alone, then, if you want to explore alone in the middle level, you must at least reach level 2 to have a guarantee.

That's right.

Just a little bit of protection.

Therefore, even if it reaches level 2, adventurers will choose to form a team instead of exploring alone.

If Shangguan Binghen, a rookie adventurer, can reach the seventeenth floor on the first day and be looked down upon, then what are they?Salted fish?Slime?

"Don't worry, this level is still stress-free."

Shangguan Binghen raised his eyebrows and said calmly after hacking a monster to death again.Although he has known each other for a short period of time, he can see clearly the character of Tiona.Enthusiastic, lively, but also a talker.

On the road, the mouth did not stop.Well, it was also given by her that the boring trip to kill monsters was filled with a relaxed atmosphere, but it was not so dull.

"Minotaur, come out."

At this moment, Ais suddenly made a sound, and her golden eyes looked at the cracked walls around her.

There, a monster with dark red skin, sharp horns on its head, and a stone axe in its hand appeared.

It is a powerful monster unique to the seventeenth floor, a powerful Minotaur in lv.2, a monster that a single lv.2 adventurer may be counter-killed.

"Ten Minotaurs, just enough for the task."

Looking at the Minotaur who surrounded himself and others, Shangguan Binghen's mouth curled up, showing a smile, clenching the iron sword in his hand, his temperament became sharp in vain.

"Ace, Tiona, Tione, the old rules. Please protect Lily, don't kill the Minotaur."

"Got it. Really, brother Binghen, can't you let us move our muscles and bones? We didn't kill monsters along the way, and it feels like our body is rusting."

Tiona said angrily.


Shangguan Binghen took out his sword as fast as lightning, and slashed at the neck of the tall Minotaur in front of him with a silver sword light. While carrying a series of bright red blood, he also rolled his eyes at Tiona, speechless. spit it out.

"Before you say this, please don't kick the monster away with such an understatement."

[Bang————! 】

"No way, didn't you say you wanted to protect Lily?"

Ignoring the monster that was kicked by herself and hit a big hole in the wall, Tiona pouted and quibbled.

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