When Zhao Chuanxin wanted to know what was inside the most, he was out of energy.

He cursed and closed the diary.

After Qianye Changkong returned, he informed his superiors of the negotiation process and contacted the garrison personnel on the Anfeng Line non-stop.

At this time, Japanese spies were pervasive, but for conspiracy and assassination, you had to find smart professionals.

Daisaku Kawamoto is determined to become a master of Japanese invasion of China, just like Akashi Genjiro and Aoki Nobujun.

Qianye Changkong heard about this man, found him, and gave him a task.

As a squad leader in the Fourth Division, Daisaku Kawamoto, who was responsible for the security of the Anfeng Line and the garrison of Lushun, was extremely excited.

Finally, he was about to achieve his great goal.

Haha, let’s start with Zhao Chuanxin.

Zhao Chuanxin is greedy for money and lustful. He doesn't seem to have a strong will. He likes to brag and is impetuous. Qianye Changkong recalled what she saw and heard that day and told Daisaku Kawamoto what kind of person she thought Zhao Chuanxin was.

She continued: He never goes out with an escort. He was shot in the leg before and the gunshot wound has not fully healed. He needs a crutch to walk.

This is the map of Lugang Town. This is his daily walking route. I have observed it and there is an alley here where you can intercept and kill him.

However, it is difficult to bring weapons into Lugang Town, let alone explosives and the like.

Therefore, you need to use cold weapons to assassinate.

There aren't many people here. If you can assassinate them quietly, it shouldn't be difficult to escape unscathed.

Daisaku Kawamoto stood at attention and bent down suddenly: Hai!

But he secretly thought: Zhao Chuanxin, I'm sorry, you are my first stepping stone to the top!

Zhao Chuanxin was used to it. At the beginning, he thought that being injured by a gunshot was a very novel thing for men.

Slowly, he began to feel bored.

He used to be a Buddhist and liked to stay at home. But there is a difference between a otaku with sound hands and feet and a forced otaku.

It's like a homebody is willing to stay at home all year round, but if you put him in jail, he will definitely not be happy.

As a result, the frequency of reading the diary suddenly increased.

[After I woke up, I didn’t rush on my way. Instead, I took out the treasure mechanism I had stolen. 】

[Because there are no game rules this time, I can completely destroy the mechanism violently. The Elf Carving Knife worked again, cutting open all the mechanisms. 】

[There are two one-meter-long ribbons inside! 】

[According to the introduction of the treasure, this ribbon is made of worm silk. The famous worm silk effect was born because of it. But I don’t know exactly what happened. After all, that is the job of scientists. 】

Apart from designing something these days, Zhao Chuanxin spends the rest of his time reading his diary.

The I in the diary rests when I am tired, and continues on the road after I am rested.

After a few days, finally...

[Finally, I returned to the city-state. 】

[I gave the goods to the merchant, and the merchant was very grateful. 】

[The businessman said: Brave man, you will never disappoint as they say. Although the goods are no longer complete, I will still pay you a twenty-year life reward! 】

Zhao Chuanxin accepted the sublimation of life.

If he could live to be seventy years old, he can live to be at least over a hundred years old now.

The length of life cannot be measured with exact standards. An increase of thirty years in life is directly reflected in the enhancement of physical fitness.

The surging vitality is like a bottle of beer that is almost overflowing.

Zhao Chuanxin felt that his leg injury didn't hurt much anymore.

But if you want to live into the 21st century, time cannot simply be calculated this way.

Originally, he planned to return to the starting point after a hundred years. The current life span of a hundred years is just a base number. At least he needs to live for another 60-70 years.

Only in this way can he remain so young when he travels through time in the 21st century.

[I found the weirdo with the worm silk. 】

[The weirdo asked: Brave man, where did you find the worm thread? 】

[I told the story exactly as it was. The weirdo laughed: Brave man, you have done a great thing. It's a pity that you didn't come back with more treasures.

I think you have lost more than you gained. If you gave up those goods and brought all the treasures back, you would become the richest person in the city.

Now that you have alerted the snake, the biological remnants may have noticed those treasures and taken them for themselves. 】

[The weirdo continued to explain: Worm silk is a kind of creature, as thin as silk.

A worm thread basically has no intelligence, only biological instinct.

At first, some people mistook worm silk for silk and woven it into cloth.


Many worm threads exploded with overall intelligence and had the ability to remember.

Like a dog, if you let a piece of cloth made of worm silk recognize its owner, it will obey your words and have a high degree of tacit understanding with you.

The connections of the worm silk network are not only vivid, but also rigorous. Once this network reaches a certain level, their behavior is modeled. Scientists call this the Worm Silk Formula.

Scientists can get a clear probability value by substituting all assumptions, existing knowledge and observation data into the Worm Silk formula.

To decipher the network of causes of a certain phenomenon, you only need to form a network of the formula itself, that is, a worm-thread network. Then you only need to substitute observation data into this model and recalculate the probability value through the worm-thread formula between network nodes.

Repeat this calculation for each new data, for each connection, until a network graph is formed such that the connection between any two causes has an accurate probability value.

The greater the flaw in human cognition, the more shocking the power displayed by the worm silk network.

Whether it is mechanical civilization, biological civilization, or the octopus man's blue crystal reactor, they are all developed based on this. 】

[I know I must look very stupid, because I can understand every word, but combined, I know nothing.

So I ask: So, what exactly does it do to me? 】

[The weirdo laughed: Worm silk is a treasure.

But in addition to theoretical research, it can be a small toy or a magic prop for individuals. Of course, it may also have unexpected effects under certain circumstances.

For example, you originally had Devil's Vine and needed to use the Eagle Bone Whistle to command it. But the worm silk fabric will circle around you like a pet, understand what you mean, and directly follow your commands.

A ribbon made of worm silk will grow by one centimeter every year, whether horizontally or vertically.

Although it is light and thin, it looks more fragile than yarn, but it will not break even if the weight of a war wound is lifted. 】

[I continued to ask: What should I do? 】

[The weirdo finally showed his fox tail: You have two ribbons, I suggest you give me one for research.

I'm trying to convince the city-state's senior generals to let go of biological experiments. I think that if we want to defeat the biological remnants, we cannot blindly ban biological experiments. Mechanical civilization and biotechnology are like two legs of human beings that complement each other and are indispensable.

The worm silk ribbon happens to be my most powerful lobbying tool, and it is also the material for biological experiments.

You promise to give me one and I will teach you how to use worm silk. 】

Zhao Chuanxin was not stingy, because he had an idea that needed help from weird people to realize it.

So I agreed.

On his desk, there was a white, thin, meter-long ribbon.

This thing is as light as nothing, as if it has no weight at all in your hand.

Following the weirdo's instructions, Zhao Chuanxin asked Chongsi to claim his master!

After recognizing the owner, he folded the ribbon casually and put it in his pocket.

Then said: Come out!

The ribbon came out of the upper pocket on its own and slid around his arm. The silky texture was like liquid flowing and quickly entered his palm.

There was a water glass one meter away. Zhao Chuanxin said, Bring the water glass over.

The ribbon rolled up the water glass and handed it to him.

He flicked the ribbon and shouted: Go!

The ribbon stretched out and tumbled in the air like a snake, fanning the air during the tumble and levitating. It spun around and returned to Zhao Chuanxin's hand.


It was getting late, so he let the diary replenish his strength and Zhao Chuanxin went to sleep.

When he woke up the next morning, he felt almost no pain from the gunshot wound on his left leg. This may be due to the increased lifespan, and the excess lifespan was converted into vitality.

After eating, washing and dressing neatly, he still walked out on crutches.

Don’t old people say that it takes a hundred days to break a muscle and bone? A gunshot wound should also be taken care of for a period of time.

The weather today is a bit gloomy, stormy, and there are signs of rain.

Zhao Chuanxin went out and watched the students walking in groups and neatly dressed in school uniforms pass by. He looked at the time displayed on his pocket watch and reminded: You guys will be late soon if you don't hurry up.

As soon as several primary school students heard this, they ran away, their heavy schoolbags jumping up and down behind their backs.

A string of laughter floated far away.

Zhao Chuanxin laughed twice: Can't I fool you?

Clocks are still a luxury item nowadays, and not everyone has them.

When a few primary school students arrived at school, panting and rosy-cheeked, there was a clock tower in the school, and it showed that there were still twenty minutes until class started.

He lied to me.

Don't always be me, the teacher doesn't allow you to talk like this.

Oh, that guy lied to me.

That seems to be Captain Zhao.

Captain Zhao was so bad. He made us worry about being criticized by the teacher. I was sweating all the way.

Go to the bathhouse after school in the evening and take a bath for free with your student ID card.

After making a joke with some snot-nosed kids, Zhao Chuanxin was in a great mood.

Fan Ziliang, who followed not far behind, was speechless.

People who don't talk on the surface are actually quite rich in inner activities.

This is called Mensao.

Fan Ziliang was thinking: A man as old as Mr. actually likes to joke with children.

Except for sleeping time, Fan Ziliang usually stays with Zhao Chuanxin and is always on call.

Zhao Chuanxin often has a whim. Whenever an idea comes up, he will immediately record it and let Fan Ziliang pass it on.

At this time, it started to rain, and it started to drizzle.

The rain strands, which are thinner than silk, are connected into a sheet and will not dren people into drowning. However, they are still stronger than fog.

Fan Ziliang looked up at the sky and stepped forward quickly: Sir, why don't you go home first?

Not far away, Daisaku Kawamoto and Shun Tada, who were ambushing, saw Zhao Chuanxin getting closer and closer.

When they entered Lugang Town, they naturally did not bring guns, but they did bring daggers.

Sure enough, only firearms were checked at the entrance of Lugang Town, and cold weapons were ignored.

After entering Lugang Town, the two compared maps and found the ambush location.

The two of them came prepared, each holding a book and leaning against the wall at the entrance of the alley to read.

In the rapidly developing Lugang Town, this scene is not unusual at all.

Lugang Town is a place that likes to attract talents. Just because you are from Lugang Town does not mean that you can sit back and relax and live a good life.

On the contrary, living here, if you are not diligent and determined to fight, it is generally not easy to achieve happiness.

Happiness is hard to say.

In a poor village, perhaps one family has two acres more land than another family, and then they are happy.

In a prosperous town, you may earn more than most people in the country, but be at the bottom of the town. I see people wearing pocket watches every day, going out and riding horses, going to bathhouses every night, getting massages when they are tired, and taking their wives and children shopping from time to time. And you can only provide basic food and clothing, so congratulations, you must not feel happy.

In future generations, there will be no war or famine, and everyone will be able to wear warm clothes. But you can randomly pull out a young man on the street and ask him if he is happy.

He will probably spit in your face: Don’t talk to me about happiness, okay?

Out of ten people, eight have debts.

To be honest, I don’t know if it’s the people who are sick or the society who is sick.

Later generations paid attention to the number of cars, but now Lugang Town pays attention to the number of horses.

In terms of proportion, we cannot say that we are number one in the country. I am afraid that we are also number one in the world.

So the two of them held books and pretended to read, and no one was surprised.

Educated people are often highly valued in Lugang Town, and many adults have begun to read and write.

Daisaku Kawamoto and Shun Tada came early in the morning and waited for a long time.

Finally, Zhao Chuanxin was seen.

At this time, Zhao Chuanxin was only seven or eight meters away from them.

Once they get closer, they can take action.

However, a young man with a dull face behind him suddenly stepped forward and whispered a few words to Zhao Chuanxin.

Zhao Chuanxin and the two turned around and started walking back.

Daisaku Kawamoto and Shun Tada, who were sweating nervously, were suddenly confused.

After I relaxed, my hands and feet felt weak.

This is the aftereffect of stress.

Sitting on the ground, Daisaku Kawamoto said: Why didn't he take a few more steps? Why!

So angry!

Tada Shun rubbed his palms hard on his pants to wipe away the sweat from his palms.

He said: Otherwise, let's catch up. Today's rain, like fog, can hide our tracks.

The two looked at each other and agreed that it was feasible.

He stood up and chased after Zhao Chuanxin, who was limping and hadn't gone far.

Zhao Chuanxin and Fan Ziliang had not taken a few steps when Zhao Chuanxin suddenly stopped.

Oh, I forgot one thing. I want to eat big bread and Reedus sausage. I'll buy some for him.

Looking at the limping Zhao Chuanxin, Fan Ziliang felt disgust in his heart and didn't know whether to express it or not.

He hurriedly said: Sir, you wait here, it's better for me to go.

Okay, Zi Liang remember to buy the most expensive kind of red sausage. Da Lieba buy three, the little girl likes it too. No, four, I'll give you one.

He paid Fan Ziliang and Fan Ziliang left in a hurry.

As he trotted forward, he suddenly bumped into someone at the corner of the alley.

Tada Shun was knocked down by a strong force. Not only did he land on his butt, he also slid back half a meter.

This time the fall was firm and painful.

Next to him, Daisaku Kawamoto was stunned for a moment.

He was just doing bad things, and he had some evil intentions in his heart.

Naturally, everything in my heart is wary, and I will be frightened if I fall casually.

Fan Ziliang looked at the two of them strangely and reached out to pull Tada Shun on the ground.

Sorry, didn't it break?

Tada Shun was still holding his arms when he fell, because there was a dagger under his arm.

When Fan Ziliang pulled him, he still kept holding his arms.

Then he felt a strong force pulling him up. Not only did he pull him up, the force also pulled him forward and staggered him a step forward.

He couldn't help but be shocked, how powerful was this young man?

Fan Ziliang is 1.8 meters tall and not fat, but his shoulders are very broad and his hands are covered with calluses from work.

Later, a batch of fitness equipment was added near the small square, and he became obsessed with fitness.

But unlike later generations of fitness, Fan Ziliang didn't have any personal trainers. Everyone just practiced blindly, lifting the dumbbells and squealing.

It doesn’t matter what kind of muscle drawing or muscle girth you have. Once you’ve finished practicing, just take a shower when you’re sweating. Just two words: comfortable!

The degree of hardship and hard work of people at this time is unparalleled by later generations.

As far as Fan Ziliang is concerned, he walks around with a sack weighing dozens of kilograms in one arm, just like playing.

On the other hand, Tada Shun was 1.6 meters tall and had very little flesh. Fan Ziliang felt that pulling him was no different from pulling a child.

Daisaku Kawamoto reacted and hurriedly supported Shun Tada with one hand, while the other hand was still concealed, and his movements were particularly weird.

He whispered his thanks: Thank you, thank you very much.

The voice was small and the pronunciation was rapid, so Fan Ziliang didn't notice the strange intonation.

He nodded, apologized politely, and left.

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