The mage in the late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 265 We just had evil thoughts

Because Kajiwara Yoshihisa has incorporated mud trowel gloves to control the distance between rocks and sand.

Zhao Chuanxin quietly divided the rocks and wrapped Kajihara Yoshihisa's knife.

This guy might be suffering from a surge of adrenaline, but he was careless and didn't care about the weight of the knife, dragging the rock in front of Zhao Chuanxin in a very ridiculous way.

Kajihara Yoshihisa was dumbfounded.

There's a big stone tied to the head of the knife, how can you kill someone?

Zhao Chuanxin put on his mud trowel gloves and moved his hands forward as if he were playing a pipa.

A stone knife flew out and inserted into Kajihara Yoshihisa's shoulder.

Kajihara Yoshihisa screamed in pain.

I'm the one with the knife, right? I'll be the one to knife you instead!

Zhao Chuanxin struck again, inserting another stone knife into the other shoulder of Kajiwara Yoshihisa.

When he dialed again, Kajihara Yoshihisa's feet were wrapped in rocks.

Kajihara Yoshihisa finally looked horrified.

The adrenaline also subsided, unable to resist the pain and fear.

Zhao Chuanxin noticed that someone from the guard team was looking over.

He rolled his eyes and laughed loudly: Little devil, today I want you to see the strength of the God of War!

As he spoke, he exposed his arms and rolled up his sleeves, rushed forward and waved his arms across each other, and punched Kajihara Yoshihisa.

Kajihara Yoshihisa's feet were fixed and he couldn't move at all.

He could only raise his arms to resist.

But when Zhao Chuanxin dared to shout, he was not afraid of anyone in the world.

He was tall, had long arms, and was powerful and heavy. Kajiwara Yoshihisa was unable to resist the blow. For a moment, the frame he was holding with his arms was blasted away by Zhao Chuanxin's fist.

Immediately afterwards, he received numerous punches on his head, face and body.

Zhao Chuanxin had just lived for thirty years, and his vitality had been greatly improved.

Physical fitness has obviously become stronger.

The more he fought, the more excited he became, transforming into Wing Chun Ip Man, his fist almost turning into an afterimage.

After he finished venting his excitement, he looked up and saw, Cao...

Is this still a human being?

As for the remaining Japanese troops over there, their morale suddenly dropped when they saw that the captain had been beaten to the point where he was as mushy as pork that had been stewed all day.

Instead, the bodyguards saw that Zhao Chuanxin was as brave as a god descending from heaven.

One by one, they shouted Axi, come on, and Yu Yong, who stood up, used his bayonet to suppress the little Japanese until he was unable to fight back.

This is no joke.

Zhao Chuanxin secretly turned those rocks into rocks so that no one could see that he was cheating.

Pull out your pistol and join the fray.

The defeat of the Japanese army was certain. In hand-to-hand combat, Zhao Chuanxin did not dare to use a large weapon, but he could use a pistol without any disadvantage.

For today's people, pistols are not a necessary weapon. They are mostly weapons used by communicators, pilots, drivers, etc. for self-defense. Furthermore, only officers are qualified to wear them.

But Zhao Chuanxin's firepower was endless regardless of whether he had long guns or short cannons.

As soon as a Japanese soldier deflected the bayonet of the guard, he met Zhao Chuanxin's bullet.

Zhao Chuanxin's upper body was as motionless as a mountain, but his feet were as light as a butterfly's steps.

When moving, hold the gun with both hands and lock the central axis to ensure that no one of your own is accidentally injured.

Wherever they passed, the Japanese army was invincible.

The remaining thirty or forty Japanese soldiers escaped, and the guards captured more than twenty people.

Once the excitement passed, the joy on the guards' faces quickly faded away like the sunset at night.

The Japanese army was almost completely wiped out, and they suffered equally heavy casualties.

Even more people died than the Japanese army.

Park Shengyeol panted and came to Zhao Chuanxin with a gun on his shoulder: Mr. Zhao, what should we do with these prisoners?

Zhao Chuanxin said: Why don't we keep them here for the New Year?

Ah this...

What nonsense, kill them all!

Fortunately, no one talked to him about nonsense like killing prisoners is unlucky.

These guards hated the Japanese troops so much that they did not hesitate to shoot.

A gunshot rang out and the Japanese prisoners fell in a pool of blood.

The guards gathered around Zhao Chuanxin.

Zhao Chuanxin did not command the battle, but it did not prevent him from giving guidance: In this battle, I saw many shortcomings in you. I opened the way for you, but you still suffered such heavy casualties. Park Seung-yeol, you You're so impulsive, you could have just slowly besieged them to death, but you had to draw a bayonet and start a hand-to-hand fight.

Park Seung-yeol said aggrievedly: Mr. Zhao, it's not that I insist on fighting the Japanese army with bayonets. We and the Japanese army are running out of ammunition. If we continue to fight, we will run out of ammunition and food, and we will lose our spirit. By then, we will not be able to fight against the Japanese army.

Zhao Chuanxin's expression froze.

The insurance team all engages in blitzkrieg, either annihilating them all in one fell swoop, or taking advantage and running away. They are also ridiculously well-equipped and have never encountered a situation where they have run out of ammunition and food.

He himself has unlimited firepower and never worries about this.

So he misjudged the situation of the battle.

Fortunately, someone came to report, which eased his embarrassment: Mr. Zhao, including the Japanese captain Kajihara Yoshihisa, the Japanese army killed 103 people, injured 40 people, some escaped, and the rest were nowhere to be found. We lost 129 people, 60 people were injured and no one was separated.”

Once the number was reported, everyone fell silent.

Zhao Chuanxin raided the formation, and he was beaten like this.

This difference is not just a tiny bit.

Zhao Chuanxin said: Just now, I passed by a house. The man claimed to be Pu Qichun. He screamed at me and was killed on the spot. This man is a minister with real power. Let's go, let's ransack his house and rob him first. Say it again.

He had to use some means to divert everyone's attention.

Otherwise, just looking at the casualty figures will easily damage morale.

Park Shengyeol hesitated: Well, Mr. Zhao, we are a regular army. Isn't it a bit...

Zhao Chuanxin straightened up and said seriously: Park Shengyeol, remember. We are not bad people, we just have evil thoughts.


Everyone looked at Zhao Chuanxin speechlessly.

I really can't think of any difference between the two.

At this time, someone said: Pu Qichun is one of the 'Five Thieves of Eulsi', and it is appropriate to raid his home.

The five Otomi thieves are all pro-Japanese faction with real power. They were one of the representatives who signed the treaty between Korea and Japan after the Russo-Japanese War.

Those who can come today are all Korean patriots. After one person finished speaking, the others followed suit.

Zhao Chuanxin waved his hand: Let's search the house first. Those who are injured should hold on, and we will treat them when they get there.

Park Seung-yeol followed Zhao Chuanxin and said, Mr. Zhao, the bodyguards have been disbanded. Why don't we call them 'volunteers' from now on.

Zhao Chuanxin said without looking back: What do we call volunteers? It doesn't sound loud at all. From now on, we will be called the God of War Squad. No matter when and where there is a war, we will call back and we will win the battle!

This is too encouraging.

The guards behind each puffed up their chests.

The Japanese army must be very powerful. They were beaten to a pulp today. Even Yoshihisa Kajihara was beaten to death by Mr. Zhao's punches and was beaten into a human shape.

It can be seen that the Japanese army is not invincible.

Park Seung-yeol hesitated and said, But we don't have much ammunition.

Speaking of this, Zhao Chuanxin remembered.

He stopped and said, Everyone, stand back.

With a wave of his hand, under the astonished eyes of everyone, countless guns and ammunition appeared in the open space.

Immortal magic, this is magic!

Mr. Zhao has profound magical powers.

In this era, this move has no disadvantages.

In future generations, maybe Zhao Chuanxin will disappear the next day after playing this.

Zhao Chuanxin put his hands behind his back and said with an air of immortality: This is what you plundered from your weapons arsenal. There is not a single bullet left for the little devil. I even have a machine gun here, but it is not easy to carry. When the war begins, I will Here you go again.”

It is said that dogs rely on the power of people. In fact, when people have a point in their hearts, they are no different from dogs.

Those who are willing to rely on their own efforts are generally those who know in their hearts that they can only survive on their own.

Otherwise, why are there so many people in the later generations who prey on the elderly? It’s because the older generation has accumulated wealth, and each family has only one child, so they are very used to it, and there is a breeding ground for the inertia factor.

Why do many people mature after getting married?

Because after getting married once, the bride price, house, and car will deplete the family's wealth. If you don't work hard, you will have to open your mouth to the west - wait for the northwest wind.

The God of War team saw Zhao Chuanxin's ability, which greatly eased their fear of the Japanese army.

The sky is falling, and the God of War is big, so he can hold it up.

But they didn't know that Zhao Chuanxin took advantage of their mentality and changed the name of the guard team to the God of War Squad. Doesn't that mean that this team has become his personal weapon?

Seeing them all grinning widely, Zhao Chuanxin thought to himself that they were really a bunch of sticks.

When we arrived at Pu Qichun's house, except for the two corpses in the yard, there was no living person here.

Even if there were servants, they would probably be frightened and run away.

Zhao Chuanxin was in the yard and took out a bunch of medical equipment and medicines, which were all brought from the French train in Tianjin.

He washed his hands and demonstrated how to treat gunshot wounds himself.

He took out a cigarette and put it into the injured man's mouth: I also suffered a gunshot wound. Do you know how I endured the pain?

Shang Hao shook his head and took a puff of cigarette, as if this could relieve the pain.

Zhao Chuanxin said calmly: While I was reading Spring and Autumn, I asked people to take bullets for me. When I am addicted to the book and can't extricate myself, I can't feel any pain.

Huan Hao was surprised: Mr. Zhao, there is no Spring and Autumn here, and I can't read either.

Park Seung-yeol next to him also took out a cigarette.

This was captured from the Japanese army.

He took out the confiscated pen and notebook and interrupted: Mr. Zhao, why don't you tell us your story, such as where did you learn the spell?

As soon as they heard the word magic, everyone became energetic.

Zhao Chuanxin saw that everyone's faces were exhausted after the battle, and they really needed to rest for a while.

Park Seung-yeol acted like a war correspondent, so Zhao Chuanxin also became somewhat interested.

He said casually: This started a long time ago. My uncle likes to read books like Lao Zhuang, Shen Tong Qi, and Bao Pu Zi, dreaming that one day he can escape from the sea of ​​suffering and achieve enlightenment. Immortal, gain eternal life...

Zhao Chuanxin is an example of someone who can read the story and tell stories to his acquaintances. He always talks about the content of fantasy novels about cultivating immortals. It is exciting enough, but it sounds like nonsense at first glance.

But Park Seung-yeol actually took a pen and paper and recorded it solemnly.

Zhao Chuanxin didn't know what this thief wanted to do, so what he said was more realistic.

The story begins with his uncle.

His uncle loved Lao Zhuang and had read these fascinating philosophies since he was a child.

He had many books at home, and Zhao Chuanxin was interested in the small comic books among them.

Anyone who is a good teacher knows that sometimes if you want to clarify something, you have to explain it to others.

This method is also regarded as a learning method and has been compiled into a book.

His uncle could not tell others about his metaphysical philosophy, because they would treat him as a lunatic, so he had no choice but to say to the young Zhao Chuanxin: If you want to read my comic strips, you must listen to my stories.

When Zhao Chuanxin was young, he endured the boredom of listening to his uncle's nagging in order to soak in the paintings of villains every day.

In those years, his uncle often told him these things. After listening to them for several years, Zhao Chuanxin's ears were filled with noise.

One day, his uncle asked him: Do you want to become an immortal?

Zhao Chuanxin replied without hesitation: No.

The uncle was surprised: Why?

You said that people in the world use wine as a pulp, take delusion as a habit, enter the house when they are drunk, and use desire to drain their essence and dissipate their true nature. They don't know how to hold on to their fullness, and they don't control their spirits from time to time. They try to quicken their minds, which is contrary to the happiness of life. No knots.

When I was young, I never drank, never acted drunkenly, never smoked, never slept with a woman, and I even went to bed early every day and never got up until midnight like you.

I have never tried any of these happy things, so why am I seeking immortality?

When I try all these things, won’t the happiness I gain be ten thousand times greater than becoming an immortal?

Without happiness and desire, what’s the point of seeking immortality?

Chaos died after opening his seven orifices, but I think he must have tasted worldly happiness before he died.

So Huzi said that his heart is like a mirror. I don't think this is anything special.

When I wake up to take over the world and lie drunk in the lap of a beautiful woman, I will be as happy as a god.

When Zhao Chuanxin finished speaking, his uncle was dumbfounded and suddenly enlightened, erasing the foolish look he had had for several years.

He stretched out his hand and slapped Zhao Chuanxin on the forehead three times.

Said: You have to take it off, you have to take it off, you have to take it off.

As a result, Zhao Chuanxin learned various spells without any teacher...

This story is definitely more exciting than the one where you can't fight to break the sky and pretend to be slapped in the face. It's not as exciting as the way that mortals cultivate immortality through farming and accumulation. Once they achieve enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

But the advantage is that it is real, making people feel as if it is happening around them, giving people the illusion that everyone has the opportunity to realize the great truth.

Because the road is simple.

Park Seung-yeol recorded excitedly and asked Zhao Chuanxin: Mr. Zhao, what about your uncle, has he become an immortal?

No, he was imprisoned in a mental hospital. It's the kind of hospital that emerged in the United States that specializes in treating mental illness.


Everyone was stunned by this divine turn.

Haha. Zhao Chuanxin smiled complacently: Facts have proved that if you want to learn magic, you don't have to rely on hard work like crazy men and women. People with talent can become archmages casually without taking it seriously - for example I.

This greatly disappointed those who wanted to ask Zhao Chuanxin to teach him some magical powers.

It seems that he is not a once-in-a-millennium genius.

Zhao Chuanxin looked at Park Seung-yeol's writing and asked him, Why are you recording this?

Park Seung-yeol scratched his head in embarrassment: I want to wait until a book is published in the future and write a biography of Mr. Zhao.

Zhao Chuanxin looked at him in surprise. He didn't expect that this rich guy would have the ambition to publish a book.

Suddenly he thought of something: In case you really publish a book, remember not to say that I am a Korean. If you dare to talk nonsense, I will break your legs.

Sticks are used to sticking gold in their faces. The whole universe belongs to them and they must be on guard against it.

Someone said: Although Mr. Zhao is not Korean, he is a friend of Korea.

Zhao Chuanxin laughed: Yes, yes, Zhao hates to see Korea being bullied by Japan, so he must lead you to expel the Japanese and restore Korea's sovereignty. Let me tell you this, your emperor Li Xi, and I We are close friends and we almost became friends.

This is something everyone never expected.

So I was doubtful.

Seeing that they didn't believe it, Zhao Chuanxin had just finished sewing up the wound, so he took out the colorful jade bowl: Don't believe it? This is a gift from your Majesty the Emperor. It is his beloved thing and is worth ten thousand gold.

Even if you are a big boss, everyone can appreciate the extraordinaryness of this antique.

Is what Mr. Zhao said true?

Of course it's true. Zhao Chuanxin put the bowl away. When we gather people together and build up momentum, we will go rescue your Majesty the Emperor, my brother Li Xi.

Only Park Seung-yeol knew a little bit about the inside story, and he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Because His Majesty lost a large amount of treasures and money from his internal funds, he was so angry that he wanted to drag Zhao Chuanxin back to get those treasures back, not to mention asking for help.

Mr. Zhao, hehe, so witty.

After Zhao Chuanxin finished fooling them, he clapped his hands and said, A few clever people will treat and bandage according to my method. It's very simple.

Of course it's not that simple.

Watching Zhao Chuanxin take out bullets with ease and sew his flesh with ease.

But let others come, and the wounded screamed and their hands trembled as if they were the aftereffects of thirty years of drinking.

Zhao Chuanxin stood up and gave instructions one by one: Hey, don't shiver. It hurts if you shiver, you know? Why did you tie the thread with a bow? Are you supposed to be tying your shoelaces? This injury is too serious, don't worry about it. , let him explain the funeral arrangements...

After hurriedly handling all the wounded, Zhao Chuanxin stood up and said: I know you are still very tired. However, the Japanese army's large team must be arriving soon, and we have to evacuate.

Mr. Zhao, where are we going? There are too many Japanese soldiers. Otherwise, let's flee the country and go to the United States with you. Let's go drink milk and eat bread.

Zhao Chuanxin spat: You want me to leave my sworn brother Li Xi and run away alone? Damn, Zhao can't do such a thing.

The man was told by the upright and awe-inspiring Zhao Chuanxin that he was extremely ashamed.

Look, I am not a citizen of Korea, but I can still work hard for Korea.

What else can I say?

Let’s fight the Japanese to the end.

Zhao Chuanxin added: You all go back and call your colleagues. Once we are all together, go and fight the Japanese. If you recognize the rebels, call them too. The more people, the better...

Park Seung-yeol looked down at the Type 30 rifle in his hand and frowned: Mr. Zhao, manpower is not a problem, but the ammunition does not seem to be enough to arm everyone.

Zhao Chuanxin blinked: Don't worry about weapons and ammunition, I still have the goods in hand. In addition, you go to a village in the south of the Yangtze River to find a man named Li Xiuji. If he recruits people, ask him to return to the team quickly. By the way, it’s best to contact major newspapers, we need to win sympathy from public opinion.”

The next day, the latest newspapers came out.

Daehan Daily News called yesterday's incident the Dingwei Mutiny. It emphasized how Ito Hirobumi led the Japanese army to surround Qingyun Palace, and how he led Li Wanyong and Song Bingzhen to force the palace. In addition, it also revealed Japan's wolfish ambition to disband the Korean army.

The Imperial City News newspaper focused on the rise of the God of War Squad. It mentioned Zhao Chuanxin - that day, the Guards heard that Captain Park Seung-hwan had committed suicide, so they attacked the Daguanting Arsenal and fired guns to make trouble. . Japanese Captain Kajihara Yoshihisa led his troops to resist, and the guards suffered heavy casualties. However, Zhao Chuanxin, the God of War of the Qing Dynasty, witnessed the brutality of the guards. The reason was that the Japanese forced them too much and had no choice but to resist. Zhao Chuanxin raised his arms and shouted, and the guards admired his name and felt his virtue, and everyone responded. For a moment, machine gun projectiles rained down. The Japanese army was defeated by Zhao Chuanxin's courage and its arsenal was destroyed. Later, he fought with the Japanese army in the street and almost wiped out the Japanese army. Kajihara Yoshihisa was beaten to death by the God of War Zhao Chuanxin. Due to the disbandment of the Guards, Zhao Chuanxin changed its name to the God of War Squad...

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