The mage in the late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 269 Farming is not easy

Sumitomo Store mainly sells food and daily necessities.

It must be said that the shops at Jemulpo Port have a unique and exotic feel that belongs to this era.

Especially the dazzling array of goods on the display cabinets. Those handicrafts are left to future generations and can be sold casually for 1,800 yuan.

Zhao Chuanxin saw the exquisite Japanese tea sets, the teapot made of multiple layers of copper sheets welded together, and the drip tray used to collect dripping water from the tea cups.

There are stoves, wine barrels, cooking utensils for heating or cooking...

A lantern with strong Korean-style decoration, like a street lamp, consists of a copper bracket and lampshade.

In Zhao Chuanxin's view, many of the things here already have collection value.

He first scanned rice, corn, red, yellow and mung beans and other grains, and then searched for some cooking utensils and handicrafts. Then he picked up a copper teapot on the shelf and came to the counter: How much does it cost?

After all, there are many shops to visit, not to mention many trips back and forth between the mainland and the island.

He had to put on a show to reduce suspicion and not reveal his secrets in advance.

He originally thought that this thing should be cheap.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Chuanxin was startled when the clerk said, Sir, this copper kettle costs 125 yen.

Zhao Chuanxin took a breath: Why don't you go and grab it?

There was a hint of disdain in the clerk's eyes.

He was polite and patient in his words: That's right, sir, this copper kettle is completely handmade. Do you see the hammer pattern on it? It is hammered out by the craftsman, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. In Japan, only nobles and Only temples can enjoy it.”

Damn... Only then did Zhao Chuanxian realize that the handicrafts at this time were also luxury goods.

I wanted to send it back, but in the end I gritted my teeth.

Reluctant to give up the child, there is no way to trap the wolf. Only by spending generously can the suspicion be eliminated in the end.

Anyway, the value of the goods I scanned has increased countless times.

He no longer hesitated and paid the bill: 125 yuan, no change required.

No matter how good-tempered the clerk was, he couldn't help but roll his eyes.

After leaving the door, the two snot-nosed boys clicked their tongues and shook their heads: Mr. Zhao, this teapot is too expensive, there is no need to buy it.

125 yuan is enough for them to feed them. I don’t know how long it will last. I’m afraid it will be calculated in years.

Zhao Chuanxin said with pain: You know what? I'm riding a tiger. You don't have to follow me. I'll give you two xiaoyang and find a restaurant to have something to eat. I'll come back to you after I finish shopping.

Snivellus: ...

The shops in the front are one after another, row after row, so there is no need for them.

Always carrying two dirty snot-nosed babies is too eye-catching.

Zhao Chuanxin bought tempura wrapped in cod meat at a roadside food stall, wrapped it in paper, and sizzled while eating.

Just out of the pan, it's still a little hot.

He strolled into the Lantern Room.

This shop looks a lot more formal.

Pens, inks, paper and inkstones, paintings, pottery, lacquerware, girls' clothing and ribbons, etc.

In fact, personally speaking, Zhao Chuanxin's character is more literary, at least he thinks so.

Therefore, he quite likes visiting this kind of store.

After coming in, I scanned the goods again, but not much this time. After all, I can't let these personal items take up too much space.

This time he learned the lesson and bought a bottle of ink when he went out. It was really cheap.

After going out, I bought a bowl of miso soup from a street stall, and I was so dry in two mouthfuls.

The clerk was dumbfounded and took the money, and Zhao Chuanxin continued to the next store.

Next came the textiles, and Zhao Chuanxian discovered that there was black lace here.

Seeing his surprised look, the clerk explained: During the Louis XIV period, Louis XIV's extreme love for lace promoted the development of French lace craftsmanship. After being introduced to Japan, it immediately became popular among the noble ladies of our Japanese Empire. Mr. You might as well buy some and bring them to your wife, she will definitely like them.

The clerk is very eloquent and has allusions at his fingertips.

The lace patterns here are complex, and the embroidery and hemming are just casual. The colors are even more varied, including black, white, red, green, and blue.

Zhao Chuanxin always felt that except for black lace, other colors would look cheap.

He picked up a piece of lace, with a critical look on his face: The world is really declining, and people's hearts are not as old as they used to be. Look, what kind of cheap stuff are they selling? Wrap one for me, and I'll take it back and treat it well. Criticize one or two.”

Shop assistant: ...

Because textiles take up space, after visiting this store, Zhao Chuanxin went back and found two snot-nosed babies.

The two children didn't go to a restaurant. They just bought fish cakes and some salted chive flowers on the street, and they ate them very deliciously.

Maybe because he couldn't bear to eat it all at once, when Zhao Chuanxin came to find it, he was still chewing it carefully.

If this were Xian Yubin, he would gobble it up in a few mouthfuls and then be gone.

This thing is made by grinding fish meat into a paste and adding corn flour or potato flour. It is somewhat similar to fish balls. Cut it into small pieces, steam it in a pot, and it becomes a delicious street food.

With just the salted chive flowers, it was already a feast for the two snot-nosed kids.

Zhao Chuanxin came over and asked, Why don't you two go to a restaurant?

Mr. Zhao, we dare not go in.

Even though they are familiar with the terrain, they have actually never been to a few restaurants and stores. Most of the time, I just hang out at the door and don't have the guts to go in and out with those well-dressed people.

Zhao Chuanxin smiled.

Seeing that they were a little choked, I went to a store and bought two bowls of ginger soup.

Ginger, green onion, radish, and a little fish are added to form a bowl of clear and watery soup.

You two, drink it. After you drink it, we'll go back to the dock together.

These snot-nosed babies were fine when they were little, but when they grow up, they become very annoying.

They both had runny noses and happily went to drink soup with the toothless bowls in their hands.

As the sun rises, the fog on the sea lightens a bit, but it is still difficult to see places that are too far away.

Zhao Chuanxin launched himself into the water from the pier, swam back to Ares Island, and unloaded the cargo in the secret realm all over the beach.

He called Park Seung-yeol over: Find someone to carry the things back, and I'll go to Jemulpo to get some.

Park Seung-yeol agreed in a daze.

I really don’t know what magic method Zhao Chuanxin used to transport so many things back without using a boat.

Suddenly, he picked up a piece of black silk with his finger and asked, Mr. Zhao, what is this?

I, Cao, why did you take out this thing?

Zhao Chuanxin quickly put it away and smiled awkwardly: Haha, this is poetry and distance. You are still young, you will understand when you grow up.

But she inexplicably thought of Miao Cuihua. This kind of coquettish style fabric is most suitable for Sister Hua.

I imagined the scene of Miao Cuihua wearing lace and black stockings.

Zhao Chuanxin reacted slightly...

Many people took it without complaining, but Zhao Chuanxin took it without complaining.

Doing this kind of thing gives people a kind of secret joy and pleasure.

Taking what belongs to one's own people is called stealing, taking what belongs to the Japanese is called bringing honor to the country, it is called punishing evil and promoting good, and it is called taking a correct stand.

Moreover, just like a criminal who likes to return to the scene of a crime and wants to see how things will develop out of curiosity, Zhao Chuanxin changed into a suit and walked through the shop he had patronized again.

It turns out that no one wants to remember a stranger.

He just changed his clothes and the store clerk didn't recognize him.

When Zhao Chuanxin returned for the third time, someone discovered that the goods were missing and called the Korean police.

The police counted the list of lost items and conducted simple inquiries and personnel checks.

It is Zhao Chuanxin's principle to accept things as soon as they are good, and look at the weather when he sees something.

The sun sets in the west, tired birds roost in the trees, fish swim in the abyss, and the work is completed perfectly.

For several days, the God of War team gathered 2,648 people.

Not everyone had the courage to fight the Japanese army to the end. Many members of the Guards handed over their guns honestly, took their severance pay, stopped fighting, and went home to live their lives.

Li Xiuji didn't come either.

He married a daughter-in-law named Wu Renxing.

Wu Renxing is different from Li Xiuji. She is a refined egoist and never cares about the rise and fall of the country.

She works as a teacher at Jinchu School in Zaining County, and she comes into contact with gentle and gentle intellectuals every day.

But Li Xiuji, a young man who had returned from studying abroad, was like an extremely impulsive warrior and was very stunned.

Their tempers were at odds with each other.

Li Xiuji took several recently recruited volunteers and was about to leave the village when he met Wu Renxing who was returning from school and get off work.

When Wu Renxing saw Li Xiuji hanging out with a few unscrupulous people and sneaking out again, his face turned cold: I've been idle all day long. Since I don't want to stay at home, don't come back again.

Li Xiuji was furious: What did you say? You said I was idle?

People's beliefs and aspirations are the most intolerable to be slandered by others.

Wu Renxing said nonchalantly: Yes, I said you were idle.

Li Xiuji's long-simmering anger exploded with huge sparks. He didn't know where his head was in the wrong place. He suddenly took out a Colt single-action M1873 revolver and pressed the muzzle of the gun against Wu Renxing's forehead.

Can you try saying something again?

Wu Renxing turned pale with fright.

Li Xiuji's companion was stunned and hurriedly stepped forward to stop him: Calm down your anger, you are too impulsive. If you and your husband have something to talk about, fight at the head of the bed and fight at the end of the bed.

In fact, this is a single-action runner. If the hammer is not cocked, it cannot be fired.

Li Xiuji was just passionate and didn't really want to shoot.

So he took advantage of the slope to get off the donkey, put away his gun and let out a cold snort.

But there was a hint of regret in my heart.

At this time, even if the concept of marriage is not correct, you have to muddle along, and family is still more important.

What Li Xiuji wants is just for Wu Renxing to be together.

But Wu Renxing, who has been influenced by the new culture, is not the kind of traditional housewife who marries her husband and follows her husband. She cannot do this.

Wu Renxing squeezed out a few tears, turned around and ran away without saying a word.

Not running towards the village, but running outside.

The next day, Wu Renxing found Jin Zhenghong, the principal of Jinchu School, asked for leave and complained to him, told him about Li Xiuji, and said that he would hide from him for a few days to prevent him from shooting to death again.

When he heard that Li Xiuji pointed a gun at his wife, Jin Zhenghong was also a little afraid of this stupid young man.

He did know some brave and ruthless people, such as Jin Jiu, a famous patriotic enlightenment activist at this time.

Jin Jiu's identity at this time was the education director of Haixi Education Federation.

He was once a king. Ten years ago, he met a Japanese spy and killed him in anger. He even drank the Japanese's blood.

Even though he wears glasses and looks polite, he really dares to kill people at critical moments.

Jin Jiu had quite a chivalrous spirit. After hearing this, he went to find Li Xiuji without saying a word.

People like Ri Soo-gil were not afraid of anything, but they admired patriots like Kim Goo and could still listen to them.

Jin Jiu said: Those who achieve great things are magnanimous. No matter what, they cannot threaten their wives with guns and make the neighbors uneasy. This is a lack of cultivation and short-sightedness. I heard that you are recruiting volunteers everywhere. I I have seen the unarmed soldiers throwing tiles at the Japanese soldiers. If you fail to get things done, you will only make yourself embarrassed.

Li Xiuji was quite unconvinced after hearing this: Mr. Jin, have you ever heard of the name of the God of War?

Jin Jiu was stunned: Is he the one who recently led the God of War team to defeat the Japanese army?

Yes, that's him. I met Mr. Zhao. At first, he used the pseudonym Miao Renfeng, and we had dinner together. His ambitions and mine hit it off immediately. Mr. Zhao can make things happen, why do you say I can't?

Jin Jiu still knew the name of Zhao Chuanxin.

He hesitated for a long time before saying, This is different.

How is it different?

Zhao Chuanxin is a veteran soldier who has been on the battlefield for a long time. He started from a humble beginning but has been through many battles, and that is why he has achieved what he is today. But you have never fought in a war before. You can't succeed if you hang out with a bunch of rabble. It’s a big deal.”

Every man cannot bear to hear that others are better than him, and Lee Soo-gil is naturally not exempt from this rule.

But Jin Jiu's words left him unable to argue.

Their record is there.

Jin Jiu struck while the iron was hot: Hideyoshi, you have heard of me. Today, give this old guy a face and give me the pistol for safekeeping. After a few days, when you have calmed down, come back to me and take the gun. go back.

After hearing this, Li Xiuji, who was enthusiastically preparing for a battle with the Japanese army, was naturally unwilling to hand over his gun.

But Jin Jiu is an old Jianghu after all. While talking, he stared straight at Li Xiuji.

It means that if you don't hand over your gun, you won't give the seniors face.

Li Xiuji couldn't resist the gaze and reluctantly handed over the revolver.

Jin Jiu nodded with satisfaction and patted Li Xiuji on the shoulder: Xiuji, you are still young. Many things cannot be solved with enthusiasm. You must think twice before you act.

After saying that, he left.

Although Li Xiuji surrendered to face, he didn't take Jin Jiu's words seriously.

He originally planned to lead people to assassinate the Japanese army and cause trouble for the Japanese. He even found an escape route and went to the mountainous area of ​​Zhendong in Jiangdong District to wander around and deal with the Japanese army.

However, now, the only choice is to go to Zhao Chuanxin for help and ask for a batch of weapons.

Because he heard that Zhao Chuanxin Company had two weapons depots and sufficient armaments. He thought that if everyone had the same goal and asked for some, Zhao Chuanxin would give them face.

When he went to Jemulpo and asked the locals about the God of War team, he was targeted by two groups.

One group of people are snot babies, and the other group are Japanese flag traders who tip off the Japanese army.

Flag merchants generally refer to Japanese merchants who conduct trade on the peninsula using the Japanese plaster flag as their trademark.

Zhao Chuanxin's Intelligence Team of Sniffles, although they may be small, are extremely powerful.

After hearing the news, he rushed to the dock and informed the Ares team members stationed there.

The flag dealer also immediately found a Japanese team patrolling the Myeongdong area of ​​Jemulpo.

The one near the water tower got the moon first. The Japanese army was closer and found Li Xiuji first.

At this time, Zhao Chuanxin was taking the fertilizer from the old god's chamber pot to water the food on Ares No. 2 Island.

The follower Xian Yubin took a towel soaked in water and tied it to his nose, and said in a loud voice: Sir, this is full of sand. Will the food stop growing if I don't cast the spell one day?

Zhao Chuanxin was growing corn. After he discovered that the old manure in the chamber pot of the Old God was extremely effective in promoting plant growth, he became interested in experimenting with it.

The old manure that watered the chamber pot of the old gods, how fast the grain grows, how high the yield is, whether it tastes fragrant or smelly, these are all issues that need to be clarified urgently.

If one day I can no longer survive, it would be good to become a farmer.

I don't know. The quality of the land on the Ares Islands is not very good. In Ganghwa District, I see a lot of land, and the soil is quite fertile. If it works, I will cultivate a base for Park Seung-yeol and the others.

In the past, Zhao Chuanxin had seen people planting corn on the sand, piling cow dung and adding chemical fertilizers, and the corn grew well.

The old fertilizer in the chamber pot of the old gods cannot improve the quality of the soil. After all, it is only liquid fertilizer. It can only increase fertility, but it cannot increase water retention in the sand.

Sir, can you also find an island for us and grow food on it. When the time comes, I will take them to farm here and we will have a place to stay.

Children have many problems.

Xian Yubin was talking about those homeless snot-nosed kids.

Zhao Chuanxin glanced at him: Yes, yes. Are you sure you can farm? To be honest, I can't even ask myself.

Farming is not simple at all.

Plowing, digging holes, planting seeds, burying holes and stamping them down, weeding, thinning, top dressing...

In the era before machinery, farming was particularly cumbersome. It was not just spring planting and autumn harvesting, but it could take farmers a whole year.

Apart from anything else, when it came to plowing the fields, Zhao Chuanxin felt that none of these snot-nosed boys could hold up the plow stick, and none of them knew how to control the old ox.

The land in front of us was plowed out by the God of War team and a few people pulling plows manually.

Xian Yubin couldn't help but feel depressed when he thought about it.

Apart from hating the Japanese and some Koreans, he actually doesn't have much ambition. His current pursuit is to have enough to eat every day.

But it seems that eating enough is the most difficult thing.

The old god's chamber pot will lose its lateral force after shaking the wrist at three points. Zhao Chuanxin does not need to maintain the stability of the lower body and the shaking of his hands.

He chased the spring sea breeze and ran back and forth on the sandy land where the furrows were not deep. The smelly liquid was evenly sprinkled.

Even with such a simple job, he was almost tired of it.

With about a fifth left, the savior arrived.

A member of the God of War team rowed an oar and landed on Ares No. 2 Island: Mr. Zhao, there is a letter from Jemulpo saying that a man named Li Xiuji is looking for you.

Zhao Chuanxin immediately shook his mouth three times and put away the chamber pot of the old god.

He made an excuse for himself not to work: This is not because I am lazy. I really have something to do, so I have to stop the big business of top dressing.

Did anyone bring it?

No, the children on the shore said that the Japanese were also targeting him.

Zhao Chuanxin scolded: This fool must be making inquiries everywhere with great fanfare.

Mr. Zhao, what should we do?

Go to Ares Island, call a company of people, have them bring their weapons and secretly land on the dock. I'll go to the other side first to check the news.


The members of the God of War team gave a military salute in the manner of the guards and hurriedly rowed the boat back to the God of War Island.

Ares Islands is the name given by Zhao Chuanxin.

No. 1, No. 2, No. 3...the stars of these small islands surrounded the God of War Island.

Zhao Chuanxin has used sand to build defense facilities on each island these days to ensure that when an enemy attacks, there will be bunkers to resist, and he can easily advance and retreat between these islands.

After arranging the Ares team, he took the lead, jumped into the sea and swam towards Jemulpo Pier.

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