The mage in the late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 338 Arrogant Japanese

With the help of Sheriff George Maher, William Hope came to Zhao for a paycheck after he terminated his contract with his original employer.

At this time, Miao Cuihua was shaving Zhao Chuanxin.

Zhao Chuanxin likes sunshine, so he doesn't like to stay indoors.

Miao Cuihua sat on the stool, leaned over and used an old-fashioned razor to shave his face seriously and carefully.

After working hard for several days, Zhao Chuanxin rarely took a break and enjoyed the leisurely sunshine.

Haircuts and shaving are the most intoxicating activities. After a while, Zhao Chuanxin's consciousness began to blur, and he was just one step away from falling asleep.

Just when the defense of sobriety was in danger, damn Freddie Pavitt's voice sounded: Master, the cowboy of that day named William Hope is here.

Miao Cuihua glared at Freddie Pavitt dissatisfied.

In the past few days, Zhao Chuanxin had been forgetting to eat and sleep, and his beard was unkempt, which made her feel distressed.

After finally taking a break, Freddy Pavitt interrupted.

Zhao Chuanxin opened his eyes: Bring him here.

William Hope was looking at the size and luxury of the manor in amazement.

He did not expect that the irritable man whose identity George Maher refused to tell him would actually own such a magnificent manor.

So, I became more cautious.

This is the humility a person from the bottom should have when facing capitalists.

He took off his hat and bent down: Hello, sir.

Try to look less vulgar.

But the stench of cow dung and sweat could not be concealed.

Zhao Chuanxin took the wet towel from Miao Cuihua and wiped off the remaining foam on his face.

He got straight to the point: Serena, let me ask you, do you know this place, Kurdex?

William Hope nodded: Yes, it's in Westchester County, not far from North Tarrytown, on the east bank of the Hudson River. I once wanted to try my luck there. There are too many wild beasts there, so there are no People are willing to take risks and hire people to graze, but the pasture is good.”

Zhao Chuanxin stood up and patted his shoulder: Xiao Wei, I am very optimistic about you. God will give you a big responsibility. Can you take it?

Miao Cuihua, who was familiar with Zhao Chuanxin, immediately knew that Zhao Chuanxin might be plotting against someone.

When you are polite to others, you must ask for something. Zhao Chuanxin always demonstrates this vividly.

But William Hope didn't understand. He was flattered: Sir, I can do nothing but ride horses and herd cattle.

Humility, that's what you Europeans and Americans are not good at. You are too modest.

Ah this...

Isn’t this a common stereotype that Europeans and Americans have about Asians?

I want to buy a group of cattle to raise in Kurdex. What kind of cattle do you think I should buy?

William Hope thought for a moment and answered carefully: Sir, Scottish hardy cattle, Jessie cattle, Holstein cattle, Brown Swiss cattle, these types of cattle can produce milk and meat, and are more suitable for grazing in Kurdex. Cattle breed. The land is close to New York City, so whether it’s beef or milk, there’s no need to worry about selling it.”

From what he said, it seems that this cowboy has a lot of skills.

Zhao Chuanxin said: How many cows do you think you can raise with your ability?

Sir, my guys and I can release 400 at most. But there are many ferocious beasts in Kurdex. If we prepare some sheepdogs, we are most certain to release 300.

Zhao Chuanxin was shocked.

Outside the customs, because there was no pasture, even in later generations, Zhao Chuanxin, who raised cattle in his own family, saw that the most he raised was only thirty or fifty cattle.

But William Hope talks about three or four hundred heads.

Zhao Chuanxin is a bit overwhelmed. Now is the time to spend money everywhere.

He asked slightly hesitantly: What's the price of a cow?

Speaking of which, that's William Hope's specialty.

He knew all the treasures: Sir, it depends on whether you want to produce milk or meat. I suggest buying a Holstein cow, a calf. If the calf has beautiful colors, a good frame, and thick legs, the price may reach 30 US dollars. If it is an ordinary calf, Yes, it costs at least about 18 US dollars. In order to produce quickly, the adult cattle and young cattle should be mixed. It is best to buy the mother and the calf together. The price difference between adult cattle is relatively large, between 80 US dollars and 150 US dollars. It varies. If you want to buy at a low price, it is best to go to the south and west to buy, where each cow can be at least 5-10 US dollars cheaper...

Zhao Chuan got the salary, and after a rough calculation, I, Cao, have a lot of money.

Buying cattle definitely requires additional configurations.

And he didn't have time to go west or south to buy cattle.

The thought of spending so much money made him even more hesitant.

Relocating the factory and buying cattle were another huge expense.

Zhao Chuanxin smoothed his hair: How about not 400, not 300. I'm afraid you can't manage it, just 200.

Didn’t you just say that you would take a big responsibility?

William Hope was confused.

Why are you afraid that you can't manage it now?

Just as he was about to speak, Zhao Chuanxin interrupted him: It's settled. Xiaowei, I am very optimistic about you. So, I will record this batch of cattle in your name. At the same time, you have to go to the local area Build a factory, also in your name.”

This time it was William Hope's turn to be startled.

He stammered and his mouth went dry: Sir, I, I really don't know anything else.

Don't worry, I will go with you. You can learn slowly if you don't know how to do it. One day you will know how to do it.

Originally, Zhao Chuanxin did not intend to suffer this crime.

But to raise 200 cows, that's not a small sum of money. He wouldn't worry if he didn't go.

People in this era, whether in the East or in the West, do not dare to accept the pie that falls from the sky casually.

William Hope hesitated, but Zhao Chuanxin did not give him a chance. He turned to Freddy Pavitt and said: Tomorrow, I will set off and take William to Kurdex to explore the road first. Find a good place, I will I’ll let you know. When the time comes, slowly move the factory there. If anyone asks, just say you’re bankrupt and sell off the equipment.”

Freddie Pavitt pulled Zhao Chuanxin aside and whispered: Is this William Hope reliable?

I will make him gradually lose the courage to be greedy. Zhao Chuanxin said cheerfully.

Benjamin Goldberg and Marcus Nkrumah went to the punching bag to practice boxing, and came back breathless and said: Master, I think I can beat everyone in the school.

Zhao Chuanxin looked at his little arms and legs and shook his head: Obviously, you can't do it.

Benjamin Goldberg is frustrated.

Master, what's the use of my boxing training?

You should learn from your teacher and don't always show off your bravery. Recruiting the soldiers of the world, gathering them in Xianyang, and becoming the god of war in the world is what a man should do seriously.

Freddy Pavitt wiped the sweat from his brow.

If you want to say that the best man in the world is the master, right?

Zhao Chuanxin continued: Okay, don't talk nonsense. Tomorrow, master will take you to Kurdex. On the way, we will also design a semi-automatic rifle. Time waits for no one.

While Zhao Chuanxin and the American consortium were engaged in a turn-based strategy, the rest of the world was also moving at high speed.


Since Hawaii was returned to the United States, the United States has introduced many laws targeting Asian immigrants.

For example, people from the Qing Dynasty were allowed to have no more than 25 people on each boat, and they had to hold a special passport to land on the island.

At that time, Zhao Chuanxin and others were stopped at the port.

These laws also target Japanese immigrants. In Hawaii, the largest immigrant group is Japanese.

Hawaii recently passed a law requiring all immigrants to be fingerprinted when entering Hawaii.

The people of the Qing Dynasty were used to being bullied and did not dare to resist.

But the Japanese exploded upon hearing this.

The Japanese feel good about themselves now. Since the victory in the Russo-Japanese War, especially the victory in the Battle of Tsushima, they feel that they are capable and can compete with European and American powers.

Obviously, although this law targets the entire Asian group, it is better to say that it mainly targets the Japanese who immigrated to Hawaii.

Because the number is too large, it has aroused the vigilance of the United States.

This contradiction has been accumulated for the time being.

After Zhao Chuanxin left Hawaii, Japan Plant Fertilizer Co., Ltd. planned to acquire Hawaii's Golden Island, where it planned to plant pine trees for timber and build a large-scale agricultural park.

The local Kanaka people stopped working as soon as they heard this.

They planted good land for sugar cane cultivation on Golden Island, but the Japanese actually wanted to interfere?

Conflict broke out completely.

The Japanese and the Kanaka people protested at the same time, but the Japanese protested against the United States by marching, while the Kanaka people, led by the high priest, were fully prepared to fight with the Japanese.

Although they have now become a minority in Hawaii, they are no worse than the Japanese in terms of warlikeness.

American reporters caught wind of the incident and came to Hawaii for interviews, hoping to get first-hand information.


They heard the arrogant chants of Japanese immigrant marchers.

Hawaii should belong to Japan!

Americans get out of Hawaii, or the Japanese bombard San Francisco!

American reporters were shocked!

Who gave them the courage to shout like that?

This kind of slogan is definitely not groundless.

They began an in-depth investigation and found out that this slogan was shouted by a Japanese military officer named Miyoshi Zengzang to strengthen his emotions during a speech.

Of course he cannot represent Japan.

But in the eyes of American reporters, this is provocation!

They also received news that the top Japanese military leaders, led by Hasegawa Yoshimichi, often used the United States as their imaginary enemy, imagining war with the United States and where Japanese warships would bombard and land.

When the news was published in American newspapers, some people laughed, some felt that Japan was overestimating its capabilities, and some felt that Japan was a threat.

white house,

Ronaldo put down the newspaper and first asked his secretary and assistant William Bro: The Queen of the Netherlands will arrive tomorrow, right?

William Bro is a workaholic and is Ronaldo's personal secretary. He handles every detail and everything will pass through his hands.

He said: Yes, sir, I have arranged the official reception, and the rest is up to my wife.

Da Luo clicked on the newspaper again: The Japanese are really arrogant. However, they are a jealous, allergic and warlike nation. They can do anything and are a great threat to Hawaii!

William Broe nodded in approval: Sir, our Great White Fleet is almost ready, so there is no need to worry too much about Japan.

Ronaldo was a little angry at Japan's attitude: These damn bastards are always unwilling to stop. Let the navy prepare. I will let them sail around the world before Christmas, so that the Japanese can see our force!

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