The mage in the late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 450 Honey, we have a child

Chapter 450 Dear, we have a child...

Zhao Chuanxin picked up the phone.

But I heard Edith Roosevelt's voice: Zhao Chuanxin, what exactly do you want to do? Don't you think the matter is not big enough?

Damn, all the excitement was in vain!

She originally wanted to persuade Da Luo to cooperate with Zhao Chuanxin and turn around to deal with monopoly giants such as Rockefeller.

Because Luo’s proposition has always been anti-monopoly.

However, Zhao Chuanxin has stirred up the situation again and again. Now if they cooperate with him and the people learn the truth, they will not dare to challenge Zhao Chuanxin, but they will dare to raise banners to protest against Da Luo.

This was extremely detrimental to Ronaldo's career, and Edith Roosevelt had given up the idea of ​​cooperating with Zhao Chuanxin.

Zhao Chuanxin moved the microphone further away from himself, and waited until the explosion was over before he said: Edie, you have to understand me. This is not my fault. This country is wrong, this world is wrong, and I am also a victim... …”

... Edith Roosevelt: You are a victim. Ask those who died in German Village if they would agree?

They don't have a problem, and if they do, I'll hear it.

Do they dare to say it?

Aren't the rules of this world just about dare and dare, and what can and can't?

Edith Roosevelt fell silent.

That makes sense.

I have already asked the exchange to help connect the overseas call. You will receive a call from Wilhelmina in a while. In addition, I will tell you Wilhelmina's private telegraph line... After that, Edie Roosevelt hung up the phone.

Zhao Chuanxin smiled.

What he did seemed reckless, but in fact he still acted within the rules.

It was the Southern Front who took action first, and they were just retaliating in kind.

The difference from others is that Zhao Chuanxin does not follow judicial procedures and does not pay attention to evidence.

Zhao Chuanxin took a pencil and scratched on the paper unconsciously.

First, a slender arm with a female-specific fat texture appeared on the paper, and then a half-brimmed hat and meslin yarn appeared.

Those beautiful hands were brushing over the tulips with strange and gorgeous flowers.

Just like the beginning of the world's rebirth, all things have not been named. There is no need for words to describe the beauty. Touching it with your hands is the most real feeling.

When the sea of ​​flowers took shape and stretched as far as the eye could see, with the flowers in the distance only showing speckled shapes, the phone finally rang.

Zhao Chuanxin put down his pencil, his mood calmed down completely. He picked up the phone and said, I'm Zhao Chuanxin.

Wilhelmina's voice was clearer and more unique than other young women's: Did you miss me?

Across the 5,800 kilometers of submarine cable, Zhao Chuanxin could feel Wilhelmina's excitement.

My love is separated by mountains and seas, and mountains and seas are not level. I miss you day and night, and I can't sleep at night. Zhao Chuanxin's love words without a heart beating or a blush on his face were as natural as eating and drinking.

Wilhelmina choked up and said pitifully: I miss you too...

In Zhao Chuanxin's mind, her charming and naive appearance emerged.

Even though he was as hard-hearted as he was, he really missed her.

So, he suggested: Let me get involved with Royal Dutch Petroleum.


Zhao Chuanxin frowned: Hello?


Wow, the line is too long, and I don’t know how many switches I went through in the middle, so I lost the signal.

After a while, Wilhelmina's voice sounded again: Hurry up and fix it for me, immediately, immediately...

Zhao Chuanxin smiled as he imagined the scene on the other end of the phone.

He said: Little Nana, are you still there?

Wilhelmina said happily: Yes, yes, what you just said, I didn't hear clearly.

... Zhao Chuanxin said helplessly: It's nothing. I'll wait until I send you a telegram later to discuss that matter.

Okay. Wilhelmina said with a bright tone, I want to tell you something.

Zhao Chuanxin: Yeah, you tell me.

Honey, we have a child...

No sound again.

How could Zhao Chuanxin's character endure such torture?

He hung up the phone viciously.

Then, he scratched his head: What did little Nana just say?

That's half the story, really.

After waiting for a long time, maybe Wilhelmina also felt that overseas phone calls were unreliable, so she never called again.

Zhao Chuanxin went to the mailroom and sent a telegram to Wilhelmina: I miss you. I want to buy a stake in Shell Oil, and Royal Dutch Petroleum wants to merge with Shell Oil. Can you say something to let me get involved?

After a while, I received a reply: Yes, you can send someone to negotiate directly. Dear, I have something important to tell you, but telegrams are inconvenient and can easily be intercepted.

Zhao Chuanxin: Let’s talk about that later.

Wilhelmina: Come to the Netherlands.

Zhao Chuanxin: Wherever I go, there will be disaster. Aren't you afraid?

Wilhelmina: Give me some face.

Zhao Chuanxin: Haha, there will be a chance, but not now. Okay, let’s not talk about it for now. My business partner came to see me with something important. If you insist on practicing balance techniques, it will be very helpful to your body.

He said words of concern that were helpful and caring.

Wilhelmina: When will you send me a telegram next?

Zhao Chuanxin did not reply.

It turned out to be Thomas W. Lawson.

The two returned to his office.

Didn't you go to be investigated? What happened?

Thomas W. Lawson looked a little unhappy: Boss, the National Monetary Survey Committee was established by Congress and Roosevelt. They make decisions before enacting legislation. These thieves froze 7.5 million US dollars that we didn't have time to withdraw.

Zhao Chuanxin stood up slowly and paced with his hands behind his back: There has to be a name, right? Freeze my money for no reason?

Thomas W. Lawson said with embarrassment and helplessness: The reason for our previous operating violations is that I wrote articles to manipulate the stock price...

He looked at Zhao Chuanxin carefully.

He was afraid that his boss would get angry and chop off his head with an axe.

Although this possibility is very small, the boss is like a tiger, and in his opinion, the boss is more terrifying than a lion or a tiger.

Jesse Livermore had warned him not to engage in these little tricks before.

But Thomas W. Lawson was too headstrong to listen.

Now he knows he was wrong, and the price is much greater than the 2.68 million he originally earned.

Therefore, he said cautiously: Boss, otherwise, I will take the blame and resign, and draw a clear line with you and the trust company. Maybe in this way, they will not continue to freeze our funds.

When Fritz Heinze and Charles Morse were exposed, the American Bankers Clearing Association expelled them from membership.

Now Thomas W. Lawson was ready to voluntarily secede.

Zhao Chuanxin remembered that someone in later generations said: The charm of a leader lies in knowing what to ask his subordinates to do. Leaders who know that their subordinates cannot shoulder responsibilities should take the initiative to take responsibility.

Therefore, Zhao Chuanxin lit a cigar and waved his hand: My employees don't need those bells and whistles. If anything happens, I, the boss, will naturally take responsibility for it. There is no need to say anything more about it.

Sure enough, Thomas W. Lawson was deeply moved.

Boss, I...

Zhao Chuanxin interrupted him: If something happens to these people, will the people who come later change their minds?

Thomas W. Lawson knew what Zhao Chuanxin wanted to do, and he hurriedly stopped him: Boss, you must not do it. This matter was decided jointly by Congress and Roosevelt. Even if a group of people were changed, it would not change. .”

Now he is somewhat determined to follow Zhao Chuanxin.

Therefore, everything must be done for Zhao Chuanxin.

Zhao Chuanxin thought for a long time, and suddenly his eyes lit up: Is the Great White Fleet approaching New York soon?

To say that the gentlemen of the U.S. Congress are indeed short-sighted.

They did not agree to allocate funds for the Great White Fleet to sail around the world because they felt that the cost of eating horses and people along the way was too high.

But Da Luo is a man with personality, don’t you agree?

Well, I let the fleet set off in the name of military exercises. It can be said that I am determined to do whatever I want.

But the problem is that if Congress does not appropriate funds, the Great White Fleet will not have enough money to support its voyage.

The United States also did not have the global network of coal mines that the United Kingdom had at this time.

But Ronaldo had a way: he signed contracts with various merchant ships and paid for half of the journey.

When the Great White Fleet is halfway gone, Congress will have to make a decision: Do we still want the Great White Fleet? If you want, you have to spend a sum of money to allow the Great White Fleet to return, otherwise they will not be able to come back.

This is acting rogue.

The Great White Fleet set out from Hampton Harbor, sailed along the east coast of the United States, and went to New York for a wave of supplies. Then it plunged into the Atlantic Ocean, first visiting European countries, and then went to Asia to show off its skills in front of Japan.

On the surface, this voyage was a friendly visit, but in fact it was a demonstration. The main target of the demonstration was Japan, followed by European countries.

Da Luo's intention is obvious: You thieves, let you see my muscles!

Thomas W. Lawson paid attention to various news every day and nodded when he heard this: Yes, it will arrive in New York Harbor in no more than five days.

Zhao Chuanxin immediately sat back in his seat, dialed the dial, and called the Roosevelt Manor: Edie, ask your husband to call me.

Edith Roosevelt was startled: What are you going to do? Don't go too far.

He was really afraid of a direct conflict between Da Luo and Zhao Chuanxin.

She really didn't know what the upper limit of Zhao Chuanxin's ability was. If he could really kill the White House, it would be terrible to kill her old man.

Zhao Chuanxin said with a smile: I will chat with him about your ownership issue.

Edith Roosevelt angrily said: Zhao Chuanxin, you need to know that you should speak respectfully to women who are very different in age from you.

Edie, I mean this from the bottom of my heart.

What on earth is wrong with you?

Haha. Zhao Chuanxin stopped talking nonsense: A bullshit organization called the National Monetary Survey Committee has frozen my assets of 7.5 million US dollars. I'll chat with your old man and ask him to return it to me. After all, I He has a bad temper.

Edith Roosevelt said: You have come to the wrong person. If you really want to vent your grievances, you should go to Senator Eugene Hale of Maine. He was the first to bring up and take the initiative to freeze your assets. .”

In fact, Eugene Hale not only wanted the money for the Black Zhao Pass, he even wanted the money to cover the cost of the Great White Fleet's military exercises.

Because until now, many people still think that Ronaldo just wants the Great White Fleet to conduct military exercises.

Eugene Hale was extremely opposed to the Great White Fleet's circumnavigation of the world, and he was the main person who refused to provide funding. But he eventually stepped back and provided funding for military exercises.

Of course Zhao Chuanxin didn't know the inside story.

He frowned: Edie, I'm going to be on the phone with Roosevelt, and I have to remind you that this is important.

Edith Roosevelt was not a religious man.

Although Zhao Chuanxin did not recognize Eugene Hale, the name revealed from her mouth would definitely not be simple.

Zhao Chuanxin doesn't want to be a gunman for others.

My computer was down for several days and I couldn’t save any manuscripts.

The computer is also installed, so there is no excuse to be lazy...

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