The mage in the late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 785 Uncle, overjoyed

Morrison had many books at home, and the bookshelves were divided into categories and placed according to his index.

The south wing of the courtyard is completely unrecognizable. The wooden structure has been completely changed. The beams and ceiling are made of cement and are four meters high.

The entire library area is almost 150 square meters.

Morrison saw Zhao Chuanxin's face filled with admiration and suddenly said, Mr. Zhao, do you like reading?

Yes, I carved the word Zhao on the table at home to remind myself to study and study early. After all, there is no end to learning. After decades of hard study, I finally learned a lot and became proficient in astronomy and geography.

Morrison: ...

He attached great importance to his library, and collecting books gradually became a big hobby.

He tentatively asked: Mr. Zhao, if one day I want to sell my house and library, would you be willing to take over?

Of course. Zhao Chuanxin looked at the collection of books: If you want to sell them, come to me anytime. You must not sell them to the Japanese. I will be very angry.

Zhao Chuanxin just said it casually.

Because there are many rare ancient books here, especially the collection of books, it is really a pity to live overseas.

But unexpectedly, one sentence hit the point.

In the original historical trajectory, Morrison wanted to sell real estate, and he made a promise that whoever bought the house would give the library to the country.

Some people from China asked about the price, but nothing came up.

Morrison was very disappointed. He originally wanted to keep his collection of books in China, but in the end he could only sell them to a Japanese.

Morrison seemed to be relieved of his heartache: This is very good.

Because he felt that he was increasingly unable to support himself in terms of energy and money.

Zhao Chuanxin read the book for a while, and Morrison found someone to transport Rebecca Levi's gift.

That night, I stayed at Morrison's house.

The next morning, Zhao Chuanxin got up and practiced some balancing skills. He saw Rebecca Levi wearing an apron and busy boiling water.

As soon as Zhao Chuanxin sat down, she took a hot towel and applied it to his face and shaved him.

This woman is tall and beautiful, with a faint blush on her face. She shows great patience in every move she makes, and her movements are smooth and smooth, brisk and comfortable.

Morrison's eyes grew hot when he saw it.

Not only did he have no one to take care of him, he also had to fetch Bacchus's excrement and urine.

Morrison said: Mr. Zhao, I need to send him to the hospital.

Morrison said, sweating profusely.

He was seeking Zhao Chuanxin's opinion.

Send it off, we'll leave later. Zhao Chuanxin was very indifferent.

Bacchus was smart enough not to go around yelling when his limbs were useless.

The telegraph in Beijing is divided into internal and external offices.

At first, Li Hongzhang insisted on laying the telegraph against all opinions. Although many people are not so determined to obstruct the project, they still believe that it only needs to be laid to the outer city, not the inner city.

Because Beijing’s sewage system relies almost exclusively on open channels for discharge, it is notoriously dirty and messy around the world.

Laying telegraph wires required a huge sewage renovation project. In the end, Li Hongzhang chose to use telegraph poles.

At that time, the filthiness of the capital was obvious to all and was recorded in many historical materials. However, there were many smart people who believed that as long as the excrement collectors still regarded their feces and urine as treasures, the capital would not be filthy.

Zhao Chuanxian brought Rebecca Levi to the Telegraph Outside Office.

The clerk at the telegraph office asked arrogantly: What business do you do?

To be able to work here, you must first have ink in your stomach, secondly, have the connections, and finally, you must be proficient in this kind of Western machine.

Zhao Chuanxin pointed at him and said, You come out, and I'll go in and send a few telegrams.

... The clerk glared at him: Nonsense, why do you think you're your own family? Mali, come on and have a rest!

It's a bit like the indigenous dogs of later generations looked down upon people.

After all, there are no rules for customers to go in and operate by themselves, so Zhao Chuanxin can still hold back.

But then, a foreigner came forward, and the clerk nodded and flattered him as much as he could: Hey, Mr. Lide, rare visitor, what brought you here? Please...

Shall I wipe it?

Zhao Chuanxin glanced at the clerk sideways: I'll come first, first-come, first-served, do you understand?

The clerk gave him another expression: Go, go, what's your status? I am Mr. Lide, a German, can you compare with me?

Zhao Chuanxin took out Rebecca Levi's arm and looked at the clerk quietly: I'll give you another chance and talk to you carefully.

Hey, who are you trying to scare? At the emperor's feet, who can eat two more bowls of fried noodles than the other?

Don't scare us. Do you know who we are receiving when we see Tian'er?


Once this person opens his mouth, he can't hold it back.

Come on, carrying a gun and a stick, someone else might be angry to death.

Zhao Chuanxin said nothing and waited for him to finish: Have you said enough?

The clerk shook his braid, rubbed his neck and said, Ang, that's enough. What do you want to do?

Enough said and hit the road.

You said we were going on the road...what road were we going to take?

Zhao Chuanxin snatched him out from the counter.

The foreigner named Lide shouted: Please stop your violent behavior immediately, I am a German, and I will report it to the patrol...

Zhao Chuanxin slapped him with his backhand.


Lide spun around in circles, fell to the ground and vomited blood.

What the hell are you Germans or Frenchmen? I haven't even left yet, yet they dare to jump out and continue to dominate the next day?

The clerk shouted: Let me go, I have someone in the household department, I advise you not to make a mistake...

Haha. Zhao Chuanxin stretched out his hand, folded it forward and backward, and made a slapping sound with his mouth.

The employee's face swelled at a rate visible to the naked eye, and his gums became loose.

Then Zhao Chuanxin began to slap one side of his face hard, causing his left eye to swell to a slit.

I'm convinced, I don't dare anymore, I...

The man struggled to no avail, and no one came to help him, so he could only cry out for mercy.

Zhao Chuanxin supported him like a dog, stepping on his ankles and exerting force.


Eh, eh, eh, ow...

Only then did Zhao Chuanxin put him down.

He jumped up to the counter, took out the elf carving knife, and carved two lines of words on the wall - If a dog looks down on others, his eyes will be crooked, and if he worships foreign fathers, his legs will be lame.

If a dog looks down on others, then it will make you crook your eyes so that you can see everyone with squinty eyes; if you want to worship a foreign father, you will have your legs lame so that when you see a foreign father, you can't get up to greet him, so you can only sit and work.

After engraving, Zhao Chuanxin went into the counter and sent the telegram himself.

He said: I, the leader, will come back as soon as I see you.

Not long after, Li Guangzong replied: I heard from Yang Yide that the second master was in trouble in the Forbidden City. It was during the transition period of power and it was not appropriate to make a big fuss.

Zhao Chuanxin didn't take it seriously and continued to ask: How is everything on Ao Island? How is everything on Hong Kong Island? How is Hankou?

Li Guangzong replied: Macao Island is regaining order and stabilizing revenue; Hong Kong Island is booming; students from Hankou have successfully built a two-cylinder air-cooled engine with only two horsepower, which is gratifying. However, compared with the American automobile industry, You have a long way to go.

Zhao Chuanxin could imagine how difficult it would be for a group of students with no foundation to scratch their heads and start from scratch after dismantling his Rolls-Royce.

At this time, Rebecca Levi said anxiously outside the counter: The patrol is here.

Zhao Chuanxin replied to Li Guangzong unhurriedly: I want to withdraw.

Li Guangzong hurriedly said: Chief, please do not engage in war within five years, otherwise disaster will occur.

Zhao Chuanxin erased all traces and jumped out of the counter.

The clerk cried: This person broke my legs, help...

The foreigner named Lide pointed at Zhao Chuanxin: That's him.

The patrol officer found that this bold maniac was not afraid, but pointed to the writing on the wall: In the future, you patrol officers must also remember that a bowl of water should be balanced.

One of the patrol officers was angry: Are you teaching me how to do something?

Another patrolman shouted: You beat a foreigner, this matter is not over yet...

Rebecca Levi glanced at this idiot with pity.

Sure enough, Zhao Chuanxin appeared, grabbed his braid, held a hammer in his right hand, and smashed his eyes.


Kick him in the ankle.


Before the other patrolman could react, one of his companion's eyes was blown out and one of his legs was disabled.


Zhao Chuanxin let go and rubbed his palm against another patrolman.

Damn, grab a hand by your pigtails.

I told you, don't recognize foreign fathers, don't look down on others, why can't you think about it?

Another patrolman backed away in shock, holding a solid wooden baton and saying with a stern face: You, don't come over...

Zhao Chuanxin ignored him and pushed the foreigner: Get out of the way, a good dog won't block the way.


We got on a rickshaw and the driver pulled us on the muddy road.

Rebecca Levi saw Zhao Chuanxin's gloomy face and said nothing. The car was heading to Zhengyangmen, where there is the train station.

She guessed that Zhao Chuanxin's bad mood must be related to what happened just now.

But he has already vented his anger? Why are you still angry?

Zhao Chuanxin was angry for a while and sighed: Yesterday, his blood flowed into a river, but today the autumn wind is still the same.

The thoughts and actions of some people are truly worthy of their suffering.

Sometimes you really have to respect the fate of others.

Tianjin Wei, Aoki Xuanzhun is hiding in Xuanyangshe's secret stronghold.

He was chatting with the backbone of the Black Dragon Society.

It's a pity that I couldn't kill Zhao Chuanxin.

Don't be discouraged, Mr. Aoki, we still have a chance.

Zhao Chuanxin caused a scene, and Westerners may hate him to death.

The person opposite shook his head: Aoki-kun's words are wrong. European and American countries are eager to be strong, and they are just beating them into submission. In the past, the descendants of Genghis Khan bloodbathed Moscow, what about now? They all praise him as a hero. Europeans and Americans despise the Chinese, but they only look up to Zhao. Pass on the salary.”

In later generations, whenever there was an exhibition of Genghis Khan in Europe, people flocked to it.

Zhao Chuanxin was the one who really defeated them at the beginning of the twentieth century.

I am afraid that Zhao Chuanxin will also appear in the future.

Aoki Xuanchun took a sip of tea: I expected it to be true. Next, Cixi will unite all countries to discuss and find another way to resist Zhao Chuanxin.

Heroes think alike!

The bigger the noise, the better, and we can take advantage of the fire.

Yang Shixiang, the current governor of Zhili, has noticed the precarious situation in the capital.

When he received the news that Zhao Chuanxin had killed all the soldiers and policemen of the small coalition outside the Forbidden City, the first thing he did not lament about Zhao Chuanxin's combat effectiveness was that he immediately thought of whether Lafayette and Guangxu in the city would be killed. Zhao Chuanxin was so frightened that he blew out the lamp and pulled out the wax in advance.

So he immediately wrote to the court: Once the Yongding River rises from its lower mouth, it cannot vent smoothly and often overflows, causing disasters. Please allocate 460,000 taels of funds to build and increase the dam of the river so that there is a way for its distribution and dissipation. In the early days of the Republic of China, due to the numerous additional dispatches during the Ming Dynasty, the people's livelihood in the capital was in decline. Now patrol police, new schools and other new policies cannot be allocated to the people. It is proposed that the government and gentry jointly investigate the corvee work all year round in response to official duties, but it is actually for public use, and the amount will be discounted at the discretion of the state and county. It is not allowed to give away the money indiscriminately...

In addition to asking for money, the other thing is to get vaccinated and tell Cixi and others that the people of Gyeonggi often revolted because of excessive taxes in history. When you are dead, it is best not to mobilize troops and cause public resentment to boil.

Of course, almost no one took his words to heart.

But Cixi was not frightened to death. Instead, she had a temporary goal of driving Zhao Chuanxin away before the new emperor came to the throne, and her spirits were restored.

In two days, I discussed the details with Zhang Zhidong and others and implemented them immediately.

Zhao Chuanxian took Rebecca Levi north.

I just arrived in Tangshan and went to the Kaiping Mining Bureau.

The person who took over the Kaiping Mining Bureau was a middle-aged man named Yu Qi sent by Li Guangzong from Hong Kong Island.

This man was originally unknown until he was appreciated by Li Guangzong.

General Office Yu, why did the Japanese side suddenly cut off the purchase contract? The railway side also cut off the business with us at the same time. Zhao Xilong greeted Zhao Chuanxin at the train station, but his mind was not here.

Yu Qi clasped his hands behind his back, with a very calm face: Don't be impatient. We can still afford the suspension of sales for ten and a half days.

Zhao Xilong was puzzled: How does General Yu know that it will take ten and a half days to recover?

How to know?

Because Yu Qi and Li Guangzong had a phone call.

Not only the Kaiping Mining Bureau, but also Zhao Chuanxin's many industries in Hong Kong Island, Macao Island and Hankou were affected.

Li Guangzong was also anxious, but he did not panic.

The train slowly pulled into the station and stopped, and Yu Qi and Zhao Xilong stepped forward to pick it up.

Zhao Chuanxin and Rebecca Levi got off the car.

Yu Qi discovered that these two people had no luggage at all.

The workers who came to help carry the boxes were of no use.

Mr. Zhao! Yu Qi saluted solemnly.

Zhao Chuanxin nodded.

Rebecca Levi looked at it curiously.

This reminded her that Zhao Chuanxin was once in New York, and there were many people who respected him, including some tycoons, J.P. Morgan and others.

The governor of New York State, the mayor and the sheriff of the town where Ethan Manor is located also dare not provoke him.

After arriving in the Qing Dynasty, starting from Hong Kong and Macao, there were many people taking care of him along the way. Zhao Chuanxin's sphere of influence was even wider than in the United States.

Yu Qi added: Mr. Zhao, Mr. Li asked you to make sure you get on the phone with him after you arrive.

What's so urgent?

Yu Qi wanted to say that you were the one causing trouble everywhere, and now you are finally in trouble.

Of course, this can only be thought about.

He did not even mention the difficulties the Bureau of Mines was currently experiencing.

He just said: Mr. Li has something urgent to discuss.

The group arrived at the Kaiping Mining Bureau. Zhao Chuanxin went to the official room in the ninth room and used the telegraph machine there to send a message to Li Guangzong: Guangzong, it's me. What's the matter?

Li Guangzong replied: In the near future, there will be appointments issued by the Qing court. When you receive them, you will inform me immediately.


Zhao Chuanxin remembered that the Qing court had falsely recruited people and gave him and Zhao Zhongyi false posts.

He said: Place Rebecca in the Mining Bureau. I have to go back to the northwest to do business and have no time to play tricks with them.

Li Guangzong was anxious: Sir, wait a few more days, otherwise we will suffer heavy losses.

Zhao Chuanxin:...

Now that Li Guangzong's wings are full, he is no longer the person who rushed to Zhao Chuanxin to cry out when he was a little aggrieved.

Now he quite wanted to protect Zhao Chuanxin from the wind and rain. When something happened, even if it was caused by Zhao Chuanxin, he wouldn't tell him directly and just let him wait.

Zhao Chuanxin knows how to be a hands-off shopkeeper best. Those who do not delegate power will end up working hard to death.

He listened very much to Li Guangzong.

Waiting with peace of mind at Kaiping Mining Bureau.

Liangzhou City.

Qi Zhenlu, Li Feihu, Liu Ai and Benjamin Goldberg were meeting again.

Li Feihu said anxiously: Why doesn't Mr. Zhao come back?

Benjamin Goldberg said: There is no need to wait for my master. Everything is ready. You can just take action tomorrow.

Qi Zhenlu hesitated: This... doesn't seem appropriate. Mr. Zhao has unpredictable abilities, and he will give you more confidence.

Benjamin Goldberg said firmly: My master is making too much noise in the capital. It is expected that there will be some minor troubles that need to be resolved urgently. Let's not cause trouble for him.

Qi Zhenlu sighed: Then it will be tomorrow!

The next day, Rebecca Levi had just helped Zhao Chuanxin trim the stubble on his neck and contour the stubble on his cheeks, when Zhou Xuexi came to the Mining Bureau in a hurry.

Uncle, I'm so happy!

Where does happiness come from? Zhao Chuanxin stood up and washed the foam off his face.

Zhou Xuexi watched with envy as Rebecca Levi was busy serving Zhao Chuanxin.

I'm afraid Zhao Chuanxin is the only one who can find a beautiful Yangma to take care of him.

Look, my uncle still has a look of reluctance and disgust on his face. Comparing others to each other is really irritating.

He calmed down and said, The imperial court has a decree to appoint my uncle as the prefect of Lubin Prefecture!

Lubin Mansion, Zhao Chuanxin had never heard of it, so I guess it was a place where birds didn't shit.

Haha, it's not rare. Zhao Chuanxin sneered. I will reluctantly consider giving the cracked earth the title of king.

Zhou Xuexi didn't know where he got the news from, so he hurriedly persuaded him: Uncle, the power of this prefect is not necessarily less than that of the prince. He can also command the army, so why not do it?

Zhao Chuanxin wanted to say something else, but suddenly Rebecca Levi whispered in his ear: Yesterday, didn't Mr. Li ask you to notify him as soon as possible?

Zhao Chuanxin slapped his forehead and said, My dear nephew, you drink tea here and I'll be back soon.

He went to the official office and sent Li Guangzong the news brought by Zhou Xuexi.

Li Guangzong suddenly realized: Sir, don't refuse in a hurry, wait until I understand more and then talk about it.

Zhao Chuanxin disliked being an official of the Qing court.

Feeling down!

On the other side, Li Guangzong first asked his friends in official circles where Lubin Mansion was.

While he was studying, the secretary came to tell him that Xu Shichang, the governor outside the customs, had called him.

Arriving early is worse than arriving by chance. Li Guangzong roughly guessed Xu Shichang's plot before he picked up the call.


Xingdao, how are you doing lately?

My Governor Xu, I feel very bad. I feel like someone is holding my neck and I can't breathe.

Are you sick, Xingdao? You need to see a doctor in time. Don't delay when you are sick.

Li Guangzong was used to beating around the bush every time Xu Shichang called.

But like Zhao Chuanxin, he likes to go straight: What Governor Xu asked me to do has been completed. What our leader did in the capital can at best be regarded as the sequelae of that incident. But now, we have been affected by Implicated, Governor Xu, what do you think we should do?

Who can't blackmail people?

Xu Shichang didn't shirk it, and laughed: It's easy to solve at this time. The court gave the charcoal worker a job, and he took the job honestly, and all the problems were solved...

Very dizzy.

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