The mage in the late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 826 Hu Da’s highlight moment

Kneel down and hold your head with your hands. This is Zhao Chuanxin's posture requirement for prisoners.

Weapons and equipment were scattered all over the floor.

Zhao Chuanxin was in a dilemma as to where to hide these weapons and artillery at this time.

Turn around, walk back, don't look back. Zhao Chuanxin ordered.

The Russian soldiers were confused and confused as to what kind of medicine Zhao Chuanxin sold in his gourd.

One person has to look after nearly a thousand people, and the only way to make them obey is to kill them!

Someone was walking in front, suddenly turned around and ran towards the mountain.


Everyone shrank their necks and saw that the escapee was shot in the back of the head and fell to the ground.

Keep walking, whoever runs will die.

After walking about fifty meters, someone turned back to see if Zhao Chuanxin was still there.


Whoever looks back will die.

Hundreds of thousands of people walked with their heads down, and were not allowed to go off the road or look back.

They seemed to be looking straight ahead, but they were looking at each other's faces from the corner of their eyes, trying to communicate.

It's just that it's quite difficult.

People seem to be unable to control their natural tendency to whisper and look back.

Before walking thirty meters, someone turned around again.

This person turned around in the crowd, thinking that Zhao Chuanxin would not notice.

People around him noticed that he had turned back.

Everyone tensed up, wanting to see what the outcome would be, giving a thumbs up in their hearts.

As a result, the man raised his head in astonishment and opened his mouth in surprise.


There were obviously many people behind him, but he was the only one who was shot in the temple and his head was deformed, and no innocent people were harmed.

Everyone found that gunfire came from above.

Some people are so hopelessly stupid that they know that turning back will lead to death, but driven by curiosity, they still instinctively look back to find out why the sound came from above.


Fall to the ground.


Continue to go!

This time the sound was like rolling thunder, echoing on the road. No one could tell where it came from or why the sound could be so loud and spread so far.

He could only hear the chaotic footsteps of his own troops, but it was impossible to know whether Zhao Chuanxin had been following behind.

Another half hour later, a surviving officer pretended to stumble, stumbling and turning his head back at the same time.

With a very lucky mentality, he bit the bullet and did this, and the result was:


Everyone was excited, I was shocked... This person actually followed me like a shadow.

Little did they know that Zhao Chuanxin left after firing the shot.

He loaded the firearms into the secret place and climbed two hills to unload.

There was no cover, so I came back and continued transporting the cannon.

This time, the Tsarist Russian reinforcements brought a total of thirty-six artillery pieces, 10 field guns, and 26 mountain guns.

Zhao Chuanxin found a pile of rocks on the side of the mountain and placed the cannons there one by one.

The rugged road requires a lot of effort to be pulled out by horse drawn horses.

Among the mountain guns is a Krupp M1904, and among the field guns is a Krupp 75mm field gun with a total length of four meters made by Rheinmetall.

Zhao Chuanxin took out the two original Maozi mountain cannons in the secret realm, replaced them with two Krupp mountain cannons and field cannons, and replaced all the shells.

You can't blame him for falling in love with someone else. At this time, Maozi's military technology was inferior to that of Germany.

Maozi's craftsmanship is poor, but they are good at magic modification.

Krupp's original metal wheels were replaced with rubber tires, making the horse lighter when running away.

However, these are of no use to Zhao Chuanxian.

The unloaded horses stood there blankly.

Zhao Chuanxin carried the cannon back and forth, touched the neck and face of the horse in front of him, untied the bridle, unloaded the saddle bridge, and patted the horse's back to let it go forward.

This is how a horse operates.

After the last horse was freed from its restraints, Zhao Chuanxin put on his own saddle and rode up.


The tall Don hippopotamus ran forward kicking and then accelerating.

Zhao Chuanxin raised his riding whip and made a crackling sound. The horse pulled back and forth to threaten him, and from time to time he raised his front hooves and neighed hard.

The horses in front were frightened and ran together.

Outside, he made a circle and drove the horses into the ravine. Three miles into the ravine, he dismounted, unsaddled, and walked away gracefully.

Those horses that were freed from restraints and human control were only restricted in their desire to eat in the past, but now they lowered their heads and gnawed on the grass without restraint.

They can eat this wasteland from west to east.

Zhao Chuanxin looked amused: What he can't get, he can't take advantage of others.

He then took out the barrel, shield, frame, rear seat, cradle, wheels, and other components, and used tools to install the Krupp Mountain Cannon.

From time to time he would take notes with paper and pen, and the notebook would be full of dark oil stains bearing his fingerprints:

The Krupp M1904 field gun has a caliber of 75mm, a barrel length of 1050mm, a total gun length of 1.8 meters, a width of 74cm, a height of 66cm, and a weight of 400 kilograms? The barrel weighs 100 kilograms?

Horizontal wedge-type breech block, hydraulic spring-controlled ejection tube, high and low firing range: -10 degrees ~ +25 degrees, horizontal firing range: 4 degrees.

Projectile weight: 5 kg?

Maximum range: 4 kilometers?

Theoretical rate of fire: 3 rounds/minute?

He recorded the exact ones that could be recorded first, and measured the ones with question marks later.

It is not a simple matter to form an artillery force.

At this time, the core competitiveness of war is mainly industry, while the core competitiveness of war in the 21st century is technology.

Zhao Chuanxin wanted to use a formatted training method to train artillery, using specific data to speak instead of relying entirely on feeling.

In his vision, not only technology must be refined, but future industries must also be refined. If any country treasures its technological treasures, he will rob or steal them. No matter which country is industrially advanced, it will also recruit talents and let its own people learn from it.

It’s easier to do these things now than it is in the 21st century.

Hu Da led the Gray Ax Cavalry Regiment to surge forward, but stopped abruptly when they saw the gray torrent.

The endless gray ocean obscured all their ambitions.

It's so scary.

Che Heza, Batang A and Bu Long Arao were hot-tempered, but they couldn't help but breathe heavily, and veins popped out on the backs of their hands holding the telescope.

Brong'a coughed lightly. He didn't want to express his inner shock, because it would destroy his morale if he was intimidated by others, but he couldn't say anything brave at this time.

After all, they did not have the ability of their ancestors to gallop on horseback and face the Central Plains infantry with the ease of coming and going with one enemy against many. They had never faced such a gray behemoth in person, and it was inevitable that the opponent would feel unrivaled in their hearts.

Che Heza's mouth uncontrollably asked what everyone wanted to ask: Where is the prefect?

It seems that the prefect has always been lurking at the end of their courage. With a little show of power, the courage can return to the brain and heart along the neural network and be rejuvenated.

Only now do they understand that the source of their prosperity is not their efforts and courage, but the prefect.

Hu Da also had similar thoughts, but he knew that a qualified general could not place all his hopes on others, let alone focus on one point.

Just like when Zhang Zuolin led his troops to suppress the bandits, Tao Ketaohu and Baiyin Dalai had the upper hand at first, making it difficult for the imperial officers and soldiers to move forward. At that time, Zhang Ke was not discouraged, nor did he show cowardice, nor did he look to others. He relied on his own wisdom to solve all the problems, and finally destroyed the group of horse bandits who were showing off their power on the grassland.

But now they are more like horse bandits, and the Russian army is like officers and soldiers.

He has the early advantage, and he only needs the early advantage to wait for Zhao Chuanxin to come back.

Hu Da said calmly: Master, let's deal with their baggage and artillery. Even if we can't defeat the Russian army, we can at least delay their march. Listen to my orders...

A few hundred miles west of Lubin Prefecture, there is a place called Xirenbulage.

Xiren means mountain, and Prague means spring.

At this time, a cavalry team consisting of nearly a thousand Mongolians was drinking horses here.

The horse drank the icy cold water, but breathed hot white air.

They were so thirsty that they swallowed the cold water in big mouths, but they scared away the grass rabbits not far away who also wanted to drink water. In the distance, two yellow sheep poked their heads in the withered grass, and then walked away without looking back. , anyway, there are many bubbles nearby for them to drink happily. A red fox with its ears erect looked dissatisfied as its prey was scared away.

Yellow-throated warblers are not afraid. With their petite bodies, they can hide anywhere and scream at their necks. No one or animal can find their hiding place.

A family of herders from the right wing of New Barhu is grazing nearby.

A thin prairie man was driving his sheep to drink water when he discovered this group of knights.

His sheep dare not approach, his sheepdog barks at the group of people, his children are playing in the grass nearby, and his wife is rolling felt in a yurt not far behind him.

The man hesitated for a moment, then came forward with his shepherd dog and asked: Who are you? Where do you come from and where are you going? This is the boundary of XBEHYQ. There are so many of you going to Lubin Mansion to report, otherwise you will be offended. The prefect and we are in charge of Che and Zha.

The local Five-wing Banner people in Hailar are very united, and now life is full of hope. Every herdsman feels that he has the responsibility to protect the land and the safety of the people. Besides, his family is here.

I am Taoke Taohu, and this is Jigar Nuluzuo Ling Tuhai.

After Tao Ketaohu introduced himself, he found that the man opposite him had no reaction at all.

When Tao Ketaohu went to other places, the Mongolian people rushed to help fight against the officers and soldiers, but this man seemed not to take him into consideration at all, and seemed to be a supporter of Zhao Chuanxin.

The man said: You should not cross the border casually. Let me find someone to report to Lubin Mansion first, and then you can come over.

Taoke Taohu glanced at Tuhai, and murderous intent flashed across Tuhai's face.

He stepped forward with a non-smiling smile and said, We are just passing by and will leave soon. Don't be nervous. We don't mean any harm...

He was walking and talking, but when he got close to the man, he suddenly pulled out his machete and slashed at the man's neck.

Not far away, a child was putting frozen insects into an openable metal box in the dead grass that was taller than him.

This box is a foreign thing. It originally contained throat lozenges. Zhao Chuanxin distributed it to everyone. After the candies were distributed, the box was given to him by Yao Bing.

Iron rings, ice cubes, and lozenge boxes are all rare treasures for this child, and they are always hidden by him.

In his world, these treasures are more precious than the silver coins his parents got from selling leather at the Ganzhur Temple Fair, and rarer than the old tea bricks hidden in the most secret places of the yurt.

Hearing the shrill barking of his own shepherd dog, the child looked up curiously from the grass.

He saw his father, who he thought was tall and powerful, having his neck chopped off with a machete, and watched as the murderer mercilessly thrust the machete into the belly of the shepherd dog that was trying to pounce on him.

The child was stunned.

The weather was gloomy, and the blood was colorless in the gray sky and earth.

He saw his father collapsed and twitching on the ground, saw the shepherd dog with a bloody hole in its belly stretching out its four paws in vain to call out to the fallen owner, and saw the sheep being frightened by this incident and running for dozens of miles under the leadership of the leader. Mi was at a loss.

It was as if a restraining spell had been cast on him. He couldn't move. He couldn't cry even if he wanted to. The tears rolled down his face faster than a meteor falling.

The group of people drank their fill and got on their horses one after another to ride. When passing by the yurt, the child heard the mother's shrill cry, and immediately there was silence.

The child was able to move, but he lost the iron box of lozenges and was already out of breath when he ran back to the yurt. The old tear marks were dried by the wind, and the new teardrops fell along the old track.

His mother fell in a pool of blood, and the felt rolled out from the sheep sheared just last month after washing away the lice and parasites was covered in bright red blood. This felt was originally going to be sold to Lubinfufu and put on the roof of the shed to be waterproofed. use.

Hu Da led his troops to deal with the Russian gray animal army.

It was mainly a confrontation between cavalry on both sides.

The other party's cavalry rushed over. Hu Da and his men fired a round of guns and ran away.

Each of them has two horses, and they have full endurance. They wait until the opponent's mount is exhausted before firing a round of guns.

After the other party had no choice but to turn around, Hu Da and his men came forward to harass them again, so the Russian army could only use a hail of bullets to stop them.

The Russian Colonel Stark listened to the gunshots in front and sneered: Don't stop eating because of choking, they are just annoying bugs. We continue to march, they dare not move forward. In war, a few deaths are inevitable, don't delay journey.

Lieutenant Veselak was worried: Colonel, since these Chinese have come to our territory, does it mean that Manchuria has been lost?

Stark shook his head: That's impossible. Major General Putilov has more than 6,000 people. Even if Zhao Chuanxin is as powerful as the legend, at least Major General Putilov will not be defeated. Wait for us. It’s time to capture Zhao Chuanxin alive. These people must have come around from somewhere else. They are death troops sent by Zhao Chuanxin deliberately to disrupt our army’s march. This shows that Zhao Chuanxin is afraid.”

Stark saw this as a perfect opportunity to curry favor with Nicholas II.

After all, the news from Moscow said that His Majesty the Emperor was furious.

Whoever can seize Zhao Chuanxin first, regardless of whether he is alive or dead, the emperor will definitely be happy with Long Yan, and maybe he can be promoted to the rank of major general as a matter of course.

It happens to be easy to transport corpses in winter. It's exciting to think about the way the people in Moscow gathered to watch Zhao Chuanxin's corpse and the officials in the DPRK praised it.

Vesselak said: Colonel, instead of letting them jump around and cause trouble in front, why don't we use a trick to annihilate them all? We are walking along the main railway line now. I know that there is an original post road ahead. Although it is difficult to walk, you have to go around it on horseback. 15 miles, but only 8 miles along the railway. We can rest here, send cavalry around to intercept, and attack from the front and back. They can only enter this farmland eastward. When our army is surrounded on three sides, they will Don’t even think about escaping.”

Stark looked at the map in thought.

After a while, he nodded: You can give it a try.

On the other side, Che Heza said to Hu Da: They stopped.

The infantry stopped and set up a part of the machine gun position for defense, while the cavalry in the rear moved around as if to check whether the surroundings were safe.

Batang A slapped his hands with his fist: It's still early in the day and they shouldn't be resting. It seems that our purpose of delaying their march has been achieved.

Hu Da's heart moved when he said this.

The Russians have a rough style, and they have developed the habit of enduring hardship and hard work after living in the bitter cold of the north for a long time. Just as Stark said, the death of a few people is really nothing.

Will they stop their troops and rest because of the scraping damage caused by Hu Da?

Hu Da frowned, the battlefield was changing rapidly, and he had to be vigilant in everything, especially because he did not want to lose troops and generals to hinder Zhao Chuanxin.

Quick, get the map.

This used to be Chinese land, and there were maps.

Later, Zhao Chuanxin enriched some details based on the actual survey in Tsarist Russia.

The Russians call this place Daurya, that is, Transbaikal.

The railway here is actually built along the original road, which saves time and effort and does not have to cut through the mountains. If there are any unreasonable parts of the original road, the railway will be detoured.

Hu Da watched as his pupils shrank: Originally this was a post road, and we are on the railway side. Their cavalry can go around behind us.

They have been walking at a safe distance from the periphery of the Tsarist Russian army, which is about one kilometer.

At this distance, even a heavy machine gun would be difficult to kill.

But if they are surrounded by enemies and attacked from both sides, they will be in trouble.

Cold sweat broke out on Hu Da's forehead: Spicy guy, so cunning.

Batang'a, Bulong'a, Cheheza didn't understand.

Che Heza asked: How do you say it?

Hu Da pointed out the route to them and explained it.

The three stewards immediately looked nervous.

Only then did they understand why Zhao Chuanxin made the ordinary-looking Zana the chief card officer instead of them.

Hu Da is really cautious and does not miss any details.

Of course, this was because they were overthinking it. Zhao Chuanxin did it entirely because he didn't want to delegate power to them.

what to do?

Hu Da sneered: Since we have seen through their scheme, we will use it to trick them.

After that, he led the team and ran south.

The Tsarist Russian army over there didn't care when they saw this. Anyway, Hu Da and others were used to walking around, and they wouldn't run far away.

Hu Da led the people to walk in a straight line backward, and one person and two horses changed horses. The people kept stopping and the horses stopped, and soon they passed the fork in the road and found a place to ambush.

They only brought a Russian-style Maxim with them this time. They disassembled it and carried it on horseback. Installation and erection were not a problem at this time.

As expected, the Cossack cavalry appeared at the fork in the road not long after.

Che Heza whispered: Shall we start fighting now?

Hu Daque shook his head: Wait and see what they want to do.

These cavalrymen took out long strips of metal from their horses, dug holes and buried them in the soil.

Che Hezha, Batang'a and Bulong'a were confused: What are they burying? Are they caltrops?

Hu Da held up the telescope and looked livid: Caltrops? It's much more sinister than that. It's a landmine. If someone steps on it, both legs will be blown off.

He had heard people say that during the Russo-Japanese War, Tsarist Russia used many sharp weapons to deal with little Japan.

The first one is Maxim, which makes Nogi Nogi doubt his life; the second one is the barbed wire fence, which only blocks the footsteps in the early stage, but is electrified in the later stage, and the Japanese will be electrocuted when they touch it; the third one is a forced mine and a mine mortar modified from a 47mm naval gun. It was also the first prototype of a modern mortar; the fourth was landmines. Tsarist Russia had set many traps. Landmines were undoubtedly the most insidious weapon and were still notorious even during World War II.

When everyone heard this, they took a deep breath and immediately became furious.

If someone steps on it, no matter how many people or horses, everyone will probably suffer.

Bleach! Kill them.

Hu Da sneered: Wait, let them bury it first.

They didn't seem to have brought too many, because there were few technical soldiers who could lay mines. There were eight mines horizontally and three rows vertically. After burying them, they were so proud that they seemed to think of the scene where Hu Da and others stepped on them and turned their backs on their backs.

At this time, Hu Dacai ordered: Fire!

Ta ta ta...

Bang bang bang...

The Cossack cavalry never expected that when they circled back, Hu Da also circled back.

The mantis stalks the cicada, and when the wind blows, the cicada transforms into a oriole.

The Cossack cavalry was caught off guard, and Hu Da and the others carried a Russian Maxim, which was incredibly lethal from a distance of more than 200 meters.

Some Cossack cavalry instinctively mounted their horses and fled north.

They apparently forgot they had just laid the mines.



Everyone finally saw the power of landmines.

It can't be said to be very big, but anyone who steps on it will definitely suffer. For example, the two Cossack cavalrymen who had their horses' legs broken at this time also had their thighs scratched by shrapnel.

So they were in a dilemma. There were mines in their retreat, and they didn't even pull the bolt of their guns when they counterattacked. They had to face Maxim when attacking.

Hu Da shouted excitedly: Steady, steady, remember not to get out of shape during training...

Hu Da, whose real name is Zana, this moment became one of the few highlight moments in his life. Later, when he was drunk and his ears were hot, he often used it to brag, just like Liu Baobao often used cold weapons to fight with live bullets among his brothers.

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