The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 19 11 years old!

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, Bell is already 11 years old.

The hard work paid off. In September next year, before going to Hogwarts, which is known as 'the safest place in the entire wizarding world', but actually the 'most dangerous place in the entire wizarding world', Bell finally succeeded in achieving what he had originally wanted. The initial idea was to fully arm the army.

from head to foot,

He wears a 'danger sensing earring' on his left ear. When there is malice or attack against the user, the earring will transmit different magic fluctuations according to the degree of danger.

Wearing the 'Iron Armor Curse Necklace (Passive)' around the neck, the passive Iron Armor Curse jewelry is automatically triggered after being attacked. Because the magic power is injected in advance, the defense is fixed.

The clothes on your body can effectively reduce magic and physical damage, and can also activate the 'all protection' magic to provide a wide range of protection for your companions.

Wearing a constant temperature badge on the chest not only keeps you warm in winter and cool in summer, but also slightly reduces damage from fire and ice.

The right wrist wears the 'Iron Armor Curse Bracelet (Active)'. Compared with the passive Iron Armor Curse jewelry, the actively triggered jewelry has the advantages of being simple to make, affordable, and can actively inject magic power to enhance defense.

There are a total of three rings on her fingers, namely the 'Iron Armor Curse Ring (Passive)', the 'Sleeping Curse Ring' and the 'Flying Curse Ring'. The Flying Curse Ring is bound to Bell's wand as the object of the spell.

The 'Transfiguration Curse Belt' is wrapped around the waist, which can apparate the user to a pre-bound location when receiving fatal injuries. Because house elves are involved in the production, ordinary anti-Apparition wards can also be used. It cannot be restricted, but it should be noted that if you die directly, you can only fly to the corpse.

On his feet are 'flying shoes'. Because they were specially developed for combat, they greatly enhanced his explosive power and were difficult to control. Bell had to knock down several walls before he managed to master it.

He also carries a 'Confusion Spell Mask' (which interferes with enemy spellcasting and locking) and 'Spell Glasses' (developed based on Mad-Eye Moody's magic eyes) in his pocket. Due to their effects, it is inconvenient to wear them all the time, so Just carry it with you and use it when needed.

As mentioned before, Bell used three layers of shields for himself.

Because Bell himself can also cast spells to defend himself, the main function of these accessories is to defend against sneak attacks and buy Bell time. Therefore, three layers of shields are enough, and too many shields are a waste.

Now Bell can finally go out and meet people with his head held high.

The manufacturing methods of these magic items were handed over by Bell to his father, William, for mass production and research and improvement.

This has provided a lot of convenience for the Menethil family's expansion plan. Now William and Elena no longer treat Bell as a child. Bell's family status has been greatly improved, although the third position has not changed. Ahem, by the way, the last one is William, and the first one is of course my mother.

If the above magic props were researched by Bell with purpose and plan, then the research on the double-sided mirror was purely an accident, and it was an unexpected surprise that surprised Bell.

Double-sided mirrors are not taken seriously in the magical world. After all, if you have something to say, it would be more convenient to communicate face to face with a phantom. For those who are not in a hurry, or who are inconvenient to communicate in person, just use Owl. Britain is not that big, and owls fly very fast.

But times have changed!

Modern times are different from ancient times. With the rapid growth of the human population, Muggle footprints have spread to almost all habitable places.

Especially in recent years, the number of Muggle-born wizards has increased, and the number of wizards living in the Muggle community has also increased. Therefore, in many cases, in order to avoid being discovered by Muggles, one cannot use Apparition at will. And according to feedback from wizards, even owls have aroused suspicion among neighbors recently.

To sum up, Bell believes that wizards' demand for new ways of communicating is rising.

At the beginning, Bell's research on the double-sided mirror did not go well. Although he could easily transmit sound while transmitting images, he was unable to transmit information between two-way mirrors that were not a pair.

Not all wizards are rich. It would be unreliable to prepare a mirror for every acquaintance.

Until Bell remembered what he once knew about the Internet.

When different computers transmit data through the network, they do not directly transmit the data to each other. During the transmission process, data needs to be transferred through many routers or switches.

Based on this principle, Bell added a third-party server between the two double-sided mirrors to manage the connections between different mirrors. Then Bell successfully produced a 'personal terminal', a device similar to a handheld computer. magic props.

After creating the basic framework, Bell no longer took care of the personal terminal. After handing over the technology and some of his views on development prospects to his father William, he completely let go. He only needs to know about the research progress every once in a while. If he is interested, he can use it to study. If he is not interested, he can just take a look.

The reason why Bell put aside the subject of personal terminals so quickly is because when he was making it, he accidentally discovered the real value hidden in the double-sided mirror, which was simply amazing and beyond imagination!

Two people holding a double-sided mirror can see each other, which seems similar to future video chats, but their principles are completely different!

Of course this is nonsense. But magic is not like radio waves, and wizards are not Muggles. Muggles can only make limited adjustments to the radio waves through machines, but wizards can control magic as they wish.

So by adjusting the flow of magic power and relying on the connection between the two-way mirrors, Bell successfully injected magic power into one mirror and formed magic on the surface of the other mirror. In other words, Bell accidentally made a space-based weapon!

Of course, there is still a long way to go before a true space-based weapon. Currently, Bell can only cast some simple magics such as the 'Fluorescence Spell' and the 'Levitation Spell' through a double-sided mirror.

Bell called this modified double-sided mirror a 'surveillance mirror'. Different from personal terminals and the 'Magic Screen' (Magic TV) which is an extension of personal terminals, the 'Monitoring Mirror' is an important unfinished product and Bell has no intention of selling it. After all, this is a 'true and smooth' product. If you hit someone with a network cable, you may cause trouble if you are not careful.

The 'Personal Terminal' has been welcomed by many wizards because of its novelty and functional diversity, but on the contrary, the response of the 'Magic Screen' has been very average. The main reason is that there are really no programs to play. Apart from some news and advertisements, we can only play songs and listen to them.

In the end, there was really no choice but to borrow Muggle TV programs to play. However, many wizards were not interested in Muggle things. On the contrary, Muggle cartoons and other children's programs were very popular among young wizards and attracted a lot of attention. Wave sales.

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