The Mechanic

Chapter 206

The last time we were not prepared!

The technology in their hands is much higher than yours, and you have no chance. James took a step forward, and the distance between him and Todd became infinitely close, Are you willing to be like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered? Lying here obediently waiting to be crushed by others?

Dark brown and dark blue eyes locked together, as if trying to devour each other. Something tensed in the air, everything seemed to be burning.

Now, James thought, he could kiss those firm, angular lips if he wanted to.

But this time it was Todd who turned his head first, and said with a sneer, I'm not a lamb.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine~~~: The four-cornered strawberry fat times of the bastard natural roll

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution~~~: 111 bottles of Harmr; 60 bottles of star medicine packs

Chapter 92 Boundary (6)

The person Anya sent to investigate the situation near Feather Snake City came back, and the information they brought back was: Feather Snake City is very quiet, the gates are closed, and there seems to be no emergency. People in the towns near Feathered Snake City also said that they saw buyers coming out to buy exchange items. But when people asked about the bangs and gunshots that had been going on in the city, the buyers were silent.

Anya decided to ask Todd to escort Zhang Xun and others across the US-Mexico border.

Todd almost exploded on the spot, Are you crazy? Are you really going to listen to their nonsense?

Probably not nonsense... Anya sighed, and said, I asked some old acquaintances, and they said that the shield system of Paradise Lost has changed in the past few days, and it is intermittent and ineffective. .During the time of disconnection, Adam could have had a chance to communicate with Eden. Eden could have destroyed Paradise Lost in those moments, but it didn't.

So what? It's not been a day or two since Eden kept Paradise Lost.

But Paradise Lost robbed its North American server, but it just bombed once and besieged once. Don't you find it strange? Based on what we have learned about Eden over the years, it will predict the risk in time Avoid or eliminate risks, but this time Paradise Lost has shown such a strong threat, but it has never had any decent counterattack. That Adam was probably put in on purpose.

Even if something happened to Paradise Lost, it has nothing to do with us? You want to throw the entire Rhinoceros Town at risk of being destroyed for a few strangers?

Obviously something happened to Feathered Snake City. If there is something wrong with Paradise Lost, don't you think it's too much of a coincidence? Anya put her feet up on the table and looked at her brother seriously, What if the mechanical What the mechanic said is true, how long can the town of Rhinoceros be peaceful? In case Eden really wants to turn all of us humans into a, who can resist it? This mechanic...if all he said To be honest, he may be the only one who has a chance, if that's the case, if we don't help him, if he fails, what will happen to us?

The premise is that he didn't lie... Todd could only say angrily when he couldn't speak to his sister.

Anya stood up and walked in front of her younger brother, and stuffed a white square object the size of a quail egg into his hand, So I'll let you follow along, get to know them, and see what's going on in Feathered Serpent City. I know This mission is risky, but you are the only person I trust the most. After you enter the city, as long as there is a risk, crush this thing immediately. It will send out an electromagnetic pulse signal, strong enough to penetrate the barrier of Feathered Snake City Detected by us. We will immediately find a way to get you out.

... Did you get this thing from the black market? Todd looked at the cube in his palm with distrust.

If you haven't sent someone back to deliver a message after three days in the city, I'll take someone directly to Feather Snake City. Anya's raised eyes were filled with a hard and sharp light, I have already sent someone to contact us alliance, we won’t be fighting alone.”

Hmph, if they knew you were going to compete with Eden, they wouldn't come to help you.

They have no room to refuse. Anya said coldly.


Zhang Xun stuffed all the tools he needed into the backpack, which was full. When he finally tried to pick it up, he stumbled and was almost carried to the ground by the bag.

The corners of Enoch's mouth lifted up, but he didn't laugh out loud.

Let me do it. Enoch, who was already carrying a large bag and a small bag, easily picked up Zhang Xun's bag.

Although the opponent is a robot that can bear more than 500 kilograms, I still feel a little sorry to see the tower stacked high on Enoch's back.


Zhang Xun! Are you alright! Diego's impatient voice came from outside the door.

Zhang Xun hurriedly took Enoch out, and found that James, Diego, Todd with a toothpick in his mouth, and his men were all ready to go, waiting for him.

They have until midnight to cross the US-Mexico border.

For the rioters in Xijiao Town, this is not a difficult task, they have to do it every once in a while. They have to wear radiation-resistant suits and pass through a high-radiation area that was polluted by nuclear bombs after the outbreak of the Third World War two hundred years ago. There are fewer mechanical policemen in Eden, and it is even more impossible for human policemen to exist, which is the easiest point to break through.

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