The Mechanic

Chapter 213

Hey! Wait! James sat up immediately, dizzy for a while, but recovered quickly. He waved at Todd, It's already a life-and-death friendship, don't be so stingy.

Tao Deshi walked in abruptly and kicked the door behind him. He was wearing a black vest, revealing his muscular arms and honey-colored skin reflecting the faint light. The dark gray cotton trousers looked very comfortable, but he stepped on the black ground with bare feet. The skin on the feet was much fairer than other places, probably his original skin color.

Todd only held a bottle of wine, but no glass, and naturally sat on James' bed. He uncorked the wine bottle, took a big gulp into his mouth, his face wrinkled slightly from the acridity or the drive, and handed the bottle to James at the same time.

James raised his eyebrows, took the bottle, and took a sip from the bottle Todd had drunk.

Spicy liquid slid down his throat and smoldered in his stomach.

What are your plans after arriving in Feathered Snake City? Todd took the bottle and asked, raised his head and took another sip, sighing comfortably.

A Xun wants to create a new AI. James' tone was a little dry, as if he didn't have much confidence, He wanted to create an AI that could fight against Eden.

Just our nerd who can't even hold a gun? Todd sneered, tilting his head to look at James, Do you trust him?

What Axun wants to do can always be done in the end. After a pause, James shrugged his shoulders, But sometimes the price may be a bit high.

Aren't you afraid that you are also his price?

He's a family member, a brother. I have to help him. James took the bottle and glanced at Todd, You should know best.

Knowing that he was talking about his relationship with his sister, Todd grinned, How much help? It doesn't matter if you die?

It's a miracle that we're still alive.

Oh, that's right. Todd grabbed the bottle, drank a few sips, then suddenly leaned forward and kissed James' lips.

James froze for a moment, but didn't push away.

The choking wine was gurgled into the lips and teeth, and overflowed from the corners of the mouths of the two of them. After a long while, Todd stepped back slightly, red hair fell between his brows, he licked the corner of his mouth lightly, Anyway, I don't know how long I will live, do you want to have some fun?

James stared at those dark blue eyes, and the color in his own eyes became darker. He raised his fingers, and traced the winding black patterns under Todd's eyes, his Adam's apple slipped, and his throat seemed to be getting dry.

After two near-death experiences in the realm of death, James found himself desperate to feel alive. He wanted to touch the body temperature of another person, to dispel the chilling feeling of death.

So he grabbed the red hair at the back of Todd's head, and kissed Todd's lips almost greedily again. Todd didn't show any weakness either, biting back like a gladiatorial fight.

When Diego passed by James' door, he was taken aback by the loud noise coming from the house, and thought it was James who was fighting with someone. Until a moment later I start hearing something else...

Diego rolled his eyes, cursed, and continued walking to his room.

The author has something to say: the deputy CP is attacking each other, because I feel that neither of these two is the master who has lived under others for a long time...

The next chapter will be Feather Snake City~

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines~~~: myvanillaworld, green tail baby, nicolekef 1

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution~~~: Green tail baby 10 bottles

Chapter 95 Feather Snake City (1)

The height limit management of aircraft in Mexico is lax, and many aircraft are not managed by Hermes of Eden, but are driven by humans. While gaining more freedom, traffic accidents occur every year due to aircraft collisions It is also more than a hundred times that of those developed countries.

The medium-sized aircraft that Zhang Xun and the others took was piloted by a middle-aged woman who spoke little, and maintained at a relatively high flying altitude. In the middle, she dexterously dodged the detection range of several patrolling police cars, and quickly passed by The desolate, parched lands of northern Mexico.

The complex and rugged ground condenses into large three-dimensional color blocks at a certain height, as if the paint was randomly thrown on the canvas by a careless painter.

Feathered Snake City is deep in the Mexican rainforest, near the Mayan ruins. There are many villages and towns scattered outside the city, and we will settle there first. Todd's eyes swept across Zhang Xun, Enoch, James and Diego in turn.

Zhang Xun noticed a looming red bruise under Todd's collar. He knew what this mark represented, so he glanced at James and raised his eyebrows.

James turned up his collar, trying to hide it.

Diego asked, Didn't you say they closed the door last time? We have a way to get in?

Don't let in. Cindy is currently being quarantined and observed in a hospital in a town near Feather Snake City. Todd's face was unkind, staring at Zhang Xun, You have to find a way to let us in.

Zhang Xun pursed his lips tightly and nodded, They will let us in. It's just that after we go in, we don't know if we can come out. You don't have to go in with us.

No, my sister asked me to follow you all the time to see what you are up to. Todd said, his eyes swept over James, and he looked out of the window pretending to be nonchalant.

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