The Mechanic

Chapter 231

Does he really have what it takes to defeat Eden and Adam? Can he really save James and everyone?

Will he really still be able to see his father?

Zhang Xun, if Adam can control Enoch through the protective shield of Feather Serpent City, it means that the protective AI Phoenix of Feather Serpent City may have been corroded by Eden or Adam. Pan said suddenly.

Zhang Xun replied in a tranced voice, It's not surprising that Phoenix and Eden have exchanged three times.

What should we do next? Pan asked in his usual low and gentle voice.

Zhang Xun stood up, looked at his hands stained blue by the coolant, and said in a deep voice, I want you to control Phoenix and Morning Star.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines~~~: Yidu hides a pitiful flower, Qing, Xia Ran Xia Ran

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution~~~: gg 55 bottles, big tail meow 5 bottles

Chapter 103 Twin Cities (1)

Adam blinked, staring blankly at the empty space in front of him. Several slender wires extended from the interface at the back of his cervical spine, and some of them were connected to the huge copper-colored machine behind him.

It was a signal strengthening device he made using materials already in Lost Paradise, which could help him connect to the satellite system controlled by Eden in space. When Zhang Xun was under house arrest, he started to make this machine. After the last conversation with Zhang Xun, he made an interface extending to the mechanical brain on his cervical spine to facilitate his connection with all external devices. He used this device to communicate with Eden, and at the same time determine the location of Zhang Xun, thereby controlling Enoch.

Zhang Xun did not make any interface on his body surface at first, in order to make him more human-like, so that he could not easily connect to other devices like a robot. But now, he is changing himself back little by little.

In addition to the lines connected to the signal booster, other pipelines extend to the top of the head, connecting to countless servers that are constantly flickering. They spread out densely on the ceiling, hanging in several layers.

This is the world's first human consciousness cloud. The hardware is crude and primitive. After all, the resources available in Paradise Lost are limited, but the functions are perfect. In a short period of time, several signal transmission towers have been built in Lost Paradise, and the network covers all ten urban areas. In every urban area, old buildings have been transformed into consciousness uploading centers. All the people who want to accept the transformation of nanobots and carry out consciousness uploading will go to those centers and be injected with nanobots. While the brain is being transformed, the nanorobot will also start the function of sending and receiving data, record all the consciousness activity data of the brain, convert it into a signal and transmit it to the cloud.

None of the current uploaders have opted out of their bodies completely. Nanobots are constantly uploading and downloading their consciousness, all sharing what they see, hear, feel, and even think. Privacy no longer exists, and everything is unfolded in front of all sharers.

According to the plan, the first batch of uploaders who will completely leave their bodies will be those who are terminally ill and dying soon.

Adam has been staying underground in the Lab. In this huge space transformed from three floors of underground space, he connected himself to these servers to monitor the activity status of all the uploaded data. The Lab has a complete defense system and is the safest place, and the server used to store the consciousness cloud is the most suitable. Until one day the Lost Paradise opens, he can begin to transfer his consciousness to countless servers around the world.

During the days when Zhang Xun left, he hardly left this space. He can use Pan's extended robot to monitor the situation in every corner of every city in Lost Paradise at any time. In the production of machines, nanorobots and uploading devices, most of the actual operations are assisted by Pan and other machinists. He is only responsible for providing specific design and operation methods, and checking the results after the hardware production is completed.

He divided his attention into two parts. Some of them stayed here, but some of them have traveled across North America with Zhang Xun.

He originally thought that he could hide it for a longer time and spend more time with Axun, but recently it seems that there are too many things that require his attention in Paradise Lost, which led to some unsatisfactory things when controlling Enuo. Controlled irrational decision to slip out, aroused A Xun's suspicion.

When the connection was cut off, a huge void quietly spread in his mind. It was a feeling he had never experienced before, as if suddenly everything went dark, and for a moment, he was not sure of the meaning of what he was doing.

Meaning...that's what human beings are obsessed with...

The body doesn't feel cold, but only cold can describe his feeling at the moment. If he had been more human, if he had been human longer, perhaps he would have understood the feeling as loneliness.

He raised his hand numbly, and unplugged the few pipes connected to the signal intensifier. A part of his consciousness is still constantly monitoring all the data flow in the cloud, while another part, the consciousness that should start to deploy the next move now, is floating in vain.

He remembered the way Axun looked at him.

He knew that Ah Xun was in pain, not physically but mentally. Because I lied to him again.

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