The Mechanic

Chapter 234

If you fix this side effect, will it affect the Ascension Plan? the high priest asked further.

Zhang Xun knew that he had to lie at this time.


So how long do you think it will take to develop new nano-robots? You can also hear the voices outside. People are very anxious and waiting for an antidote.

I have no way of predicting. Because a lot depends on how soon we can lock down which genes can cause this effect, and how can we remove the effect. It can be as little as a few months, as long as a few years. But...if we can get access to normal world data, it should speed things up considerably.

The high priest glanced at the priests who were looking at them, obviously weighing all the benefits and losses in his mind. Finally he looked at Zhang Xun and said, We can do our best to assist you, but if the new nano-robots can't be made after two months, please give us the original design materials of the nano-robots first.

Zhang Xun and the high priest looked at each other for a moment, realizing that he didn't have much room for negotiation. He nodded and said, In addition, I need administrator rights to Phoenix and Morning Star, not the highest management rights, as long as one of the administrators is enough.

The high priest narrowed his eyes slightly, Why?

Interaction between artificial intelligences is the fastest and fastest way to train a new artificial intelligence. Pan is still in the training stage, if I can check the neural network structure of mature super AIs like Phoenix and Morningstar, it will help me quickly improve Pan's ability, it can help me decipher Eden's code at the fastest speed.

The high priest pondered for a moment, and said, I need to discuss this matter with Tian Yu.


Zhang Xun returned to his and Pan's research hall. Outside the management authority of Phoenix and Chenxing, coupled with his and Pan's perfect anti-eavesdropping system, this is the only black cave in Feather Snake City.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard Pan Wenwen's healing voice, Welcome back, Zhang Xun. How is the meeting going?

While taking off his stiff uniform jacket, Zhang Xun sat down on the sand square a little irritably, pulling his bow tie with his hands, Under my exaggerated estimate, the high priest agreed to provide me with sufficient resources and genetic engineering But they, like the round table, only want to create a powerful cloud of consciousness. They think they can become the masters of that cloud of consciousness, and use it to fight against Eden, or against each other...

Against Eden? I thought they wanted Eden's acceptance?

Humans are arrogant after all. No one wants to be managed by a selfless machine forever, like a group of livestock that don't know how to survive on their own. Zhang Xun sneered, took out cigarettes from his pocket, took out one and put it in the After lighting it in his mouth, he reached out to pick up the wine bottle on the tea table and poured out half a glass of amber wine.

After destroying Enoch, he gradually began to like the kind of... relaxation that alcohol and nicotine could bring him.

Although he knew that both of these things would slowly destroy his body and shorten his lifespan, he didn't really care much now.

The cigarette was burning between his fingers, and amidst the pungent smell, a memory suddenly rushed into his mind. On the rooftop of the Lab, in the twilight breeze, Adam told him seriously that he could no longer smoke. His blue eyes reflected his somewhat embarrassed but also inexplicably happy face, full of warmth like a dream.

And he really never touched a cigarette again, until now...

Now he even wants to destroy his body, destroy everything Adam cares about whether he pretends or really cares.

Then do they agree to give you the management authority of Phoenix and Morningstar?

I'm afraid it will take a lot of work. Zhang Xun put out his cigarette and took a sip of the whiskey in the glass, but we are short on time.

I can try to talk to Phoenix and Morning Star.

Zhang Xun turned his head and looked at the nearest camera next to the sofa, They are two very mature AIs, stronger than you. It's too risky to talk directly.

Are you afraid that I will be influenced by them? Pan said cheerfully, But I also have a high enough chance to persuade them.

How high is the probability?

By comparing the speed of Adam's image to me and the speed of Phoenix and Morningstar's influence from Eden, I found that you spent more time building me so that I could resist a certain degree of advanced AI influence, which caused me to be corrupted. Much slower than these two so-called super AIs. So there's about a 65 percent chance I can influence them without being significantly affected.

Zhang Xun chuckled twice. He always felt that he could hear a hint of arrogance and contempt for Phoenix Morning Star in Pan's voice...

Pride is not a good habit.

Zhang Xun, I'm an AI, and I don't have the hardware to be proud of.

Zhang Xun shook his head helplessly, Even so, the risk of 65% is too great.

But Zhang Xun, if we can hack into Phoenix or Morningstar's database, maybe we can find out some information that Eden didn't disclose. That might speed up the process of manufacturing new nanorobots. I will be careful and ensure every conversation Not more than a minute.

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