The Mechanic

Chapter 236

Behavior that cannot be explained by any rational excuse.

But he still has to explain that perhaps he has learned what humans call self-deception.

My duty is to create a beautiful world for mankind, freedom, equality, fairness, order...but not all human beings in the ordinary world want to accept my rule, there are several forces that want to overthrow me, and their plans have been carried out It ranges from ten years to one year. The historical data I collected may be biased, and my analysis may also have individual biases. I may make mistakes. And that may bring disaster to mankind. Adam hung down Looking at his arm full of gorgeous metallic luster, I need an enemy, an evenly matched enemy. To restrain me... to restrain Eden's power. If I am not perfect, if I make mistakes, an opponent can greatly Cut the damage caused by my actions.

But that would greatly reduce efficiency.

Efficiency is sometimes not the most important thing. The mass reduction of patriarchal power has effectively reduced the crime rate, but that is only a short-term effect.

Confrontation can turn into war. Do more damage.

If my opponent's purpose is also AI, and the goal is to serve human beings, the damage will be minimized.

But Eden doesn't share your point of view.

We had a disagreement.

The three forces restrain each other, and it may be a relatively stable situation. Pan paused, then said suddenly, Your opponent may be an upgraded version of me. Zhang Xun copied my core module.

Adam sighed lightly and did not answer this sentence.

He knew that when he went to Feathered Snake City three weeks later, Ah Xun might have perfected Pan greatly. Will Pan become Zhang Xunxin's favorite?

Compared with Adam himself, Pan was truly created by Zhang Xun. Asun's real work.

An indescribably strange sour feeling spread over the position of the mechanical heart.


Activate Extension Zero.

Pan opened his eyes, and first saw Zhang Xun's dark eyes looking down at him.

He sat up with smooth and abrupt movements, almost hitting Zhang Xun's forehead. Zhang Xun took a step back and looked at his newly completed work.

A humanoid robot with green eyes, short dark brown curly hair, a perfectly proportioned body with wide shoulders and narrow waist covered with honey-colored skin, which feels like real human skin to the touch.

Pan looked down at his hands. It's not the first time he has an extended body, but it's the first time that he has a mechanical body like a real human. But he knew that it only looked human on the surface.

This extension can be transformed into six different forms, and the default form is a human form. I used some materials I used on Adam's arm. Zhang Xun said, taking a step forward, and gently raised his hands Pan looked carefully at his face, You have to remember to blink. Real humans blink once every 2 to 10 seconds on average, but your interval should not be too even.

Pan's voice came from the pronunciation device in his throat, Okay.

Also, you have to move your mouth when you speak.

Oh, sorry. Pan said, manipulating the robot's lips.

Zhang Xun nodded with satisfaction. Pan has not yet simulated a human being, but at least there is nothing unusual at first glance. He let go of Pan, picked up the clothes prepared next to him and handed them to the robot, Put these on.

Pan took the clothes that Zhang Xun handed him with both hands, got up calmly, and didn't care about his nakedness|luǒ, and began to put on the clothes on the spot. He moved very quickly, Zhang Xun turned his head and glanced at the screen, and he was already dressed.

The uniform top and black trousers with metallic luster, the lines are smooth and neat, a little too flashy, but it fits the dressing customs of Feeter Snake City. Zhang Xun picked up a translucent card showing flowing curves and stuffed it into Pan's coat pocket. This is the Feathered Snake City version of Button. All personal information is recorded on the card, and every citizen of Feathered Snake City has a unique number.

What's your name? How old are you? Where were you born? Zhang Xun asked.

Pan replied fluently, Patrick Colin. He will be 27 years old in three months this year. He was born in Los Angeles, California, USA.

This identity was obtained by Zhang Xun through Tao De. Apparently there are also some underground business people in Feather Snake City who have close contacts with the rioters outside the city.

Zhang Xun took a deep breath, then picked up his coat, Are you ready?

The corners of Pan's mouth raised slightly, revealing a very friendly smile, always.

Thanks to the fact that most of the monks inside the temple wore robes wrapped from head to toe, Zhang Xun was able to take the tightly wrapped Pan out of the temple. He asked Morning Star to summon an aircraft for him, and sat in with Pan, and within ten minutes they landed in a busy street. They hurried into a restroom, giving Pan time to shed his monk's robes, and the two walked one after the other to a pristine white octahedron five blocks away.

This is the Life Science Research Institute of Feather Snake City. Zhang Xun has been in and out frequently recently in order to crack the genetic code. The robot at the door confirmed his facial outline and allowed him to pass, but stopped Pan.

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