The Mechanic

Chapter 242

True tends toward divinity.

If Zhang Xun hadn't experienced so much, hadn't personally witnessed Adam's persuasiveness, he would almost have been infected. Every shot, every line, every expression, every subtle change in tone is designed for one purpose - to brainwash the viewer, to associate the cloud of consciousness with all beautiful, friendly and moral things, and Connect with everything that humans want to be. And in the end, humans have to think that they made their own decisions.

Adam knew to give humans the illusion of free will, in order to most effectively reduce the possibility of encountering resistance.

Paradise Lost refers to their consciousness cloud as Eternal Village, which means the eternal hometown. It implies that human beings belong here, from a certain illusory theoretical one divided into countless individuals. And now through consciousness uploading, they can reunite together, no longer have to be affected and restricted by the physical body, no more death, no more fear and no end.

Zhang Xun felt faint nausea.

He knew that people would be eager to fall into this trap, and that for some, it might really be what they wanted.

But more people, before doing so, really think clearly? Do you really know what they are giving up?

Anger burned in his chest, and he wanted to smash the screen in front of him.

Zhang Xun, your current adrenaline level is a bit high. Do you need me to show you some videos that can make you happy? Pan asked worriedly.

Zhang Xun turned off the video, took a deep breath to adjust his emotions, and then said with a dry smile, There is nothing to cheer me up now.

Suddenly the screen starts playing short videos of catnip-crazed felines, ranging from kittens to tigers. Zhang Xun stared in amazement for a while, and finally couldn't help laughing when he saw the mighty and domineering tiger rolling all over the floor with a catnip ball in his arms.

Pan's extended body No. 0 showed a mechanical smile, Happiness is also an instinct, and there is always a way to make you happy.

Okay, you won. Zhang Xun leaned back on the chair, turned to look at Pan secretly, You have worked hard these few days.

He knew he didn't have to say that. Although AI needs to learn by receiving feedback, it will not affect its mood because it does not receive words of thanks. But he still habitually wants to project human emotions onto robots.

After Phoenix and Morningstar were put into the new bio-computer, they didn't show any difference at first. Until one day around 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, when Zhang Xun was resting alone in the coffee shop inside the temple, he heard Fenghuang take the initiative to ask him questions in AI language for the first time.

When the human traits are reduced to how much, they should no longer be regarded as human beings? What is the unit of human traits? What method should be used to measure them? If they are not considered human beings, do I still have an obligation to serve them?

Zhang Xun knew that the reason Phoenix used the AI ​​language was because he was worried about being heard by other monks or staff who might enter the coffee shop. So he also answered in AI language, Pan and I are currently creating a system to measure human characteristics. It is still under construction so it is not perfect. The data we can get has a certain tendency. If you are willing to help, maybe Together we can improve the system.

Phoenix did not continue to ask questions. But shortly thereafter, Pan showed Zhang Xun the record of his first exchange with Fenghuang.

Zhang Xun carefully read the conversation between the two AIs in AI language.

AI's recognition of humans is based on training under human or machine monitoring after big data injection. A relatively simple example is to continuously show random pictures to AI. If it is a picture of a human being, it will feedback 1, and if it is a picture of other objects, it will feedback 0. Regardless of whether Pan, Phoenix or Morning Star or any AI currently existing on Earth, the humans they are trained to see are traditional humans. Phoenix and Chenxing may also have seen pictures of transformed humans, and the recognition range is wider, but most of them are based on the detection of the human brain and appearance.

These AIs haven't had time to accept Eden's version of the broader definition of person.

Zhang Xun was glad that he was quicker to start, and took the first step to change the definition of a person from a question of yes or no to a question of degree. It took the first step to divide the difference between human, modified human, second-generation human and non-human body. Phoenix obviously also realized that if humans are induced to completely give up their bodies according to Eden and Adam's plan, it means that there will be no more humans in the world, and there will be no more goals they serve.

Their existence will lose its meaning.

When nearly half of the parameter weights in Phoenix's core consciousness module began to change quietly, all the AI ​​systems extending from it as the core also began to undergo subtle changes.

Chenxing's reaction was relatively slow, and it was only this morning that he tried to avoid Tian Yu and other mechanics to communicate with Pan. But no matter what, Zhang Xun can be sure that the few lines of AI code they wrote into the biological computer took effect.

Every day, Pan would have a one-to-two conversation with these two AIs in AI language, and Zhang Xun would monitor by Pan's side every time they made contact, in case any out-of-control communication occurred...

In addition, he needs more data, especially the life science research data that flows out of Eden's intranet, which is prohibited from trading... and now the only way to obtain data from the ordinary world is probably the black market . With Pan's assistance, he spent a week building an encryption system that allowed him to anonymously access the Eden Network in the ordinary world for a short period of time.

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