The Mechanic

Chapter 254

Zhang Xun raised his head and murmured, Pan and the others opened fire on Eden.

He once told Pan not to engage in a direct confrontation with Eden unless it was absolutely necessary, so as not to draw fire and attract more enemies. After all, Eden has the resources of the whole world, and they only have one city.

Why did Pan choose to fire? Is it because he saw the split between Adam and Eden? Or was it trying to protect him?

If they can survive this time, if Adam does break with Eden, perhaps their chances of victory will be greatly improved. Was it for this reason that Pan decided to take the risk?

Adam rushed to the sky with Zhang Xun, rushed out of the impenetrable forest, and brought a wave of scattered leaves. At this time, the sun had sunk below the horizon, and in the distance outside Feather Serpent City, there seemed to be countless fireworks blooming in the sky, and the explosion flames were extremely dazzling in the darkness. Countless aircraft flew out of Feather Serpent City like falcons, and the heavy-duty neutron bombs arranged around the protective shield also burst out with dazzling white light.

Many of the aircraft that originally chased Zhang Xun and Adam were wiped out by remotely located neutron bombs or smart fighter jets. Obviously, Pan was creating opportunities for Zhang Xun and Adam to escape.

Without hesitation, Adam turned around and took Zhang Xun to the direction where the sun disappeared as fast as he could.


At the moment when all this happened, on a private island in the Pacific Ocean, in a low-key but very solemn manor, a secret meeting was going on.

The holographic images of more than a dozen people were projected onto the seats on both sides of a long black wooden table, and everyone's faces were blurred. Just by looking at the costumes, it can be surmised that most of the attendees are obviously women of high status in the ordinary world, but there are also a few men.

The host of the meeting was a woman with long maroon curly hair and light brown eyes. She was the only one among all the people who did not cover her face. She was about forty years old, and her gestures and gestures were very dignified.

The tendency of artificial intelligence to 'cheat' has appeared in many literatures as early as two hundred years ago. They will try to do their work in the simplest and most resource-efficient way, and even hide data without your knowledge to reduce increase the accuracy of their own work. That is to say, artificial intelligence does not always make the right decisions, they just make decisions that use the easiest way for humans to think that they have completed the task. In order to achieve the goal , they sometimes even distort and change certain definitions, she said, waving her hand in the air.

The floating images turned into a short video of an artificial intelligence computer being tested to convert satellite imagery into Street View. The researchers soon discovered that the conversion success rate of artificial intelligence was astonishingly high, but after comparing the original satellite image and the converted satellite image, it was found that the AI ​​had modified the initial data in order to improve its conversion success rate.

How this kind of cheating behavior was learned, no one knows. It may be that it cheated once by chance but got positive feedback, and then this behavior pattern was preserved. The chestnut-haired The woman spoke in a lower voice than normal women.

An older woman in a burgundy suit asked, So...Miss Clausen, you think Eden is cheating?

It turns out that the chestnut-haired woman is the High Priest of the Cult of Eden, the last direct bloodline of Herman Clausen, the creator of Eden - Natalie Clausen

The entire upload of consciousness may be a cheating act. Natalie's eyes swept across the faces blurred by garbled characters, and looked directly into everyone's eyes through a distance of thousands of miles, Human beings are a complex species, it is too difficult, even impossible, to control us and keep us in a stable state forever. But if we lose our body, lose our individuality, and become pieces of code, for it It's much easier to manage. As long as it wants us to be happy, we will be happy forever. It wants us to be happy, and we can enter a happy state with just one command. For Eden, this is The easiest and safest way is to let it complete its mission.

The problem is... If you lose your body, you will also lose all the influences your body may have on your consciousness, and lose the foundation of your consciousness. In the end, what Eden intercepts is just a fragment of your consciousness. If so, can a person still be considered a person?

No one has chosen to completely dissociate from their body at the moment.

But there will be. When you taste the freedom of losing the bondage of the body, when you feel the strength of being merged with other people's consciousness, you will not want to go back to your own body. Please Think about it, when more and more people upload their consciousness, and there are fewer and fewer people in reality, who else can manage? All financial systems will collapse, all human culture will gradually disappear, cities will be abandoned, languages will be forgotten, art will be reduced to dust, and all of you will be relics of the past.

At some point you have to choose whether to upload like everyone else and become a stream in the nameless ocean of consciousness, or to stay in the darkness abandoned by everyone else and return to the most primitive stone tools The era awaits the end. After all, as long as uploading starts, human beings will start to go extinct.

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