The Mechanic

Chapter 272

...Not good, not good at all. Diego said after a pause, But Todd hasn't given up yet.

A general answer, but Zhang Xun is very clear about what is implied behind it. If it was him before, he would blame himself, suffer, be afraid, and panic.

But now, he only felt a kind of empty sadness.

He hoped that Todd would hold out until Natalie sent the nanobots to them.

It was a reunion after a long absence, but the atmosphere in the tent was extremely condensed, and an invisible haze hovered over everyone's head. Adam took Zhang Shuo's skin, saliva and blood samples, and immediately returned to the laboratory in the aircraft to compare the DNA. And Zhang Xun sat in the tent, facing his father far away, but was speechless for a while.

As if wanting to give the father and son some more time, Anya gave Diego a look and motioned him to go out with her.

Zhang Shuo was silent, listening to the whirring wind whirling outside, and said after a while, Paradise Lost is no longer what it used to be. After Eden moved in, those who hadn't been uploaded were put under surveillance, and a large number of mechanical policemen moved in. In every district, except for the sixth head of the round table, all the heads of the round table exist in name only.

The sixth chief has always yearned for Eden. Zhang Xun said calmly, seemingly not surprised.

I heard that you created an AI in Feather Serpent City that can compete with Eden?

It's not enough...Pan is still too young. Zhang Xun sighed and raised his tired eyes, But we still have hope, as long as Adam can develop a new type of ultra-miniature robot that reverses the original nanorobot, now we It is possible to regain the lost positions. Eden’s ultimate goal is to benefit mankind, and as long as mankind can unite to reject it, it will have to compromise.”

It was supposed to be full of hope, but it was said in a pale and alienated tone, as if talking about something that happened in another world.

Is it really possible for human beings to unite? Besides, do humans really want to reject Eden?

True, Eden used various means to influence the collective decision. But if individual independence is really that important, why is Hengxiang so popular?

Is this the future that human beings should have, and Eden is just pushing the boat along? And by sacrificing everything in this way, I am actually just a manipulating arm, holding on to an old concept?

He could feel that there was a larger and stronger force waiting for him in the void, waiting for his integration. He has been trying to resist being seduced. But when he sank into the depths of the dream and reason no longer restrained his thinking, he dreamed.

Dreaming that you are part of the whole human being, part of the whole world, part of the whole universe. His ego disappeared, as if he had become a tree, a flower, existing peacefully and eternally. There is no pain and no pleasure.

At times like this, when he wakes up, he's going to use all his willpower to tell himself that's not what he really wants. He wants to exist, even if it's only fleeting, weak, full of fallacies...

The civilization and history created by human beings, those brilliant and moving works of art, those stories and legends that have been written down for a long time and passed down from generation to generation... All these rich, vivid and wonderful things require independent, complex and full of Flawed but extremely vivid individual to complete and continue.

He had to persevere, he couldn't compromise with Eden.

Zhang Shuo looked at his only son, whom he had always described as disappointment, but now became the node of human survival.

He couldn't imagine how desperate Zhang Xun would choose to use self-destructive methods to force Adam to break with Eden. For the first time, his hard and cold heart felt pain for his son.

But he still couldn't say any soft and comforting words. He knew that Zhang Xun was no longer needed at this time.

Eden is already cleaning up the information on the Internet, making sure that all humans can only see the benefits of uploading consciousness, saying that you can conquer death, let people get eternal life, and be with your lover forever. The most influential Those famous people uploaded first. Now all countries are building awareness uploading centers, and the number of people who consult and upload has reached one-tenth of the total population.” Zhang Shuo said in his usual business-like tone that he was escaping. After I came out, I learned about the situation, but there was a sense of depression in my eyes that I didn't have before, Everyone who tried to question was controlled by Eden, government officials disappeared inexplicably, and the president of the United States died unexpectedly... Even if you develop an antidote, I'm afraid not many people would want to inject she.

There will always be people who want to stay. Zhang Xun said firmly, There are many people who are skeptical of the Eden News. We only need to keep a part of the human race to be considered a success.

Even if some people choose not to upload, how long can they survive on the earth... Have you ever seen what those uploaded people look like? Each of them is connected together, and all of them have extreme personalities. Anyone who is different from them is regarded as a heretic and an enemy. Zhang Shuo turned around, concealing the nightmare that might have been revealed in his expression, I have seen it with my own eyes...they put a provocation and tried to kill Eden. The spokesperson’s anti-uploaders were torn to pieces, not even with weapons, just with their hands. Before this, I never thought that people could be more cruel and bloody than any wild beast.”

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