The Mechanic

Chapter 279

Although Zhang Shuo has already taken the position of commander, he has been trained to drive mechas before. As long as he can drive any machinery or transportation tool, he can easily grasp it. The two-person aircraft seemed to be integrated with him, turning into a flying bird with blue-purple flames, rushing through the intertwined flames and steel forest with incredible agility.

Under his leadership, the convoy is like a sea snake traveling through the raging sea, forcibly opening a way out in an impossible trap. Zhang Xun did not open his eyes as his father ordered, his hands were tightly grasping whatever he could. But he could hear the screams of people dying, smell blood and flesh burned by lasers. He knew they had suffered heavy casualties.

They have left the land and are rampaging across the ocean. Eden's robots seemed endless, no matter which direction they turned. No matter how good Zhang Shuo's driving skills were, it was impossible for him to deal with so many tireless fighting robots.

Suddenly, all the robots surrounding them started to fire at each other, the booming explosion almost tore Zhang Xun's eardrums, and the severe pain exploded in his head. He covered his ears with his hands, unaware that he was screaming in terror.

Then, everything suddenly became quieter. The sound of the explosion gradually became distant, leaving only the steady and continuous sound of the aircraft running around. Zhang Xun tried to open his eyes and took his hand off his ear, but found blood on his palm. Apparently the ear has been injured. But when he looked around, he realized that he was the luckiest of them all.

There are only four vehicles left in the convoy when they fled, and the rest are gone. Anya and Diego, who shared the same locomotive, were both covered in paint. There was a horrible blood hole on Diego's shoulder, which was still gurgling blood, and he was spraying hemostatic agent on the wound.

And Natalie seemed to have been seriously injured and fell into a coma. If Anya's men hadn't grabbed her, she might have fallen down already. The townspeople of the other two Rhinoceros Horn towns were also in distress, as if they had narrowly escaped death.

Zhang Xun turned his head to look at Zhang Shuo, only to see that there was also blood on Zhang Shuo's face, but he didn't know if it was the blood of other people splashed on it. But his expression was calm, without any expression of pain, probably safe and sound.

Zhang Xun breathed a sigh of relief.

Turning his head, he found that there were still rising clouds of explosion smoke spreading on the sea in the distance, as if the sea was burning, which was terrifying and magnificent.

He understood that Adam used some means to suddenly control all the mechanical soldiers chasing them, causing them to destroy each other and creating opportunities for them to escape.

If Adam is one step later, I'm afraid they will be wiped out. Eden did it to death.

Presumably because Adam has shown up, they're all useless.

They fled to a frozen island in the Arctic Circle, where the world of ice and snow has never been touched by human beings, and the only animal they may see is the polar bear. The extremely cold weather was enough to see through their winter clothing, making everyone shiver.

They were forced to stop to treat the wounds on their bodies, and all of them were silent, struggling to get off the aircraft. Anya supported Diego and limped to a huge ice rock and sat down. She took out a black machine from her backpack that could automatically heat up as a temporary heat source, put it on the ground, and began to carefully examine Diego's wound.

On the other side, Natalie was also taken off the aircraft and placed near the heat source.

It was only when Zhang Xun's legs touched the ground that he realized that his legs were so soft. He supported the aircraft to stabilize his body, and put his hands in his pockets...

The heart suddenly fell into the ice cave.

The chip that held Adam's recovered DNA model was missing.

When did it drop? Most likely it was when the aircraft he was originally on was blown up and he flew out.

At that time, it was a miracle that other people didn't die, and there was no need to care about the chip.

Maybe Adam still has a backup, at least Adam must have remembered it... It doesn't matter, there is still hope...

Zhang Xun turned to look at his father, but saw that Zhang Shuo was still sitting in the driver's seat, not moving.


Unfamiliar words, as if it has not been called for a long time.

Zhang Shuo raised his head to look at him, his eyes filled with tiredness that he could no longer hide. In an instant, Zhang Xun realized how old his father was, and the wrinkles on his eyes and forehead were already so deep.

Dad? Are you hurt?

Zhang Shuo shook his head, the movement was so slight that it was almost invisible.

But Zhang Xun noticed Zhang Shuo's bleeding arm, obviously scratched by the laser. He took a few steps forward, Your arm has to stop the bleeding...

Stay where you are and don't move.

Zhang Xun frowned, but stopped obediently.

Zhang Shuo's words were different from the past, there was not much order in the tone, but a little tired and pale. But Zhang Xun has long been used to obeying his father's orders, and he will always try his best to do whatever his father asks.

Xun Xun, listen to what I say.

Xun Xun...

Zhang Shuo didn't call him this somewhat feminine nickname after he was six years old. So much so that when he heard it, his body trembled slightly.

Since I was a child, I have been too strict with you. I know that you are hardworking and smart, but it is not what I expected. It is not your fault. Zhang Shuo sighed and looked up. A strand of gray hair hung from his forehead and fell between his eyebrows, adding a bit of softness to his cold and hard lines.

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