The Mechanic

Chapter 295

Every area of ​​his brain has been wired into that giant biological computer. Some flesh-red fibrous bodies stretched up from the columnar container filled with light yellow solution above his head, and there was a hole made of glass on the ceiling, from which one could peek into the spread wings of the giant red bird on the upper floor.

slightly dizzy...

You can deal with it as you like. Zhang Xun said flatly, I don't need it anymore.

Eden was silent for a moment, without answering anything. The back of his neck is also connected to the biological computer, after all, the Eden in this human body is just an extension.

I'm going to run the upload process. The information stored in every cell in your brain and your thought patterns will be thoroughly scanned and uploaded, after which your brain will be shut down. You will no longer be able to return to your body Yes. You see the implications of your own decisions, don't you?

Eden confirmed again and again, almost as if he didn't want Zhang Xun to upload his consciousness.

But Zhang Xun said, I understand.

Eden sighed softly, even he himself didn't know why he behaved like this. Probably some kind of instinctive reaction in the human body.

Finally, is there anything else you want to say to someone? Eden asked.

Last words?

Indeed, after the brain shuts down, it is equivalent to his body dying.

Zhang Xun looked at the strange and magnificent red above his head blankly, and said after a while, Tell James not to take revenge. Do what will make him happy.

……as you wish.

The moment Eden started the upload program, Zhang Xun didn't feel anything.

The whole process of his consciousness being transformed into data and stripped from his brain seemed to him to be non-existent. No pain, nothing.

Only suddenly, he seemed to be unfolded.

It's like being released from a box. All senses disappeared, but his consciousness could not adapt to the state of loss of senselessness, so a series of grotesque colors and chaotic sounds were virtual.

Something huge quickly wrapped around him, penetrating him thread by thread. Countless thoughts, consciousness, memories, and perceptions are overturned like a violent wind and raging sea. He felt extremely crowded, yet extremely vast. He felt himself being stretched infinitely, getting thinner and thinner...

Gradually, he is no longer sure of who he is, no longer sure of what he is. He has seen countless sights and seen every corner of the world. He heard countless voices, heard the wind shaking the leaves, and heard the cry of the baby in the petri dish. He was thinking, but not thinking at all. Contradictory beliefs and cognitions collide with each other, just like the torrents in the sea that cancel each other out, turbulent but unified and calm.

He is about to disappear, about to be reduced to a whole. The whole process should obviously be terrifying, but it went so smoothly, like a baby returning to the womb, like existence turning into nothingness.

However, a strange feeling suddenly rose from his gradually thinning subconscious.

As if it came from the fingertips that no longer existed, the metal undulates slightly, the curled quaint patterns, and the elegant textures seem to contain something deeper and wider.

His non-existent fingertips began to trace, and at the same time, some kind of image began to appear in his non-existent vision. The pattern belongs to a pendant, a box pendant that has been baptized by the years and polished and polished by another pair of dexterous hands. The contents of the pendant were empty, but he remembered that there was a chip in it. Later, the chip was taken out, and what was put in instead was a mini-injector filled with a little nanorobot.

The pendant was given to him by someone, a very important person.


Immediately afterwards, a series of memories gushed out as if a gate had been opened.

His blue and ethereal pupils reflected his face full of joy, unbelievably spread out his silver wings, and rose from the rooftop of Lab with the wind, like a phoenix reborn from the ashes, rushing towards the gushing sun...

Among the frenzied crowd on the dance floor, Adam joined him in the loud countdown to the New Year. The two are covered in sweat, but they don't know what troubles are, and the future is bright and hopeful. And Adam lowered his head and gave him a deep kiss, and said to him: Axun, I think I have fallen in love with you. Generated from a long time ago.

At two o'clock in the middle of the night, he was awakened from his sleep by a sound of glass knocking. Adam gave him the box necklace picked up from the garbage disposal plant, which contained the knowledge chip that Adam entered overnight. Adam told him: If I fail the test, at least you can have some souvenirs.

In the intricate dark mines underground, they were forced to a dead end. There are mechanical dogs everywhere that can burn them to ashes at any time, but Zhang Xun feels that Adam is beside him, even if he dies, he can die together, so he is not so afraid for some reason. I just ask you to be here and trust me absolutely, Adam told him.

And... In another morning sun, when Zhang Xun faced Eden's thousands of horses and welcomed death with open arms, Adam saved him. Adam gave up the general goal that he could not change all the time, gave up his identity as Eden, gave up the meaning of existence, and chose to save him. At that moment, in Adam's arms, he could finally be sure that Adam really loved him. Not to confuse him, not to get something from him, not to use him, not to achieve the overall goal.

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