The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 171: Young and frivolous, not knowing the outside world

"Father, your granddaughter, you're so sharp."

When Xu Yanping walked in, she saw that Emperor Xiao Qing and Mr. Xu were already sitting together, and began to play.

Moreover, what made her feel angry is that Emperor Xiao Qing even criticized her against the old man?


Rao was an intellectual woman like Xu Yanping, and couldn't help but cursed in her heart at this time, but on the surface she didn't dare to say anything, but stood quietly and watched the battle.

"My granddaughter has a good talent since she was a child, and she is not weaker than her peers in any aspect, so she is a bit arrogant. However, if the little friend can help me teach her, the old man is grateful."

Father Xu said with a smile as he settled down.

He seemed to be ignoring Xu Yanping. Yes, Xu Yanping almost burst into anger. She squinted her eyebrows, suppressing the anger in her heart, and stared at Emperor Xiao Qing like this.

"Well, you kid, Xiao Qing emperor, right? He looks a bit famous. Recently, he has made all the big families in the East China Sea smoky, thinking that he is invincible, hehe..."

"Aren't you very good at chess? Even grandpa is ashamed? A joke, it must be the old man's itchy hands. He finally met a young man who saw the right eye, so I deliberately let you, otherwise, yours I'm afraid that the chess skill is less than half of my girl's. This girl doesn't believe that you can really defeat Grandpa."

Xu Yanping muttered to herself, but the eyes when she looked at Emperor Xiao Qing were full of provocation.

She is not in a hurry to speak, but quietly watching the two play chess.

However, with the passage of time, her eyes widened, and her face was shocked, "This...this guy can break Grandpa's dragon formation so easily without thinking. It's true..."


"Well, is this true?...His chess skills are so good, even if I meet him, he must be very careful."

"It's no wonder Grandpa has to bow down to the wind."

While Xu Yanping was shocked in her heart, her eyes were no longer the madness she had before, instead she stared at the game of both sides closely.

At this moment, she has forgotten what she had just thought in her mind.

At the same time, she kept thinking about how she would crack Xiao Qingdi’s chess game if she was from Grandpa’s point of view. However, after calculating for a long time, she was slumped, “It’s too fast, no, I can’t keep up with his speed. , Why is he so fast..."


"Father, let's accept it."

Xu Yanping hadn't reacted from the shock until Xiao Qing's son slayed the dragon and caused the old man to lose all the games.

She stared at the chess game blankly and whispered, "This, how is this possible, it is possible to play chess like this, this speed is really too fast, doesn't he need to think..."

"How is it? What do you think?" Old man Xu got up and took a sip of the water set aside, and said to his granddaughter while smiling.

"He, he, he is strong..."

Although Xu Yanping was shocked in her heart, she did not admit her counsel. Instead, she raised her head and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with dissatisfaction, "I don't believe you are so powerful. I'll have a game with you."

"Grandpa gets older and slows down in all aspects of reaction ability, so you can have the upper hand, this girl is different, this girl is not afraid of you."

Her look was proud, "This girl started learning chess at the age of five, and for eighteen years, from the age of sixteen, she has rarely met an opponent. Even my grandfather is just a match. Don’t think you have defeated my grandfather. , Can beat me."

As he said, he directly sat down in the position of Mr. Xu and started to play chess, preparing to play against Emperor Xiao Qing.

However, when she set the chess game, Emperor Xiao Qing stood up and said to the old man, "Let's stop here today, and fight another day."


When Xu Yanping saw it, she was furious and hurriedly shouted, "What are you doing? You must be scared, so you dare not fight this girl."

Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head, "Not everyone is qualified to play against me."

With that, he just glanced at Xu Yanping, and left the library slowly with his hands.

Emperor Xiao Qing's tone was very flat, not pretentious, but very simple to tell Xu Yanping such a truth, she did not have the qualifications to confront herself.

"He he he...he actually said I am not qualified to play against him?"

Xu Yanping stood there blankly, and she could tell that Emperor Xiao Qing didn't say this on purpose, but expressed her feelings, because she truly felt that she didn't have the qualifications at all.

However, she is known as the youngest chess king in the empire, and she is not weaker than the older generation of chess kings. Now, she has been underestimated.

" bastard..."

She stood there for a long time, and was about to rush up to question Xiao Qingdi, but Elder Xu smiled and pulled her back, "Okay girl, stop making trouble, you will lose all your face later. ."

"Grandpa, that guy is too rampant, and he said that I am not qualified to play against him. I have to be clear about the theory with him. It is too much to look down on people. His chess skills are very good. Are his opponents qualified? This is too insulting."

Xu Yanping's face was pale with anger.

"Is it his opponent, don't you know in your heart?"

Mr. Xu smiled and looked at Xu Yanping, "Girl, you have been smooth sailing since you were young. You have few opponents in martial arts or chess. Now, you have really met someone who is far superior to you in every aspect. You should face it well. Be realistic."

"Why does he say that he surpasses me in martial arts and chess?"

After hearing this, Xu Yanping was even more dissatisfied, "I am only 23 years old, and I am already at the sixth-rank peak cultivation base. Among the younger generation of the entire empire, few can compare to me. How does he Can you compare with me?"

"Maybe, in terms of chess skills, he is indeed a little better than me, but in terms of martial arts, this girl can pinch him to death with one hand."

She is very confident of her strength.

Even if the chess skill side really felt that she might not be able to win Xiao Qingdi securely, but her talent for martial arts was unmatched.

The twenty-three-year-old 6th-Rank pinnacle master was only a little short of being able to step into the 7th-Rank Grandmaster. Among the young people known in the entire empire, almost no one can compare with her.

Moreover, she did not sense any energy fluctuations in Emperor Xiao Qing, and she did not believe that Emperor Xiao Qing would be more powerful than her.

Maybe it's just an ordinary person who doesn't understand martial arts.

That's ants!

"Ha ha..."

Father Xu laughed, "Do you know who is the strongest in the East China Sea?"

This granddaughter has been spoiled by the family since she was a child, and because of her unusual talent, no one can compare her in every aspect, so she developed this arrogant look.

Today, compared with Emperor Xiao Qing, it is not worth mentioning.

This is also the reason why Mr. Xu specially called this granddaughter to Donghai.

Just for Emperor Xiao Qing to help suppress this granddaughter's arrogance.

"Isn't it Chen Zhen, the owner of Millennium Chen?"

Xu Yanping herself is a member of the rivers and lakes, and her information is well-informed. She is also very aware of the fact that the strongest person in the East China Sea is Chen Zhen, the head of the Chen family.

"So, do you know what happened to Chen Zhen?" Mr. Xu asked.

"I heard that he passed away and the news was hidden by the Chen family, but no one knows exactly." Xu Yanping looked at Father Xu in confusion, "Grandpa, what do you ask me for?"

"Chen Zhen was defeated in the hands of Emperor Xiao Qing."

Elder Xu smiled and said, "An old master went to find the trouble of Emperor Xiao Qing for various reasons. He was crazy because of his defeat. Moreover, the next day, Chen Sheng, the strongest young generation in the Chen family, went to Apologize to Emperor Xiao Qing."

"You are very strong. At a young age, you are in the sixth rank pinnacle grandmaster realm, but can you compare with Chen Sheng?"

As he said, Mr. Xu shook his head, "You just went to the Chen family to meet Chen Sheng not long ago. You should understand that Chen Sheng has reached the pinnacle and will only be able to break through to become a master. The combat power of such a person is actually He is almost the same as the Grandmaster, but he dare not confront Xiao Qingdi head-on. After taking over the Chen family, he has to apologize. Do you think his strength will not match yours?"


Xu Yanping was stunned, " is this possible..."

She didn't feel the breath of a warrior in Emperor Xiao Qing at all. In addition, she was invincible among her peers over the years, which made her develop a superior temperament. Unexpectedly, Emperor Xiao Qing actually So terrible.

"Is he already a master?"

Xu Yanping whispered, and she became curious about the man with extraordinary temperament in her heart.


At this moment, the shock in Xu Yanping's heart was only that she and Mr. Xu knew about it, while Emperor Xiao Qing came to the edge of the small lake with his hands held down, sitting quietly under the willows, looking at the jumping fish on the lake, feeling , Furui does not wave.

He knew very well that Mr. Xu was trying to suppress Xu Yanping for the sake of borrowing himself. Although he was not very upset about this, he did not object to it. He just treated Mr. Xu as a favor.

After all, playing against Mr. Xu during this period of time also made him find a lot of happiness.

However, he didn't bother to care about Xu Yanping's kind of savage girl, let alone fight against each other.

"Man, why are you here in the East China Sea again? Are you here to find me?"

Soon after, with an excited voice, Wei Zixuan appeared beside her with a smile.

At this moment, Wei Zixuan was still wearing a bandage around her neck, which aroused many people's curiosity as she passed by. However, she didn't care, but rushed to Xiao Qingdi and sat down with a smile.

Emperor Xiao Qing glanced at Wei Zixuan and said with a smile, "If this sentence is what I asked you, it should be more appropriate?"

"Ahaha, it's all the same. Our relationship, but who will go through life and death together." Wei Zixuan smiled heartily, like a boy.

When she first went to class, she saw Xiao Qingyan, and asked if Emperor Xiao Qing had gone back. The news was that Emperor Xiao Qing was still playing chess in the library, so he caught up with him, just seeing Emperor Xiao Qing's back. , Chased all the way.


Xiao Qing asked.

"Can't I find you if I'm okay?" Wei Zixuan's face deliberately showed a hint of resentment, "You bad guy, it's too much to ignore people after you're done."

Emperor Xiao Qing, "..."

This is too ambiguous, as if he did something indescribable to this woman.

"speak English."

He glared, Wei Zixuan didn't dare to say more, but said with a smile, "Brother Xiao, are your medical skills very good?"

"Understand a little."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded without denying it.

"I want to ask you for a favor, okay? My grandfather has been suffering from a dark illness. Over the years, it has become more and more serious. Can you help me save him?"

Wei Zixuan said, with a pitiful expression on her face, "As long as you are sure to help, I will agree to any conditions."

I thought that I had been so pitiful, even if the other party wanted to dedicate everything to himself, he would agree to it, this guy would definitely agree. Unexpectedly, Emperor Xiao Qing stared at her for a while and shook it directly. Head, "Dead!"


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