The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 707: Kill a strong man and break through


Above the Xiao family villa, when Ning Jin and the two foundation-building masters were all stunned, there was another roar, and a flame lotus rose suddenly and appeared beside the nine-color dragon.

Although the power caused by this flame lotus is far from comparable to that of the nine-color dragon, it has changed the complexion of everyone, "There is another breakthrough."

Two people broke through to the foundation building period at the same time.

No, they didn't know whether Emperor Xiao Qing was in the foundation period.

But this flame lotus is a real stage of foundation construction.

At this moment, the nine-color dragon roared and let out a screaming dragon.

Then, the heaven and earth aura absorbed by that vortex turned into the flame lotus.

"Emperor Xiao Qing is helping the other party to stabilize their cultivation."

The two masters in the foundation-building phase trembled, looked at Ning Jin who was also dumbfounded, and suddenly said, "Should we go back now?"

"This one..."

The other one was a little moved, "I heard that Emperor Xiao Qing was able to cut off an arm of Emperor Jing when he was not in the foundation building period. Now that he has broken through to such a realm, how can we be opponents?"


The two looked at Ning Jin at the same time.

"What back?"

But when I heard, a smile appeared on Ning Jin's face, "The emperor came from an alliance with the Xiao Clan. Emperor Xiao Qing is my ally. He has made a breakthrough in cultivation. I should congratulate him."

"you sure?"

Suspicious expressions appeared on the faces of the two masters in the foundation stage.

Along the way, if it weren't for them to hold Ning Jin, this guy would have run away. Why, now he wouldn't run away now?

However, Ning Jin did not speak, but told them with practical actions that he was prepared.

I saw Ning Jin stepped outside the Xiao's villa, knocked on the door with a smile, and then folded his hands in front of him, looking like an honest person.

"why is it you again?"

Not long after the door opened, Xiao Qi walked out and looked at Ning Jin with a surprised expression, "You are not leaving yet, what are you doing here?"

"Emperor Ben, ahem, I really have something to see Emperor Xiao Qing, the Dragon King."

Ning Jin said quickly.


Xiao Qi ignored him and closed the door directly.


There was a loud noise, Ning Jin touched his nose with a gloomy expression on his face, turned his head, looked at the two elders of the Xiao imperial family in the foundation period, smiled and said, "Actually, I am very familiar with Emperor Xiao Qing. Yes, it's just that he is practicing in retreat and is not used to seeing outsiders."

It's quite familiar. Last time, Emperor Xiao Qing almost didn't pinch to death, and the handle was in the hands of Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Ha ha..."

The two immortal elders sneered. Since they are very familiar, can they be called outsiders?


At this moment, the dragon and the flame lotus in the sky above the Xiao family disappeared.

Then, the three-story building that had been trapped in energy for a long time opened.

Xiao Qingdi and Ai Wen walked out side by side, with light smiles on their faces.

The whole body aura is flowing, the performance is not very strong, but it is very mysterious.


"Brother Qingdi."

"Boss Xiao..."

When Xiao Qingdi and Ai Wen walked out, the faces of everyone in the courtyard were happy.

"All the evil spirits on the body are gone."

The Xiao Qingdi, Xiaoqi, Zhou Wang, Atari and others with relatively high cultivation bases all sensed that Xiao Qingdi, who was surrounded by evil spirits, had all disappeared at this time.

"Both broke through to the foundation building stage, what method did they use?"

The eyes of several people flickered, with curious colors.

"Master, Ning Jin is here with two masters in the foundation building period."

Xiao Qi stepped forward.

"I saw it."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded.

Then, he turned to Ai Wen and said, "You have something to eat with them, and I will meet Ning Jin."


Ai Wen smiled softly and walked to the restaurant with the girls.

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Xiao Qi, "Go and see what he wants to say."

The two wandered out of the villa door.

"My prince is here, please say something quickly."

When the door of the villa opened, it was when Ning Jin stood with a gloomy look, he heard Xiao Qi speak unceremoniously.

"This emperor is also the current emperor, your lord Dragon, anyway, your subordinates ranting at me like this is a bit too much, right?" Ning Jin coughed dryly.


However, his voice had not yet fallen, and a torrent of weather suddenly appeared, suppressing directly on top of his head.

In the next moment, his entire complexion suddenly flushed, "This..."

"Misunderstanding,, you are free, me, I'm all right..."

He quickly changed his words and looked at Xiao Qi with a hint of flattery, "If you feel unhappy, continue to yell at me a few more times, I, I'm fine..."

As soon as these words came out, the two masters of the foundation stage almost fainted. Is this the relationship that this guy called the old acquaintance of Emperor Xiao Qing?

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at the two masters in the foundation stage, and said with a smile but a smile, "Why did the Emperor Xiao Clan ask you to come to this king?"

"Ahem, no, it's not the request of the Xiao royal family, it's me, it's me who wanted to come and see you."

Ning Jin said quickly.

"It seems that after Emperor Ning Jin was sent to the Xiao imperial clan by your brother Ning Yu, not only was he not in danger, but he climbed onto the big tree of the Xiao imperial clan. It is really gratifying."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled teasingly, "Aren't these two people from the Xiao royal family?"

"Emperor Xiao Qing, you are also a member of the Xiao Clan, and the two of us are your elders, shouldn't you be polite to us?" At this moment, the faces of the two masters of the Xiao Clan's foundation-building period were not very good.

They looked at Emperor Xiao Qing and said with a calm face, "Even if your father sees us, he will call him an elder."

"is it?"

Emperor Xiao Qing touched his nose, turned his head and looked to Xiao Qi, "What do you think?"

"I don't know the so-called person, just cut it with one sword."

Xiao Qi said murderously.

"you dare?"

The expressions of the two strong men in the foundation building period suddenly changed.

On one side, Ning Jin moved to one side without a trace, a little farther away from the two fools, and sighed in his heart, "These old immortals are really looking for death one by one, don't they recognize the form? ?"

As everyone knows, some time ago, when he first met Xiao Qingdi, he was also seeking death by himself.

"Does this king dare?"

Emperor Xiao Qing showed a smile that was not a smile.


The next moment, a sword roar suddenly sounded.

Emperor Xiao Qing also pointed the sword, as if waving his right hand at will, directly slashed the sword towards the elders of the two Xiao imperial clan's foundation stage.

"Emperor Xiao Qing, we are here on behalf of Emperor Jing, do you dare to be rude to us?"

The look of these two elders changed drastically.

In fact, when they first saw Emperor Xiao Qing's breakthrough momentum, they were a little worried that Emperor Xiao Qing would attack them.

However, when I really met Emperor Xiao Qing, I found that Emperor Xiao Qing's aura was not as strong as I imagined. Out of insistence on his identity, he wanted to put on airs.

As a result, he didn't expect Emperor Xiao Qing to slash at them without saying a word.

"no no..."

While their expressions changed drastically, they tried their best to resist.


However, their power had just risen, and this incomparable nine-color sword aura was only a slight shock, and all the power in their bodies was suppressed in an instant.

Then, a sword slashed, and the two were split in half at the same time.


Two people, four and a half corpses, just fell to the ground, liver and intestines and blood all over the floor.


Ning Jin on one side turned pale, and squatted while vomiting on the spot.

This scene was never similar to the situation when he first met Xiao Qingdi last time.

Recalling the whole body was covered with flesh and blood in his mind, Ning Jin vomited heartbreakingly, and then raised his head to see Emperor Xiao Qing looking at him calmly.

His mind was trembling, and he couldn't help it anymore, his legs softened and he knelt on the spot.


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