The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 749: Xiao Zhengjing, you disappointed this king too much

"Xiao Zhengjing, go to the ring, a battle."

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Xiao Zhengjing and his voice was cold, and he did not put Xiao Zhengjing, the acting emperor of the Xiao family, in his eyes.


An elder of the Xiao imperial family stood up and shouted angrily, "Emperor Xiao Qing, junior, you are too rampant, do you know who you are facing?"

"It's nothing more than a heartless beast," Xiao Qing said.

"Asshole, you dare to insult the acting emperor, do you want to live?"

"Don't say your father is not there, even if he is still alive, you are not so qualified to insult the acting emperor."

"Do you want to be punished by the royal family rules?"


A group of people jumped out directly, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing with cold expressions.

These are all elders with extraordinary status in the Xiao family, each of them holds great power, and they are also Xiao Zhengjing's most loyal supporters.

Each one is a strong man beyond the stage of foundation building.

They, while shouting angrily, suppressed Xiao Qingdi with their own aura.

Boom boom boom!

Even Emperor Xiao Qing could feel the monstrous and terrifying aura almost crushing himself.

However, his expression was cold, his eyes were cold and he said, "Is the momentum of the elders of the Xiao royal family so weak?"

"Asshole, underestimate us."

These elders were shaking with anger.

They tried their best to explode their strongest power, trying to completely suppress Emperor Xiao Qing.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing, standing on the arena of life and death, was still calm and calm, as if he had not sensed their aura at all.

"What's going on? Could it be that the ring of life and death is blocking our momentum?"

After a long time, the faces of these elders showed surprise.

"It must be so."

A rugged elder stood up and shouted, "This boy is too cunning. Let me fight him out of the ring of life and death."

With that, he rushed directly towards the arena of life and death.

Xiao Zhengjing and the other elders did not stop them. Instead, they watched the elder rush to the ring and watched Xiao Qing with a sneer. Elder, this means the Discipline Hall will deal with you."


His hands stretched out at the same time, one hand blasted out with a fist, and the other hand directly grabbed it.

The fist was mighty, and the power bursting out of his palm was also earth-shaking, even when Emperor Xiao Qing on the opposite side felt the power bursting out of this guy, his face showed a solemn expression.

"Shameless, are you the elder of the Discipline Hall looking for death? A strong man in the condensing period actually took action to deal with the foundation building period, so shameless?"

The face of Xiao Zhengwu below was anxious, and he wanted to rush to help.

"The third brother, this is the execution of clan return, do you dare to stop?"

However, as soon as he moved, Xiao Zhengjing's voice came over.

"How do you act as the acting emperor, you can tolerate these guys bullying the little ones and your nephew, I can't tolerate them."

Xiao Zhengwu said coldly, "Xiao Zhengjing, no matter what happened before, but from this matter, I am already very disappointed."

"What about disappointment? What about not being disappointed?"

Xiao Zhengjing looked at Xiao Zhengwu with a smile, "What can you change?"

"Damn... I broke your life and death ring, believe it or not."

Xiao Zhengwu roared and was about to rush into the ring.


However, as soon as he moved, Xiao Zhengjing's figure shifted horizontally and appeared above him in an instant. A terrifying breath burst out, directly suppressing him.


Xiao Zhengwu raised his head and looked at Xiao Zhengjing with a look of horror.

At this moment, he really understood how terrifying Xiao Zhengjing's strength was.

Even if he was able to suppress himself and couldn't move just by his aura, even if he had cultivated for thirty or forty years, he consciously had reached the level of earth-shaking, and he couldn't even fight against Xiao Zhengjing.

"Third brother, you are just a younger brother after all."

Xiao Zhengjing smiled deeply.

He raised his head, looked at Emperor Xiao Qing on the ring, and said softly, "This kid, I really thought I didn't dare to do anything to him, hey, if it weren't for the sake of the second brother, can he live now?"

"What are you going to say?"

While Xiao Zhengwu blushed to resist Xiao Zhengjing's momentum, he looked at Xiao Zhengjing in confusion.

"Some things, you don't understand, he doesn't understand either."

Xiao Zhengjing shook his head indifferently, "Watch the excitement well, don't try to make a move, you are not my opponent yet."

As he said, he no longer paid attention to Xiao Zhengwu, but raised his head and looked at the ring. At this time, the elder in the condensing stage had a ferocious look, and he patted Xiao Qingdi with one fist and the other palm.

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing finally moved.

He still had his hands on his back, but on top of his head, a golden sword slowly rose up.


A sword roar erupted.


At the same time, there was a roar, and a terrifying sword intent erupted.

"For a long time, I haven't tried my best."

Emperor Xiao Qing murmured in a low voice.

Then, his eyes condensed, and he pointed out, "Cut!"

The sound of the sword roar was earth-shattering, and the Dragon Slashing Sword instantly disappeared on top of his head. When it appeared again, it had already been cut directly at the palm of the elder.

At the same time, Emperor Xiao Qing stepped forward, making a fist with his right hand, and suddenly blasted out with a punch.

"The emperor kills!"

The monstrous domineering erupted, and the terrifying emperor prestige contained terrifying energy and blood, and when the Dragon Slashing Sword was slashed on that palm, it bombarded with that punch.


There was a huge roar.

At this moment, the face of the elders in this condensing period also showed a sneer, "It's ridiculous, when the foundation is built, you dare to fight with me, you can't die, live..."

Suddenly, his expression changed.


The palm of his hand, which burst out with incomparable radiance, was directly cut off with his wrist.

Blood spurted out.


Not only that, when Xiao Qingdi's fist collided with his fist, only a clear and incomparable voice was clearly transmitted to his ears.

Immediately afterwards, a sharp pain passed.

His fist smashed in an instant, and countless bones and scum rolled back, with a powerful force, directly impacting his whole person out of the ring.


In the shocking gazes of the powerhouses of the Xiao imperial clan, the elders in this condensing period had both left and right hands abolished, and blood vomited wildly in their mouths.


Xiao Zhengjing's expression with a smile on his face also instantly changed, "In the condensing period, he was abolished by one blow. Is this kid's strength so extraordinary?"

"Xiao Zhengjing, you have disappointed this king too much."

At this moment, everyone was shocked and sucked in cold air. Inside the entire Xiao royal family, a sound of sucking in cold air rang.

Only the cold voice of Emperor Xiao Qing resounded through the secret realm of the entire Xiao imperial family.

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