The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 784: All beings, recite the emperor’s name

"It is my shame to share the same origin with you."

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Xiao Zhengjing with sneers.

Baishan, filial piety takes the lead.

For the throne, Xiao Zhengjing can design and deal with his younger brother, all of which are driven by interests.

However, he still dared to personally take action against his biological father, and he still took action when his biological father lost his strength.

Such behaviors are no different from animals.

I, Xiao Qing, was born to be an emperor, upright, and disdain to be with you.

The deep disdain, deeply irritated Xiao Zhengjing, he was furious, "Emperor Xiao Qing, you little bastard, how qualified are you to say this?"

"Today, the emperor is going to kill."


His figure was shocked, and the monstrous dragon erupted.

The right hand burning with black flame instantly turned into a dragon claw.

Dragon Claw grabbed the black long knife and suddenly appeared in front of Emperor Xiao Qing, still slashing towards Emperor Xiao Qing.


There was a roar.

A terrifying force erupted.

The blade light is shocking, and the magic is so powerful.

The magic fire completely ignited the sky above the emperor tomb.

The void gives rise to smoke, endless, the power of the magic way, powerful and unparalleled.

The emperor's way and the magic way are completely integrated.

At this moment, Xiao Zhengjing is the emperor or the demon, no one can tell.

Because he has completely integrated the two.

Only, the terrifying, domineering sword light still slashed towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

"You have become a demon."

Emperor Xiao Qing's expression was calm, his sword fetus vibrated, and blood-colored flames burned.

The sword fetus pulled horizontally, and the sword qi was self-contained, the sword qi burning with **** flames and this sword qi burning with devil flames cut together.

"Today, if you don't behead your kid, this emperor will no longer be called emperor."

Xiao Zhengjing said coldly.

His speed was extremely fast, and he slashed towards Emperor Xiao Qing one by one.

This level of battle no longer requires any weird skills.

Every knife contains the principle of knife;

Each style carries the supreme killing intent, which is caused by his power to the extreme.

The demon flame burns the void, the sword qi splits everything, and the sword tire cut one after another.

"Although the sword fetus has been refined by me, it is incomplete."

When Emperor Xiao Qing shot his hand, he felt that when Jian Ti was confronted with Xiao Zhengjing, it was obvious that he couldn't express his power, and he understood.

Elder Xiao wanted to refine the sword fetus, but he didn't completely complete it.

After most of the refining, it made the sword fetus in a state of self-protection and sealed its ability.

In this way, there is endless sword energy in the sword fetus, but it is impossible to use all of it.

"Even if you can't use all the sword energy, it will be enough to kill you."

The next moment, the cold light in Xiao Qingdi's eyes flickered, and another long sword appeared in his hand.

The golden sky is full, surrounded by dragons.

It is the Dragon Sword.

He didn't hesitate, and directly brought the Dragon Slashing Sword to the Sword Tire.

The next moment, the sword tire made an excited trembling sound, and a golden energy was absorbed by the sword tire from the Dragon Slashing Sword.

On the Dragon Slashing Sword, all the light dimmed and completely turned into a scrap of iron.


With the power of the dragon sword's divine weapon, the sword fetus trembled, and a stronger sword aura burst out.

The power of the divine sword can help the sword fetus to complete.

Amidst the roar, he directly collided with Xiao Zhengjing who had been killed.

The next moment, Xiao Zhengjing's figure stopped, looking at the sword fetus in the hands of Emperor Xiao Qing, his eyes were extremely hot, "Sure enough, it is a peerless treasure. If the emperor can get it, who can be the enemy?"

Glancing at the man from the back who also looked at the sword fetus in Emperor Xiao Qing's hands, Xiao Zhengjing made up his mind.

First behead Xiao Qingdi to win this sword embryo.

Then, behead the man.

The opponent, after seeing the power of this sword, it is impossible not to be tempted.

So, the best way for Du Absolute to **** this sword fetus is to directly kill the opponent.

After making all the plans, Xiao Zhengjing was burning with terrifying magic flames, and the long knife in his hands burst out with terrifying power.

In a crash, a knife swept across.

In the next moment, with the imperial mausoleum as the center, within thousands of miles around, countless densely packed people raised their heads, and they could see a terrifying sword glow sweeping by with flames.

It seemed that this knife was about to split the entire world.


Countless powerful people all sucked in cold air.

What if the strength is strong, and the ability of one person can overwhelm one city?

Can it be compared with this knife?

This knife no longer belongs to the world.

It is the sword of the Demon King.

With one cut, no one can stop the world.


The blade mang shattered the world, trying to crush Emperor Xiao Qing completely.

Even the man in the distance showed shock on his face, "What a Xiao Zhengjing, he is worthy of being a man who has become enchanted for his strength and replaced his arm with a magic dragon claw. The strength is really extraordinary."

Below, Elder Xiao was already trembling with anger, "Animal abuse, you have completely integrated yourself into that magic dragon claw, you have abandoned everything and become the real demon."

"Three thousand years ago, the ancestor said that no one can touch this magic dragon claw, but you, even if you don’t listen to the ancestor’s instructions, dare to use the magic dragon claws privately, and completely merge your flesh and blood with it. It's a big deal."

The Xiao imperial clan suppressed the northern frontier, so that no one of his foreign race dared to offend.

Today, Xiao Zhengjing, as the acting emperor of the Xiao family, has actually merged with the claws of the demon dragon, becoming the supreme demon, possessing terrifying power.

What irony is this?


Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Xiao Zhengjing's sword intently, his face did not show the slightest shock, but he held the sword in his right hand and swept across the sky extremely slowly.

The fetus of the sword trembled lightly, across the void, chopped the breeze, and cut the sunlight.

A three-inch-long nine-color sword qi merged with the blood-colored sword qi and rose.

The supreme sword power broke out.

"Today, this king has shown his imperial power and beheaded the devil.

The world is vast, and every swordsman should take advantage of this king. "

Emperor Xiao Qing's voice was magnificent and resounded throughout the world.

Not only the Mausoleum of the Demon Capital, but also not only the entire Yanhua Empire, but also the whole world, including the vast sea.

Countless swordsmen, at this moment, all have a kind of awe from the bones.

That is, their true supreme emperor wants to use their power.

"Sword Emperor, I would like to lend my strength to you."

"Although my strength is very small, I have practiced swords for ten years, and my love for kendo exceeds everything. If the emperor needs it, I will give all of my strength."

"Use my power."


A single spark can start a prairie fire.

Ordinary swordsman, the power of one person is very small.

But what if there are a hundred people, a thousand people, a million people, or even a million people, a million people?

In the vast world, the emperor is invincible.

The emperor of the sword is a truly supreme being on one side, and can command swordsmen all over the world to gather strength in one body.

Infinite forces that are indistinguishable to the naked eye rose into the sky and quickly gathered into a terrifying torrent.

It is like Wanchuan returning to the sea, sparkling into the sky.

The boundless power is integrated into the body of Emperor Xiao Qing.

At this moment, his figure volleyed into an extremely bright light.

Emperor prestige, diffused.

All the people in the world, the vast swordsman, are all reciting the supreme reputation of the sword emperor.

Condensed infinite power, gathered in one body, integrated into this sword.


One sword, extremely dazzling, gathers the power of millions of swordsmen.

The sword shines on the world.

Majestic, vast, unmatched.

Then, the devilish energy collapsed, and the blade light turned back.


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