The Ming Dynasty's Spokesperson

Chapter 452 Everyone wants to start a mutiny

The governor cannot isolate himself in a small dark room. The governor also socializes and needs to deal with others.

But Governor Xu Shouqian felt that everyone he met looked at him in a strange way.

It seems that at the next moment, the words "Xu shouqian" will pop out of someone else's mouth.

The main reason is that Governor Xu has a poor foundation and has a reputation for bribery, so the homophonic nickname "Xu Shouqian" instantly became a hit in the city.

Sanniangzi, the female leader of the Beibei, returned to the Xuanfu from Zhangjiakou Fort. When she continued to have a new round of bargaining with Governor Xu for the "silver reward", she also made a mistake and said "Xu receives money" once.

When the situation reached this point, Governor Xu knew that he had lost the soft power contest.

If soft power is not enough, we can only use hard power to force it.

Regarding the question of how the local powerful faction should deal with a foreign and unfounded senior official, please refer to Lin Tailai, the Suzhou defender and the largest rural Xian in Suzhou City the year before last.

At present, the main armed forces in Xuanfu Town include the three battalions of the Xuanfu Guards, the Governor Biao Battalion, the General Military Officer Biao Battalion, the Deputy General Military Officer Biao Battalion, the House Secretary Ding, the Gun Supervisor Eunuch Firearms Battalion, etc. The total number of officers and soldiers About 20,000.

Each battalion is assigned to each officer, and the command authority is dispersed in various ways. If there is no other order, each person can basically only directly command the soldiers of his own battalion, which is very characteristic of the Ming Dynasty.

Basically no one can incite 20,000 people to mutiny together, but as long as some people can be mobilized, even if there are only one or two thousand officers and soldiers, it is enough politically.

Originally, Governor Xu thought that after the momentum was successfully built, he could incite as many officers and soldiers as possible to join him when he launched a pay mutiny to besiege Lin Tailai.

In this way, the effect of the mutiny was more natural, and the momentum was greater. When the noise came to the court, it was more justified.

But now that they have lost the battle of public opinion, if they want to force a mutiny, they can only rely purely on personal organizations.

Governor Xu estimated that between himself and his confidant, Deputy Commander-in-Chief Zhang Zhen, the number of reliable candidates who could organize a mutiny might range from a few hundred to a thousand.

After all, the chief military officer of Zhengyin was Li Yingen from the governor's faction. If he wanted to launch a mutiny without alerting Li Yingen at all, he could only go so far.

There is another premise here. The Biao battalion directly under the governor and deputy commander-in-chief is not suitable for personal execution.

As an assistant, the master must give his opinion at this time, "I have a feeling that Lin Taiyuan seems to have been deliberately provoking the proprietor since he entered the Xuan Mansion, so should the proprietor act with caution?"

Governor Xu replied: "I know that the other party is hostile, and the other party clearly wants to punish me, so is there any point in being cautious?

Now Lin Tailai is still unsettled and isolated in the city. But the longer it drags on, the worse his situation will become.

Also, in order to leave Beijing quickly, Lin Tailai only had a dozen or so followers around him, and other affiliated personnel were behind him.

If we wait until more than two hundred people arrive in Xuanfu City, wouldn't it be even more difficult? "

Seeing that the proprietor had made a decision, the master stopped trying to dissuade him and could only help him analyze it responsibly.

"Lin Tailai spends most of his time at the Household Affairs Bureau during the day. This place has a bank and is definitely not suitable for a mutiny and siege."

Mutinies must also adhere to the Basic Law. If the rebels only arrest a few officials, the court may forgive and appease them to calm the matter;

But if the rebels destroyed places like granaries and banks, they would basically have to wait to be annihilated.

The master added: "If Lin Tailai is not in the household department, he will stay in the Xuanfu avant-garde commanding Qianshi and guerrilla Heixiao's house. This is also very troublesome."

Although Hei Xiao was only at the command level, and there were more than a dozen military attachés at the same level in Xuanfu City, Hei Xiao himself had always had prestige in the Xuanfu army.

If a mutiny besieged Hei Mansion and Hei Xiao and his servants stood up to resist, the rebels might not still have the momentum.

Moreover, the military attache's residence and the headquarters barracks were mostly close to each other. Maybe with Hei Xiao's order, hundreds of people would come out to help from the nearby barracks.

In the end, the master concluded: "It can be seen that Lin Tailai is extremely vigilant and has been guarding against accidents.

He was either in the Household Office or the Black Mansion, and was escorted by Kudin when he came in and out. It must have been carefully considered.

What we want is to prevent us from starting a mutiny. "

After careful consideration, Governor Xu said: "It is definitely not possible to work in the Department of Household Affairs. No one can afford the responsibility, so the only option is the Black Mansion."

The master came up with an idea and said: "The proprietor can issue a military order to summon Hei Xiao at the camp, then Hei Xiao will definitely have to come.

With the relationship between the proprietor and Lin Tailai now broken, Hei Xiao, who accepted Lin Tailai in his house, must be on guard against the proprietor.

Therefore, when Hei Xiao goes to the palace to pay homage to his proprietor, he will definitely take his servants with him to protect him as much as possible for safety.

At this time, the Black Mansion must be empty. When Lin Tailai launched a mutiny and besieged the Black Mansion, it would be much easier to handle.

Even if the officers and soldiers in the nearby barracks were alerted, it would not be a problem as long as there was no Heixiao taking command from the center. "

Governor Xu nodded and said: "We don't have much time left, we can try it first, and if it doesn't work, we can think of another way.

I heard that Lin Tailai was brave enough to conquer the three armies, but as long as the mutiny scene was created, even if Lin Tailai was not caught, it would still be considered a success.

Without further ado, go quickly to inquire about the situation in the Black Mansion, see if Lin Tailai is in the Black Mansion, and then give the order! "

At this moment, Lin Tailai was sincerely expressing his gratitude to Commander Hei: "You have worked very hard these past two days, thank you!"

In the past two days, Commander Hei used the excuse of field training to continuously take his direct battalion soldiers out of the city, and then returned to the city in the evening.

The dozens of servants sent by Lin Qin, as well as the two hundred officers and soldiers deployed by the imperial court, sneaked into the city among the soldiers of Commander Hei's camp, and were arranged to live in the barracks of Commander Hei's subordinates.

Unknown to others in the city, Lin Qincheng's direct force was already in place. Little did they know that these two hundred officers and soldiers were the elite Liaodong squadron carefully selected by Li Rusong from the Beijing camp.

Lin Tailai made it clear that people were not talking secretly, and added: "You have seen the situation now. The governor and I are on the same page. If I live in your house, I'm afraid it will affect you."

Commander Hei was in deep pain. How could the situation intensify into this in just a few days?

Anyone with any brain would guess that he must have been suspected by the governor now.

Who can blame this? Lin Zhuangyuan said a few days ago that continuing to live there might bring trouble to him, but he was enthusiastically persuaded to stay.

At that time, I still felt that being in Xuanfu City was a bit thin, so it didn’t matter if it was a little troublesome. It was impossible for the imperial envoy to live in his house forever. He would have to move out in a few days.

But I really didn't expect that Lin Zhuangyuan and Governor Xu were not tactful at all. They didn't have the subtle demeanor of scholars at all. They just started fighting like gangsters!

Judging from Lin Zhuangyuan's tone and his behavior of secretly transporting troops into the city, he probably wanted to directly anger the governor, and also wanted to drag himself into trouble.

At this moment, a military order suddenly came from the governor's camp, and Governor Xu ordered Hei Xiao to go to the camp immediately.

Hei Xiao asked the flag officer who came to deliver the order: "Do you know what it is for?"

The flag official replied: "After the Zhangjiakou Baoma Market opens, it is customary for a military attache to lead 300 people to guard the horse market.

Commander Hei is proficient in the Beibei language and the feelings of the Beibei people. He is a guerrilla responsible for supporting the situation, so he is a very suitable candidate.

Now Beilu's Sanniang Zi, who is in charge of the horse market affairs, is visiting the military gate in the camp, so the military gate calls the commander over to meet and get to know Sanniang Zi, so that they can cooperate in horse market affairs in the future. "

This order is very reasonable and doesn't sound problematic at all. What's more, this is a military order and cannot be refused by the black commander.

Carrying the flag officer carrying the order, Commander Hei sighed to Lin Tailai: "How can this be a good thing?

If you really want to send me to Zhangjiakou Fort, it will be nothing more than diverting the tiger away from the mountain.

What I'm afraid of is that Xu Junmen has already set up the White Tiger Hall in the camp, waiting for me to go over and enter the trap. "

"Don't panic, let me think twice!" Faced with this unexpected new situation, Lin Tailai made quick calculations in his mind.

He always felt that an opportunity for rebellion seemed to have arisen?


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