The Mingyu of Prehistoric Times

Chapter 18O Paradise, the natural world

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Mingyu has been away with Qingxu Daodezhenjun for more than three years. Walk through a mountain range and into a valley. As soon as he entered the valley, Mingyu suddenly felt his eyes light up.

The mountain is covered with pine trees, and a small river of several feet flows out from the ground and floats on the ground, forming a lake about a mile in size at the bottom of the mountain. The sound of bubbling water bubbled up from the bottom of the lake, and it was so clear that you could see the stones on the bottom of the water. Due to the difference in air pressure, several fountains are formed in the water and the underground river bed. When you approach the lake and look down, these fountains are like crystal pillars standing in the lake.

Countless colorful fish were swimming in and out of the lake. Occasionally, a few would jump out of the water and land in the lake again after a somersault. The cliffs by the lake are covered with moss, and there are actually several spiritual trees growing on the stone walls. From a distance, they look like tree houses built on them.

This valley is several miles in radius. Except for the mountain pines on both sides of the river, the ground is covered with flat grass. There are occasionally a few large bluestones on the grass, as high as half a person, and the sun shines on them, shining brightly. Like a precious light.

In this valley, there are still many creatures living, including elk, rabbits, antelopes, and several birds that nest in the spiritual trees on the mountain walls. There are no natural enemies, and these creatures live in harmony. There are even a few birds landing on the horns of elk and antelope, chirping non-stop.

Such a beautiful scenery made the Qingxu Daode Zhenjun stunned. There are countless creatures in his Ziyang Cave in Qingfeng Mountain, but none are as beautiful as the ones seen here in the valley. Such a scenery can only be seen in paintings. Unexpectedly, I saw it with my own eyes in a small valley today. If you tell others this, they will think he is talking nonsense!

"Wonderful, wonderful, really wonderful beyond words. The wonderful creations of heaven and earth are actually found in this valley! I didn't expect to see such beautiful scenery!" Mingyu gently tapped the green bamboo in his hand. , looking intoxicated, as if falling into a dream.

"This place is wonderful. You and Pindao have traveled for such a long time, so you settled here. How about staying here for a few days?" Mingyu looked at the beautiful scenery in front of him and asked Qingxu Daodezhenjun.

At this time, True Monarch Qingxu Daode had recovered from the shock when he first came in. Hearing Mingyu's suggestion, he greatly agreed. Such beautiful scenery is rare even in ancient times. If I didn't stay for a few days, I would really be doing myself a disservice.

Mingyu fell in love with this valley at first sight. There are no spiritual vein crypts in this valley, but there are several spiritual trees growing on the mountain walls. They have only developed a trace of spirituality because of their age. If there is a chance, one can also transform into the real body in the future and become an immortal.

This valley was created naturally by heaven and earth, not due to the gathering of earthly energy and spiritual energy, and was not created by spiritual energy. Only this naturally generated landscape is worthy of Mingyu's admiration. Although the scenery of Lingshan Mountain is beautiful, it lacks a kind of spirituality that is revealed in this valley and life.

When Qingxu Daodezhen heard that Mingyu wanted to settle here, he raised his hands and feet in approval. When Mingyu saw True Lord Qingxu Daode agreeing, he pointed at a large bluestone not far away and said, "I want to rest here and meditate for a while, you can play by yourself!"

"Master, please help yourself. I will stay by the lake, disciple!" Qingxu Daodezhen bowed his hands to Mingyu and was very sensible not to disturb Mingyu.

"This place contains supreme mysteries. If you can calm down and realize it, it will be extremely beneficial to your practice. Although the scenery of Lingshan Mountain is good, it can't be compared to the natural beauty of heaven and earth!"

After Mingyu finished speaking as if he was feeling something, he sat cross-legged on the big bluestone and closed his eyes. True Monarch Qingxu Daode nodded and started walking around. Thinking about visiting all corners of this valley, I must imprint this picture into my mind. When I return to Ziyang Cave in Qingfeng Mountain in the future, I will set up another scene like this, so I won’t rush here.

Mingyu didn't care about the troubles in Qingxu Daodezhenjun's heart. He became calm and began to think about what he had gained along the way.

Although he walked with Qingxu Daode Zhenjun for three years, he continued to guide him in his practice. But Mingyu had been in the process of enlightenment until he entered this valley and was interrupted by the scenery in the valley. Just take this opportunity to digest it, and you will surely gain some insights.

Mingyu once remembered that in Journey to the West, Monk Tang traveled to the West for Buddhist scriptures and walked for hundreds of thousands of miles, experiencing countless disasters, and finally obtained the true scriptures and achieved enlightenment. The Journey to the West is also called the Road to Heaven. It is said that if a mortal can complete the journey, he will become an immortal instantly. Now is the prehistoric period, the mortal world has not yet appeared, and Mingyu does not know how the road to heaven was formed, but Mingyu knows the reason.

During this walk, Mingyu did not practice any cultivation at all. He just carefully comprehended the path he walked along the way, and remembered everything he saw, felt, and thought in his heart. Now that I think about it slowly, I realize that this walk made me down-to-earth, and it also sublimated his Taoist heart. It's like wiping away a layer of dust on the Taoist heart, making it more round and transparent. When you sit down, your mind and thoughts are clear. All things reflect in the heart, and every breath and breath are in harmony with heaven and earth.

Heaven and earth are not static, they are alive. Unperceived by people, it is constantly moving, opening and shrinking, moving and stilling, with supreme mystery.

The bells and spirits here are beautiful, taking over the creation of heaven and earth, showing the magic of nature. Mingyu Yuanshen let out a breath and blended into the valley. Without any thought, she just quietly listened to the breathing of the valley and felt the pulse of the valley.

The sound of the rushing water of the underground river, the sound of the sizzling wind on the top of the mountain, the sound of the blood of the creatures in the valley, and the sound of fish swimming in the lake were like a symphony entering Mingyu's ears. This sound is simple and real, without any trace of man-made artifacts. It is the natural sound of heaven and earth.

Mingyu listened, unconsciously sinking into it. It was like he had returned to the mortal world and became one of countless mortals. Tired from work and tired from life, I suddenly came to a paradise where birds were singing and flowers were fragrant. All the fatigue in my body disappeared completely, and I felt relaxed. Except for those within a few feet around me, I can't put anything else in my heart.

Don't think about cultivating Taoism, and forget that you are a god; just like all living beings in your memory, you can take a break from your busy schedule and get a chance to relax. Mingyu felt as if he had returned to his mother's body, warm and full, with a gentle breath flowing inside and outside his body. My whole body felt light and I wanted to fly, but my feet were still on the ground, and there was a sense of solidity coming from the soles of my feet.

Pangu opened heaven and earth, the clear air rose and the turbid air descended. Finally, heaven and earth were formed. A giant has the sky above his head and his feet on the earth. Was he then as he is now, floating in the air as if floating in the air, and the sense of solidity makes people feel at ease.

Mingyu suddenly had a vision in his mind of the creation of Pangu, the separation of the clear and turbid air, one rising and one falling. It's a fantasy, but it's so real. It was as if he was witnessing the separation of heaven and earth, and the clear and turbid gases turning into heaven and earth.

Real, extremely real! Just like the natural formation of this valley, the first impression you feel is an indescribable impact. This impact is a kind of spiritual impact that brings a sense of reality into your eyes and resonates with yourself.

Besides being real, it’s clean. At least Mingyu thought so. The first thing he felt about the valley in front of him was that it was clean. This kind of cleanliness is not only due to the scenery, but also the cleanliness of one's own mind after being washed away from the dirt by a sense of reality.

The scene in Mingyu's mind where the two clear and turbid vapors transformed into heaven and earth suddenly changed. It was replaced by the scene where he had just transformed and was born. The breeze between heaven and earth blew on his face, and the cool sea mist clung to his body. , the feeling of clear thoughts reappears in the heart.

Mingyu really couldn't use words to describe how he felt at this time, real and clean. These were the only two words he could think of.

Sitting on the big blue stone, Mingyu remained motionless when suddenly a breeze blew from the ground, blowing Mingyu's Taoist robe. Light mist and dew arise from the lake surface and diffuse in the valley.

Qingxu Daodezhen, who was meditating by the lake, suddenly felt a soft breath emerging from the valley. The rustling breeze stirred the green grass and passed him by with a puff of moisture. It blew Qingxu's Taoist robe and soaked Qingxu's cheeks. The soft wind blows into Qingxu's body, and the moist water vapor penetrates into Qingxu's heart.

After this sudden feeling occurred, Qingxu Daode Zhenjun couldn't help but turn his head to look at Mingyu. Suddenly his face froze and his whole body froze, as if he had been hit by a restraining spell, with his mouth half open. He stared at Mingyu with prominent eyes, blinking every time.

At this time, Mingyu, who was sitting cross-legged on the big bluestone, had a piece of clear air as big as an acre above his head suddenly rise and fall; under the big bluestone, a cloud of turbid air flowed as the clear air rose, fell, and then rose. , changes in various abnormalities.

Suddenly, the clear air moved, turning into a stream of water and drilling into the top of Mingyu's head. The turbid air turned into a stream of earth spirit air, which entered the big blue stone and traveled towards Zhi, and finally entered the body from under Mingyu's body. The big bluestone is not transparent, but True Monarch Qingxu Moral can really see the path of the turbid air in the stone, and finally all of it is sucked into Mingyu's body.

After all the clear and turbid air entered Mingyu's body, a green wind blew up about a foot away from Mingyu's body. After the wind blew up, misty drizzle fell from the sky above Mingyu's head and fell on Mingyu's body. It dripped on the big bluestone, and then fell on the grass on the ground. Moistened by the rain and dew, the grass became more verdant, growing taller and taller, like an ivy, coiling around the surface of the big bluestone, completely covering the bluestone under a green, leaving only a small space for Mingyu to sit cross-legged.

Qingxu Daodezhen didn't dare to blink, carefully watching all the changes in Mingyu's body. If he had some enlightenment in his heart, he suddenly thought of the laws of heaven and earth that Mingyu had told him. A flash of light flashed from the spiritual platform of the Qingxu Moral True Monarch, and he seemed to have caught something, but he didn't catch anything.

Just like the drizzle falling around Mingyu, it turned into a light mist, covering Qingxu's sight. It's clearly right in front of you, but you can't see it clearly. At this time, Qingxu Daodezhen broke through and thought about the scene when he first entered the valley and was shocked by the scenery in the valley. At that time, my eyes felt as if they had been washed by water, and what I saw was so real.

Comparing the two sides, the blur in the mind becomes even more intense. The less clearly you can see, the more you want to see clearly. Qingxu Daode Zhenjun slowly advanced into a mysterious and mysterious realm. (!) More ‘small’ says, ‘full’ in ‘stars’ ‘book’, ‘! Chapter 180 of the latest chapter of "The Mingyu of the Ancient World": Paradise, Heaven and Earth are naturally compiled and uploaded by Xingyue Book Bar ()

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