The Mingyu of Prehistoric Times

Chapter 398 I heard that the Grand Master went to attack Xiqi (1)

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Chapter 398: I heard that the Grand Master went to attack Xiqi (1)

Besides, Wen Zhong had been out fighting for several years, and as soon as he returned to Chaoge, he discovered that ten out of ten of the auxiliary ministers that the late emperor promised to King Zhou were dead. Even the Prime Minister Shangrong Bigan also passed away, which made him feel that the world is vicissitudes of life and that time is not forgiving.

However, Wen Zhong had not heard about political affairs for many years. After many days, he learned the reasons for the deaths of his friends in the court. He couldn't help but be furious. He only hated King Zhou for corrupting the country and causing countless capable ministers and wise men to die in peace. What's more, Forced to rebel against all the princes in the world, Wen Zhong couldn't help but feel at a loss.

Suddenly one day, I heard that Zhong went to the palace to beat the drum and advised King Zhou on how to save the country from danger. Unexpectedly, King Zhou was already in mud and could not hold up the wall, so he couldn't help but feel discouraged. He had no choice but to use the excuse that Xiqi disrespected the dynasty and led the army to go out to fight. He did not want to stand in the dynasty and join the treacherous ministers.

King Zhou was angry because of the rebellious princes in the world, but he had no good solution. Several armies had previously defeated Xiqi and returned home. Now Wen Zhong asked for orders to go out to ask for help, which was more than what he wanted. He immediately agreed, and even gave Wen Zhong the Chaozhong military talisman, so that he could leave Chaoge quickly so that he could be happy.

When I heard that Zhongsan's courtiers were upright and upright, even King Zhou gave him three points. Since hearing that Zhong returned to the court, he has not been happy, and he has been scrupulous about everything he does and enjoys. Wen Zhong saw that King Zhou was like this, so he had no choice but to lead his army out to the court again.

It is said that I heard that the Grand Master was disappointed with King Zhou and did not want to live in Chaoge. It just so happened that Xiqi Jifa established herself as King Wu, and she wanted to attack her without going to court. Nowadays, the only person in the world who can destroy the merchants is the Zhou clan, so I heard that the Grand Master had raised 300,000 troops, left Chaoge, crossed the Yellow River, and reached Mianchi County.

At that time, Zhang Kui, the commander-in-chief of the army, greeted him and saluted in front of the tent. The grand master asked, "Which is the shortest way for me to go to Xiqi?" Zhang Kui did not dare to neglect and immediately told the grand master Wen, "The shortest way is to Qinglong Pass. Two hundred miles.”

Then I heard that the Grand Master ordered the army to rest for a day and night. The next day, the Grand Master sent an order to the army: "Go to Qinglong Pass." So the troops left Mianchi County and headed for Qinglong Pass; along the way, flags were fluttering and embroidery ribbons were fluttering. It's really good that they are elite troops.

How could you see that? There are poems to prove this: "The flying dragon's red tassel sparkles, the flying phoenix hovers in purple mist; the flying tiger soars with murderous intent, and the flying leopard covers the ground and covers the sky. The shield rolls, and the dagger shines; the shield rolls, sweeping away the horses' feet of all the armies; The short sword shines brightly, breaking through a thousand-weight wolf blunderbuss. The broadsword and the wild goose feather sword are lined up; the gold is swaying with red tassels; the Tai'a sword and the Kunwu sword are built with dragon scales; gold-plated maces, silver-plated maces, The air-conditioning is fierce: painted halberds, silver-tipped halberds, floating leopard tails; mountain-opening axes, Xuanhua axes, one is like a wheel. The shouts of the three armies shake the sky, and the five-color flags wave to cover the sun. The gongs are ringing, and all the generals are entrusting snakes to follow the troops. The auspicious air is hanging under the banner, and the gold-charactered flags are flying back and forth.

This is exactly what it is: murderous intent rolls over the land, faint red clouds reflect the green moss; only the sound of armor is heard for ten miles, and a mountain of soldiers is unearthed.

It is said that after the Grand Master led his troops through Qinglong Pass, the road became rugged and narrow, with only one or two horses allowed to walk side by side. It was very difficult for people and horses to walk, and the trek became even more dangerous.

Hearing that the Grand Master saw such difficulty, he regretted it and secretly complained in his heart: "I had known this, it would have been much more convenient if I had walked through the five passes. But now I have delayed my journey and walked like this."

This cannot be blamed on Zhang Kui. It is indeed possible to march in small groups this way, and it is much faster. But when I heard that the Grand Master led an army of 300,000, it was a little difficult. I also heard that the Grand Master had lost his mind. This was not a good sign and I was afraid that the expedition to Xiqi would not go smoothly.

On this day, I heard that the Taishi led his troops to Huanghua Mountain, and saw only a large mountain. From a distance, the mountains were green and green, and from a close view, the mountains were green and green. The mountains are green and verdant, with towering pines dancing and making shadows; the mountains are verdant and verdant, with steep ridges and steep cliffs and steep streams. The green cypress shadow shakes the tail of a black leopard, and the green pine trees on the steep cliffs have broken teeth; the waist of an old dragon looks like a ladder like a stirrup when looking up, and looks like a hole like a pit when looking down. Thousands of green mountains connect to the sky, and the orioles fighting in the streams are worried about the long-distance households.

In spring, this mountain looks like fire and smoke; in summer, it looks like blue and green; in autumn, it looks like gold and brocade; in winter, it looks like jade and silver. When spring comes, how can it be seen like fire and smoke? The red peaches spit out fire, and the weak green willows contain smoke.

When summer comes, how can it be seen as blue as green? The blue smoke is coming, and the moon is passing by, and the mist is dense.

When autumn comes, how can it be seen like gold and brocade? There are clusters of yellow flowers blooming in clusters, and layers of red leaves are swaying in the wind.

When winter comes, how can it be seen like jade and silver? The water is frozen into a thousand pieces of jade, and the snow is piled up like a mountain of silver. The mountain path is rugged and difficult to enter and exit; the water path is tortuous and flows in and out. There is endless life on the treetops: the birds are singing in a soothing and gentle way; it is precisely because of watching them that one cannot let go, and one is so happy that one forgets to return home.

It really is true that "a mountain has not passed a mountain, and a thousand miles has not been flat at all; the shepherd boy pointed to a place far away, and it is impossible to do it just by looking at pictures."

It is said that the grand master saw that the mountain was dangerous, so he ordered the army to settle down, urged the black unicorn scales to be opened, and went up the mountain to have a look. I saw a flat land, like a battlefield.

The Grand Master couldn't help but clapped his hands and sighed: "What a mountain. If the imperial court is peaceful, how much happiness would I have if I came to Huanghua Mountain to retreat and relax?"

Standing on the mountain, you can see green bamboos, ancient trees and pine trees, which are endless to enjoy. Just as he was looking at the scenery of the mountain, he suddenly heard the sound of a gong behind his head. The Grand Master turned his mount around. It turned out that he was walking in formation at the foot of the mountain. He was walking in a formation of long snakes. The leader of the formation had a face like indigo, hair like cinnabar, and snakes up and down. Ya, golden armor and red robe, sitting on a formation horse; holding a mountain ax in his hand.

Grand Master Wen was looking at the formation, and he was unknowingly being attacked by soldiers at the foot of the mountain. He saw Grand Master Wen wearing a red robe, riding a beast, and using two golden whips to peek at the formation. The soldiers did not walk in the formation, but came to report to the general: "King Qi ! There is a man on the mountain, visiting our lair."

When the man heard what the sergeant said, he looked up and couldn't help being furious. The man really didn't know his power and stood on the mountain to look around. He quickly retreated from the formation, knocked his horse, and walked up the mountain towards the man. Come. I heard that the Grand Master saw a general flying in. He was a hero and very brave. He thought to himself: It is time to take this man and go to attack Xiqi. He was hesitant in his heart. Unknowingly, the horse was in front of him. , I saw the general shouting: "Who are you, so bold that you dare to come and explore my cave?"

Hearing that the Grand Master was not angry with him, he just bowed his hands and said: "I see the tranquility of this mountain and want to build a thatched hermitage here and recite one or two volumes of Huang Ting morning and evening. I don't know if the general is willing?"

When the visitor saw that the grand master was wearing armor, he thought he was teasing him, so he couldn't help but cursed angrily: "What a demon, how dare you tease me!" After saying this, he spurred his horse away, waved the big ax in his hand and flew towards Wen Zhong. When the Grand Master heard that he was being attacked, he hurriedly met him with a golden whip. With whips and axes, the battle took place on the high mountains.

I have heard that the master has been fighting for many years and has seen many heroes. He has also practiced with the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit for many years. He said with a passion for talent: "When I accept this man, I will go to Xiqi. Although there will be no big achievements, there will be some small achievements." The grand master turned his horse around and went east. When the man saw this, he also chased after him.

Hearing the loud ringing of the bell behind his head, the Grand Master pointed his golden whip, and a golden wall appeared on the ground. He surrounded the general and sealed it with gold. The grand master still rode up the mountain and sat down against a pine tree and a stone.

Wen Taishi saw that there were several more murderous auras hidden in the mountains, but he didn't mention them silently. Shan Lai from the primary school reported to one of the generals: "Two great kings! A Taoist priest wearing red led the great king into a burst of yellow air and disappeared." The second general asked the report urgently: " Where are you now?" The principal replied, "I am sitting on the mountain now."

The two men were furious and hurriedly mounted their horses and armed their troops. All the minions shouted in unison and came up the mountain to fight. When Wen Taishi saw it, he slowly got on the black unicorn, pointed the golden whip, and shouted: "Second general, slow down!" The second generals were surprised to see that Wen Taishi was a Taoist with three eyes, so he stepped forward and shouted: : "Who are you? Dare to commit murder here? Where did you take my brother? Return him properly and spare your life!"

Wen Taishi laughed and said: "The blue-faced one just touched me out of ignorance and was whipped to death by me. What are you two doing here? I must have ulterior motives and want to practice here in Huanghua Mountain. You two are willing to "?"

When the two of them heard what Zhong said, they were furious and drove their horses away. Instead of congratulating Wen Zhong, one sent him to take it and the other sent him to hit him with his mace. Hearing that the Grand Master had used the golden whip, he also rushed to kill everyone above and below, and the three cavalry were fighting against each other. Hearing that the grand master turned the black unicorn and headed south, the second general came. The grand master pointed his whip and drove the water away from Zhang Tianjun and the wood away from Tao Tianjun.

This time, I heard that the Grand Master had come to collect Deng, Xin, Zhang and Tao. Grand Master Xian was still sitting on the hillside.

Let's say that the minions came to report to Xin Tianjun. Xin Tianjun was collecting grain behind the hillside. Suddenly he saw the junior minions coming to report: "Your Majesty, the trouble is not small!" Xin Huan asked in confusion, "What's the matter?" Beaten to death by a group of people."

When Xin Huan heard about it, he shouted, "I'm so angry!" He quickly picked up the drill, clamped the two fleshy wings under his flanks, and flew into the air. There was a gust of wind, and the sound was like thunder in the air. He went to the mountain and shouted: "What a demon! If I beat my brother to death, how can I let you live alone?"

When Wen Taishi opened his middle eye and looked, he saw that this man looked like a ferocious man. He had two flying wings, making sounds in the air, and he was wearing a tiger head crown. His face was the color of red dates, and the top of his head was a shining light. Drilling down to control the world, his fangs are fixed on his mouth; his anger is unblocked, and he flies forward as powerful as a luan.

It is said that the grand master was overjoyed when he saw it. What a strange and heroic man! The man heard that the Grand Master was coming to attack him, and the Grand Master hurriedly greeted him with his whip. His whip was brave and his killing skills were amazing. The grand master whipped his whip and looked east before walking away. Xin Huan shouted: "Where are the demons going? I'm coming!" After saying that, he clamped his wings and climbed to the top.

He didn't know how capable the master was and committed crimes at will. Wen Taishi thought to himself: "Among the five escapes, I can't escape from this person."

Then he shined the golden whip on the right side of a mountain beside the road, pointed two or three fingers in a row, and ordered the yellow scarf warrior: "Press this man with this rock." The warrior got the decree, quickly flew the rock into the air, and held Xin Huan against his waist. Come down.

How could this person know that the Taoist magic in Xuanzhong was so strange that he could move mountains and seas while talking and laughing? I just suppressed this Xinhuan. Hearing that the Grand Master turned around the black unicorn and struck the top door with his whip, Xin Huan shouted: "Teacher, be merciful! I don't know how to be wise and have offended the power of God. I hope the teacher will forgive me and if I can be reborn, I am very grateful."

The Grand Master put his whip on the top of Xin Huan and said, "You don't recognize me. I am not a Taoist. I am Chaoge and I am the Grand Master. Because of the expedition to Xiqi, I just passed by here. You, the blue-faced man, came here for no reason." Hurt me; do you want to live or die?" Xin Huan shouted: "Master Taishi! I didn't know that Taishi was driving through this mountain. I should have offended Tian Yan. I hope I can forgive you. capital offense!"

After hearing this, the Grand Master nodded and said: "Since you want to live, I will pardon you. You just want to go to Xiqi under my sect. If you are successful, you will not lose the blessing of waist jade."

Xin Huan was overjoyed and said: "If the noble man is willing to promote the corporal, the general will be willing to take command under his command."

Hearing that the grand master saw this, he pointed his whip, and the yellow scarf warriors removed the mountain right side. Xin Huan could not stand up, and he could only stand after a while, and fell to the ground. After hearing that the grand master was helping him up, the grand master took Xin Huan away and sat down against the pine and stone. Xin Huan stood aside and heard the grand master asking: "How many people are there in Huanghua Mountain?"

Xin Huan replied: "This mountain has a radius of sixty miles. There are more than ten thousand people gathered here, and there is a lot of food and grass." Hearing that the Taishi was overjoyed, Xin Huan knelt down and begged, "Come here, three generals, look at the Taishi." Master Shi, I am kind and forgive you. If I am reincarnated, I will do my best to repay my kindness."

Wen Taishi asked him: "You still want him to come?" Xin Huan said: "Although the names are different, the feelings are the same as brothers and sisters." Wen Taishi highly praised him and said: "In this case, you and others are also loyal."

Xin Huan stood away and heard that the Grand Master fired a thunder that shook the mountains. Let’s talk about the three escaped generals. They rubbed their brows and wiped their eyes for a moment. Deng Tianjun disappeared from the golden wall, Zhang Tianjun disappeared from the sea, and Tao Tianjun disappeared from Dalin. The three generals walked back to the mountain and saw Xin Huan standing next to the Taoist wearing red. Deng Zhong was furious and shouted with a voice like thunder: "Brother, I will hold on to the evil Taoist!"

Before he could finish his words, Generals Zhang and Tao shouted together: "Let's take the demon path together!"

It is said that the three generals came together and were angry. Xin Huan hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Brothers, please don't act rashly. Get off your horse and come to pay homage. This is the Master Chaoge Wen." When the three generals heard about the Grand Master, they rolled their saddles and dismounted and paid their respects. He fell down on the ground and said: "Master! I have admired your great name for a long time, but I have not been able to meet you in person. Fortunately, it is fate that I have passed by here. I will wait for you to miss you, which will lead to a lot of blasphemy. I have made a mistake, and I hope you will forgive me, Master Taishi." Sin. I will be glad to see you in the end.”

After getting acquainted, the generals invited the Grand Master to go up the mountain. Hearing that the Grand Master was very happy to hear about it, they went up the mountain with the generals.

After hearing that the Grand Master had gathered four generals halfway, they were polite to each other and then headed to Xiqi again. I heard that the Grand Master made a mistake in his journey and was discovered before he reached Xiqi.

Hearing that the Grand Master had a prestigious reputation and was a disciple of Jie Jiao, Jiang Ziya was in a bit of a dilemma, so he issued his order to ask for help from the senior brothers in Yuxu Palace. At this time, the Conferred God War was about to begin, and many of the three generations of disciples under Yuxu's sect took a break from studying one by one and rushed to Xiqi. The first among them was Nezha, the third son of Li Jing in Lintong Pass, who was a disciple of Taiyi Zhen in Yunxiao Cave; Then came Huang Tianhua, the son of King Wucheng, who studied under Qingxu Daodezhenjun of Ziyangdong in Qingfeng Mountain, and then Yang Jian, a disciple of Zhenren Yuding of Jinxiadong in Yuquan Mountain, each with extraordinary martial arts and magical powers.

I heard that as soon as the grand master arrived at Xiqi City, when the people and horses were exhausted, these four people went out and stole the camp, resulting in the loss of 10,000 troops. In desperation, they had to retreat thirty miles. Although Grand Master Wen had great magical powers, he was still no match for those four people. He just felt sad secretly and thought about how to deal with the enemy.

One day, a general under his command said to Grand Master Wen: "Xiqi has some immortals. Doesn't it mean that Grand Master has no disciples? Why don't we invite some of them to help us? We can defeat Xiqi!"

After hearing this, Grand Master Wen couldn't help but screamed, suddenly enlightened. He had long heard his teacher tell him that Xuanmen immortals were guilty of killing and calamity, and that saints from seven religions once made gods into the world, asking their disciples to enter the world and overcome calamities. It occurred to me that the four young generals in Xiqi should be disciples of Chanjiao. I just don’t know why the saints of the two sects of Chanjie and Chanjie were from the same lineage as Sanqing, so they helped the Zhou Dynasty but hindered the Shang Dynasty.

I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when I thought that if I invited all the Taoist friends from my master's sect, I would have to fight with each other with the Chanjiao lineage. No matter how many times, after hearing about the Grand Master, he didn't want to seek a disciple, but he couldn't defeat Xiqi. In the end, he only left the military tent and looked around for fellow Taoists.

It is said that the Grand Master's black unicorn traveled all over the world and could reach thousands of miles in an instant. One day when he went to Jin'ao Island in the East China Sea, the Grand Master looked at the tranquility of the sea and green mountains, and sighed: "I am troubled by the affairs of the country, and the late king is so important to me. How can I do it?" Get rid of worries, sit quietly on the futon, absorb the magic and enlightenment, read a scroll in Huang Ting, and let the black rabbit fly like a shuttle, what do you mean by me? "

This is really a good island with endless wonders; the force of the ocean is overwhelming, the powerful spirit is shaking the sea; the tide surges the silver mountain fish into the cave, and the waves turn over the snow and the mirage leaves the abyss. The corner of the wood fire is high and filled with earth, and the east and west cliffs stand on dangerous peaks; there are strange rocks and strange peaks on the cliffs. There are two colorful phoenixes singing on the mountain, and a unicorn lies alone in front of the cliff. At the top of the peak, you can hear the cry of golden luan, and you can watch dragons coming and going in the grotto. There are longevity deer and fairy foxes in the forest, and there are spiritual birds and blackbirds in the trees; the strange flowers of Yao Cao never fade, and the green pines and cypresses are evergreen. Fairy peaches often bear fruit, and bamboos are covered with clouds every time. A stream of ravines is dense with vines, and the dikes on all sides are covered with new grass. It's exactly this: All rivers meet at the Optimus Prime, and the roots of the earth are unshakable for all calamities.

It is said that the Grand Master arrived at Jin'ao Island and got off the black unicorn. He looked around and found that all the caves were closed and there was no one there. He didn't know where he went. It was quiet. After hearing that the Grand Master was pondering for a while, he thought it would be better to go elsewhere, so he got on the black unicorn and left the island. Suddenly someone from behind called out: "Brother Wen Dao! Where are you going?"

Hearing that Grand Master looked back, he realized that the person he didn't want to see coming was Han Zhixian. He hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Brother Tao, where are you going?"

Han Zhixian replied: "I'm here to meet you today. All the Taoist friends from Jin'ao Island are going to Bailu Island to get the formation map for you. The day before yesterday, Shen Gongbao came to invite us and said that you were blocked from Xiqi, so you had to go west. Qi, help you. I am refining something in the Eight Diagrams Furnace, but it has not yet been completed. If it is finished, I will be here soon. Taoist brothers, please go quickly!"

When the Grand Master heard about it, he couldn't help but be overjoyed, so he left Hanzhixian and went straight to Bailu Island. When he arrived, he saw all the Taoists wearing one-word scarves, nine-yang scarves, fish-tail gold crowns, jasper crowns, or Wearing buns with both hands in a bun, or dressed like a tutu, they all chatted in front of the hillside and sat together.

When Wen Taishi saw it, he shouted: "Fellow Taoists, you feel so at ease!"

When all the Taoist friends turned around and saw the Grand Master, they all stood up to greet him. One of them, Qin Tianjun, said: "I heard that Brother Dao is attacking Xiqi. The day before yesterday, Shen Gongbao invited you to help you. We will refine the ten formation diagrams here to make them complete. It's appropriate. It’s a great blessing that Brother Tao has arrived.”

Master Tongtian Taoist, the saint of Jiejiao, obtained the Four Swords of Killing Immortals and practiced them for many years. He understood the art of formation and passed it on to all the immortals in his sect. Therefore, most of the disciples of Jiejiao are proficient in the art of formation. After hearing Qin Tianjun's words, Master Wen couldn't help but curiously asked: "I wonder which of the ten formations my brother is practicing?"

Qin Tianjun said happily: "Our ten formations each have their own magical uses. When we put them down in Xiqi, there will be endless changes." After saying this, he took out the formation diagram for Master Wen to look at.

After reading it, Master Wen couldn't help but ask: "Why are there only nine, but one missing?" Su Tianjun smiled and said: "Our Lady of Golden Light went to Baiyun Island. His Golden Light Formation is very different in its mystery, so he is missing." One."

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