The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 91: Holes and strategy

"Then, let's play the cards, Mr. Gambler."

Jock clapped his hands on the gambling table, and the cards in front of him were turned over.

"I'm a flush! Club flush!" Jock roared, black saliva spurting from his dirty lips, "You're a flush too, Sean, but I have club Ace, which is higher than you. same color!

"Go to hell!" He laughed fiercely.

Sean lowered his head and slowly opened his hand: "Mr. Rich, you are right, I am indeed a flush...

"However, my flush is a straight flush."

Sean's hand, combined with the river, is 7, 8, 9, 10, and J of clubs.

"God favors explorers." Sean pointed at his mask with three fingers.

Peter Rich stood there blankly, looking at Sean's hand. He realized he had a chance to escape.

Catherine behind Sean rushed to the table in surprise, staring at the straight flush on the table in disbelief.

Catherine, who has always been calm, couldn't help but get emotional and held Sean's arm: "Sean!"

Amid the shock, sluggishness, and uproar of the onlookers, Frank closed his eyes and clenched his fists tightly: "Holy Father..."

The bartender in the crimson vest couldn't help laughing—he had another good story to tell his patrons.

Outside the door, Finks, who lowered his head and couldn't see his eyes, slowly raised his head and stared at the noisy tavern, as if thinking about something...

"Now, it's time to cash out the bet." The iron-faced dealer said as if he were chanting.

Sean's soul was released from the mortgage, and the shiny chips disappeared. His heart was still beating alive, returning to his chest.

Catherine held her forehead: "I'm a little confused now... Sean, please explain one by one.

The captain regained his composure and pointed to Sean's chest: "Heart, what's going on? - You don't want to say, you're actually a magician, right?"

Sean smiled: "Although I'm not a magician, I did become a magician.

"Catherine, as explorers, aren't we free to shape the shape of the spiritual substance?

"It can be like an irregular cloud, it can also become an elongated tentacle, and it can even be shaped into any shape."

Sean's hand gestured, as if he was pinching the air: "Then, I had a whim when Henry mortgaged his heart...

"I tried to overlap the shape of the spiritual substance and the heart, and then completely shape the spiritual substance into the exact same structure as the heart, and maintain the same pulsation - it was a bit difficult at first, but it proved to be successful after practice."

Hearing this, Catherine's eyes lit up slightly: "Then, at the moment when your heart was taken away, you made the spiritual substance solidify, replaced the heart, and continued to pump blood throughout the body!

"During the period of time you lost your real heart, you had a spiritual heart!"

"That's right." Sean frowned and covered his chest, "However, the beating of the heart is a bit hard to imitate, it takes a lot of my energy, and it doesn't feel very good..."

Catherine clenched her fist and put it in front of her mouth - she never thought that the elixirs could be used like this.

"But..." She still had many doubts, "but why did you do this?"

Sean's eyes turned to the still sluggish gambler Jock: "He is indeed a very strong player, with a strong heart wall and no mood swings. If there were no mood swings, he would not appear. Judgmental bias...

"So, I must destroy his inner peace!

"However, the inner world of the evil spirit is extremely strange, and ordinary things certainly cannot shake his inner world."

"After thinking about it, only 'resurrection from the dead' can shake his heart wall and make emotional cracks appear in his heart..." Sean let out a long breath, "So, I deliberately lost my heart first, and I lost my heart. Bringing him back to life when he was most excited, throwing him into chaos, shaking the walls of his heart, opening gaps..."

Catherine's eyes narrowed slightly, and she had already followed Sean's thoughts: "Then, after that, you revealed his real name on the gambling game, and his life experiences, which aroused his emotions and made him lose the game. He escaped in the middle of chaos and rage, and followed up with your all-in...


"But how did you know his real name?" Katherine whispered, "I mean, how did you know he was Peter Rich?"

Sean remembered the day when Daisy's eyes were hazy with tears, and said, "I had no clue about the identity of the gambler Jock at first...

"However, when Jock grabbed Moonlight's neck, I saw the wedding ring on his hand."

"I know a friend..." Sean closed his eyes, and Daisy's face flashed in front of him, "She still wears her and her late husband's wedding ring...

"The ring on Jock's finger is exactly the same as hers.

"Combining with the story that my friend told me about his ex-husband, I knew at that moment that Jock the gambler was Peter Richie."

Sean took a deep breath: "Although I have this trump card, I'm not sure that this trump card alone can completely defeat him.

"So, I decided to use this hole card at the most critical moment.

"Before that, I decided to use suspended animation to shake his mood..."

Sean sighed lightly: "It's a dangerous strategy. But it seems to be the only strategy that will keep us alive - after all, if he continues to gamble, he's better than anyone else, and I'll be slow again. Slowly lose your chips.

At this time, Catherine was already impressed by Sean: "First lay the foreshadowing, then focus on the same moment, play all the trump cards in one round, so that the opponent can't turn over..."

Sean, you are really amazing! Catherine didn't say this, but she was full of admiration in her heart.

Sean walked up to Peter Richie: "Mr. Richie. It's time to go."

The evil spirit incarnated by Peter Ritchie's soul slowly raised his head: "I almost forgot." His eyes were still dark, but the resentment on his body receded a lot, like an old man in an instant: "You just mentioned Daisy's name first...

"Did she tell you our story?

"She... is she okay?"

Sean sighed: "She's fine. I can feel that even after so long, she still misses you very much."

Peter Rich nodded slowly: "Me too..."

"Every day I sit here, I..." He threw the soul chips that he held tightly on the table, "I made the wrong choice, I should have put down the poker and chips, turned around and went home with her...


Only now did Sean know that the evil spirit also has tears.

Black tears washed away his resentment, making this soul gradually clearer, and he could already see those eyes that showed a little humanity. He turned his left finger to the wedding ring of the same style as Daisy: "This ring, I will wear it forever.

"Mr. Sean, if you see Daisy again, please..." Peter handed the two strung tawny dice in the cup next to Sean, "Please give this to her."

Sean was surprised: "Isn't this a pendant that brings good luck?"

Peter laughed again, as if the prank had succeeded: "Bless the good luck of the fart. If that was the case, I would have been beaten to death by stronger evil spirits... This is the rumor I spread - I I just wanted to lure masters to gamble with me before.

"Of course, it's also to avenge myself..."

Peter was killed by the gang So he used dice to lure him, and then took his revenge against the gang members by gambling...

"These are just ordinary ivory dice..." The dice pendant dangled in front of him, and Peter stared at it, "but they were my birthday present from Daisy. She didn't want me to gamble, but she gave me my favorite. something for me...

"Just tell her." He smiled. "You said Peter finally quit gambling."

Peter Ritchie stood up: "Sit at the gaming table forever and ever again."

"If...if our souls can meet one day in the future, let's be an ordinary couple."

After saying this, Peter Rich walked out of the tavern.

At this time, Catherine had awakened Moonlight, who looked a little confused, frowned and rubbed her neck with her hands, which seemed very uncomfortable.

Sean glanced at Katherine and Moonlight, and carried the tramp who was still dreaming. Several people followed Peter Ritchie to the door of the pub.

Frank walked up to Sean: "Sean, thank you..."

Sean nodded slightly: "Although they are all evil spirits, what is better than humans is that evil spirits cannot break their promises.

"Go home quickly, maybe your family has already woken up."

Sean continued to walk forward.

Looking at his back, Frank lowered his head deeply: "Thank you..."

Sean and others followed behind Peter Rich. At the door, Peter turned his head and asked, "Do you know Bill?"

Sean nodded in surprise.

Peter narrowed his eyes and put his lips close to Sean's ear: "Don't trust him. Tell Daisy to stay away from him!"

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