The Most Generous Master Ever

Chapter 707: : Hua Feiyu

"Hey, Master, I'm thinking that I can't lose the face of the master, wouldn't it be embarrassing if I fell down?"

Yaya said very embarrassedly, this was what she had in mind.

Even though she was enduring tremendous pain just now, she gritted her teeth and persisted, preferring to die standing up rather than falling down.

Hearing this sentence, Ye Qiu cast a surprised look, which he hadn't thought about.

Unexpectedly, this girl, who is usually lively and cheerful, actually has the same stubbornness as Lin Qingzhu in her bones.

Thinking of this, Ye Qiu suddenly missed his three precious apprentices.

"Well, after this trip is over, let's pick them up. It's just in time for the mending sky competition. It would be nice to have a stunning appearance."

Thinking of this, Ye Qiu suddenly became a little excited.

If Linglong came up and hammered a child, it would be disgraceful, and then seeing the ashen faces of those elders, it would be so cool.

He can't even beat a little guy, yet he dares to call himself a master teacher.

Well, just do it! Turn around and bring them to the street.

Remember in a secondhttps://"target="_bnk">\"target=\"_bnk\">https://. .

Ye Qiu already had a plan in his heart, but he had almost stabilized his feet now, and it was time for them to come up.

"Okay, let's talk about it later, let's see your second uncle vent your anger on you."

Ye Qiu interrupted the topic with one sentence, and looked at Bai Junlin in front of him.

Coincidentally, with the help of Ye Feng, Ye Qiu also had a better understanding of his little brother's strength.

Look at how much benefit that drop of water of life brought him.

At this time, on the street, Ye Feng and Bai Junlin were separated from each other, and the two powerful forces were intertwined and collided constantly.

The oppressive atmosphere instantly suppressed everyone's breathing became tighter.

"A showdown between the chosen ones? It's really exciting..."

All of a sudden, everyone present was excited.

Feeling the two powerful forces competing, the blood boiled.

"It's interesting! Ye Feng from the Ye family, fighting against Bai Junlin, this is a good show..."

At this time, on top of a tall building, a young man in Tsing Yi watched everything below with cold eyes.

Behind him was also a young man in white. If Ye Qiu paid attention and found him, he would definitely exclaim.

This person is none other than Hua Feiyu, who was beaten to death by Ye Qiu and rescued by Tianzun Yaoshan in the end.

"Fei Yu, who do you think will win between these two?"

Seeing that Hua Feiyu's face behind him was a bit wrong, Yin Shi was a little confused for a while, so he just asked.

Hua Feiyu didn't answer, but just stared coldly at the silent young man in white on the street.

"Ye Qiu!"

Seeing that extremely familiar face, Hua Feiyu's long-sleeping hatred seemed to be activated again.

That kind of gnashing of teeth is hard to hide.

He didn't expect that this world is so small, and after going around in a big circle, he would meet this man who made him lose so badly again.

Hua Feiyu's resentment towards Ye Qiu was definitely no lower than that of anyone else.

Whether it was love or collisions on the way up, he lost to Ye Qiu, and he suffered a crushing defeat.

"Fei Yu, what's wrong with you? Is there something on your mind?"

Seeing his ferocious face, his face was very ugly, and the seal in his body was vaguely out of control, Yin Shi suddenly panicked.

You know, Patriarch Nanhua didn't allow them to come out, this time he secretly brought Hua Feiyu out to breathe.

If because of this incident, the great event of the ancestor was ruined, he couldn't bear it.

"Damn it! Be sober, boy..."

Seeing that Hua Feiyu's emotions were gradually losing control and becoming possessed, Yin Shi couldn't care less, so he immediately scolded and finally called Hua Feiyu back.


Taking a deep breath, Hua Feiyu was still in shock at the moment. He didn't expect that Ye Qiu had such a great influence on his heart, and he almost went mad.

Fortunately, Yin Shi woke him up in time.

"Senior brother, I'm fine... I just saw an old friend and remembered some bad things, and I almost fell into a demon."

Hua Feiyu explained slowly.

Hearing this, Yin Shi suddenly became interested. He didn't know anything about Hua Feiyu's stay in the lower realm.

"Old man? Who..."

"It's that person..."

Hua Feiyu pointed to the white-clothed Ye Qiu below, and continued, "Butian Pavilion, Ye Qiu!"

"Ye Qiu!"

As soon as these words came out, Yin Shi's pupils shrank instantly, revealing a look of surprise.

Although he doesn't know about the lower realms, he does know about the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Over the past few years, Ye Qiu's reputation has not been lower than that of Mingyue.

"Good guy, is he Ye Qiu?"

Yin Shi couldn't believe that in this small capital of the Fire Kingdom, he actually met the legendary ruthless man who could keep pace with Mingyue.

You know, Mingyue is his object of pursuit. Over the years, he has tried his best to catch up with Mingyue's footsteps and make her look at him with admiration.

But he didn't expect that he hadn't fulfilled this wish yet, Ye Qiu suddenly vacated the world and snatched away all the light.

For a moment, there was a bit of hostility in the eyes of the two of them.

If we say that the hostility in Hua Feiyu's eyes is hatred.

Then, the hostility in Yin Shi's eyes was dissatisfaction.

In his world, no one is allowed to be better than him, and no one is allowed to be favored by Mingyue.

Hua Feiyu felt Yin Shi's course he knew that this senior brother Shaking Mountain had been chasing after Mingyue.

Now the two feel a little sympathetic to each other, anyway, Yin Shi treats him very well, and Hua Feiyu is not a person who knows how to repay his favor.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help persuading him: "Senior brother, this person has unfathomable strength and is good at creating miracles. He was defeated by me many times in the past. It may be disadvantageous to fight against him."

"Is it so powerful?"

Yin Shi didn't believe it. Even though Ye Qiu was famous and in the limelight, he also had extremely high confidence in himself before the official fight.

Hua Feiyu saw that he was not listening to persuasion, so he said helplessly: "I used to be like you, I didn't believe in this fate, but in the end all the results were that I lost completely..."

At this time, Ye Qiu didn't know that Hua Feiyu was introducing his life history on the tall building in the distance.

The scorching battlefield has reached its peak at this moment.

Seeing more and more people watching, this battle has risen to another level.

"Master, do you think Second Uncle can beat him?"

Yaya suddenly became a little worried, not because she doubted Bai Junlin's strength, but because Ye Feng felt too oppressive for her.

This person is hiding deep and bottomless!

I'm afraid that I don't know what kind of killer move he has. If Bai Junlin is careless, he will definitely suffer.

Ye Qiu was also thinking about this question, but he didn't know much about the strength of the two of them, so he couldn't judge.

After all, after the baptism of the last **** battle, Bai Junlin's strength has greatly improved, so Ye Qiu doesn't know where his limit is.

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