The shouts of killing are endless.

Arrows and flying stones never stopped from morning to night.

Linchong and Jinglan are constantly moving forward, and the ladders have caused panic at the top of the city again and again.

Zhang Yan originally thought that holding Hu Pass would be unsuccessful. However, the idea was good, but facing the elite troops and horses of Yuan Shao and others, the casualties were increasing.

Zhang Yang said:"Leader, with this kind of offensive, the thieves will be defeated in less than half a day."

Yuan Shaozhi stroked his beard with satisfaction.

Yuan Shao did not know the situation of Zhou Cheng's war with the Huns.

However, he believed that Feng Ji was very resourceful, and if he could recruit the Huns this time, his reputation would definitely be praised by the world.

As for Mrs. Guo's group of Baibo thieves, Yuan Shao also planned to forget about it.

After all, the crusade against Dong Zhuo requires troops and horses.

And it is really unreasonable that he, the fourth generation and the third prince, the leader of the world's party members and the leader of the eighteen towns in Guandong, is only the governor of a county with tens of thousands of troops and horses.

And Zhou Cheng is just a thief, but now he has more than 100,000 soldiers.

Guo Tai, Zhang Yan and others have many soldiers and generals.

Therefore, Yuan Shao already had a case against him, and he planned to recruit Mrs. Guo again. This time, he wanted to increase his reputation so that Dong Zhuo would be afraid when he heard Yuan Benchu's name.


In Shaanxi County, Yu Fuluo is gathering troops and horses from various ministries.

Now that Yufuluo and Guo Tai have joined forces, hundreds of thousands of people have gathered together, which is indeed quite spectacular.

However, they have been moving to Shaanxi County to put as much distance as possible from Zhou Cheng.

From the perspective of Yuvrault and others, Zhou Cheng would definitely be slowed down because of the large amount of loot.

This is good news for Fuluo and Mrs. Guo.

Moreover, Yuan Shao's envoy has informed them of the marching route. As long as they can reach Huguan smoothly, they will be safe.

As for Guo Tai and others, Yuan Shao also sent envoys, willing to surrender them.

Now that Mrs. Guo is being chased by Zhou Cheng, she has no choice but to seek refuge with Yuan Shao first, otherwise she will definitely die if she is chased by Zhou Cheng's army and horses.

However, both Yu Fuluo and Mrs. Guo underestimated Zhou Cheng.

What Zhou Cheng is best at is leading his troops to attack.

Back then, he led his army to attack Yecheng for several days and nights. It is still a nightmare for the people of Yecheng.

What's more, there are so many cavalry now


"Hurry up and cross the river."

Yu Fuluo, Guo Tai and others passed through Shaanxian County, and after arriving at the ferry, they crossed the river here to Hedong County.

At this time, they were urging their men.

Because their men reported that Zhou Cheng's cavalry They are already chasing them.

At this time, Zhou Cheng's cavalry, like the same, stared at the Huns and Baibo Huangjin who were crossing the river from a distance.

Zhou Cheng said:"Blow the trumpet and tell them that we are coming.

Woo-- the horn is blowing.

At this time, the Huns and Baibo Huangjin who stayed on the shore were shocked. Everyone was scrambling for the opportunity to cross the river, and the ferry was noisy.

Baibo Huangjin and the Huns even fought with swords over the ferry problem.

The scene almost got out of control.

Fortunately, both Yu Fuluo and Mrs. Guo knew that there was no conflict between them now that they were facing a formidable enemy.

Zhou Cheng felt that he was almost done, so he gave an order and said:"Kill the whole army!"

After saying that, Zhou Cheng kicked Mo Kuang's abdomen hard with both legs.

Immediately, Mo screamed wildly and ran out



The cavalry under Zhou Cheng's command screamed to kill.

There were also Xianbei and Ding Ling cavalry shouting to kill, and there were also strange howling sounds like wolves. Yu

Fuluo, Guo Tai and others who were crossing the river were shocked..

They didn’t expect Zhou Cheng to be so fast!

They had obviously given up almost all the loot.

However, the reality was before their eyes. Zhou Cheng led tens of thousands of cavalry and rushed over directly.

"Get ready to shoot!"

Yu Fuluo was no idiot. He immediately ordered all his ministries to draw their bows and set arrows.

Guo Tai and others also ordered the archers to prepare.

At this time, Zhou Cheng had already taken out a round shield and blocked it in front of him.


The two sides each fired arrows at a distance of one hundred and fifty to two hundred steps.

Some arrows hit the ground, and some hit a cavalry head-on.

However, the shooting skills of the Southern Huns also The number of Baibo Huangjin archers was obviously inferior to that of the Xianbei, Dingling people, and the Shenwu camp.

The result of the exchange of arrows between the two sides was a large number of Baibo Huangjin, and the Xiongnu's arrows fell to the ground.

Soon, the ferry became like a forest of thorns.

Seeing Zhou Cheng's army and horses getting closer and closer, Yuvluo took a deep breath and shouted:"Young men, fight with the Han people!"

There is a huge disparity in the number of cavalry on both sides.

We can only fight hard!


The Huns also howled like wolves.

They waved their spears, and the two streams of iron collided.

War horses and war horses come towards each other, and when they meet on a narrow road, the brave one wins.

Whoever pulls the reins first is cowardly.

And the result of being timid is death!

Soon, the two sides collided and became confused.

The war horse fell to the ground and struggled to get up.

The cavalrymen who fell from their horses were either slashing or stabbing each other, trying to kill each other.

The cavalrymen on horseback thrust their spears at each other.

From time to time, someone falls off his horse


Zhou Cheng stiffened his neck, veins popped out, and let out a roar, the sound was like a huge thunder. At the same time, the Sky-breaking Spear in his hand swept out, sweeping away several people in an instant.

Then, Zhou Cheng and Dian Wei became even more unstoppable, and everyone The Huns, Bai Bo and Huang Turbans who stood in front of the two men were all beheaded off their horses.

At this time, the Dang Kou camp circled both sides of the battlefield, charging in all directions. Wherever there were more people, they rushed towards them without caring about their lives.

The Huns I have never seen such brave Han cavalry all the way to Hongnong.

At the same time, the Xianbei and Dingling people killed the Huns without mercy.

In less than half an hour, the Huns led by Yu Fuluo , nearly three thousand people were lost, and the Baibo Yellow Turbans were even worse.

The main force of the Baibo Yellow Turbans had almost surrendered when they were in Anyi County. The young men temporarily selected from the hostage population not only had no actual combat experience, but also There was no training.

Yu Fuluo was behind. Seeing how brave Zhou Cheng's army was, he knew that it was difficult to defeat him. Therefore, he gave up crossing the river and planned to go to Luoyang.

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