Although Jia Xu doesn’t know Guo Jia, he is also good at recognizing people.

The first impression Guo Jia gave Jia Xu was that he was no ordinary person.

And Guo Jia was also sizing up Jia Xu.

Zhou Cheng can have his current territory, and Jia Xu, Li Ru, Tian Chou and others are indispensable.

Guo Jia came to Jizhou this time not only to get to know Jizhou, but also to get to know Jia Xu and others.

Li Ru also noticed Guo Jia at this time, and reminded Zhou Cheng, saying:"This boy is very human."

He could look at Jia Xu, and he was neither humble nor arrogant, exuding confidence from the inside out.

This is not the temperament of ordinary scholars and students.

Zhou Cheng heard Li Ru's reminder and looked at Guo Jia.

Guo Jia happened to salute Jia Xu.

Jia Xu also returned the gift.

"Stop."Zhou Cheng raised his hand and signaled the team to stop.

At this time, everyone on the street looked at Guo Jia.

Zhou Cheng, Jia Xu, and Li Ru all got off their horses and walked towards Guo Jia.

Guo Jia Still calm, he did not appear panicked because Zhou Cheng and others came over.

Zhou Cheng asked:"Who is sir?" Guo Jia saluted and replied:"

Yingchuan Yangzhai and Guo Fengxiao have met Da Sima.""

Guo Fengxiao? That's not Guo Jia!

Why is he here!

There was a trace of doubt in Zhou Cheng's eyes.

Because according to his understanding, it is impossible for Guo Jia to join him.

Guo Jia is not from a poor family. He was born in the Guo family of Yingchuan. , are of the same clan as Guo Tu.

Guo Tu once recommended Guo Jia to Yuan Shao.

However, Guo Jia did not like Yuan Shao at all, so he continued to live in seclusion until Xun Yu recommended him to Cao Cao.

And Zhou Cheng also believed that Guo Jia would follow the historical principles development, was recommended to Cao Cao by Xun Yu.

Zhou Cheng said:"Mr. Wu Guan is not a mortal, can you find a secluded place to discuss.

Guo Jia replied:"I have heard that Duke Zhou is looking for talents and he is thirsty for talents. It is true.""

It seemed like a compliment, but in fact it was an indication that Zhou Cheng wanted to recruit him.

Zhou Cheng didn't care and said,"Since you have great talent, sir, why don't you stay under my account? I will definitely use him."

Guo Jia replied:"Thank you Duke Zhou for your appreciation, but I have no intention of becoming an official for the time being.""

This is considered a polite refusal by Guo Jia. If Zhou Cheng invites you again and Guo Jia refuses again, it will be a cold show.


Zhou Cheng said:"A good bird chooses a tree to roost in. I know it myself. I have no intention of becoming an official for the time being. I can do whatever I want, and I won't force it.""

After that, Zhou Cheng got on the horse first and no longer invited Guo Jia.

Li Ru and Jia Xu also made peace with each other.

Guo Jia shook his head, and then settled the bill and returned to Boya to rest.


Riding on the horse, Dian Wei hesitated to speak.

Zhou Cheng smiled and said,"If you have any questions, just say so."

Dian Wei then asked Zhou Cheng,"My Lord, since he is a talented person, why don't you just tie him up."

Jia Xu shook his head secretly. This was Jia Xu's dark history.

Li Ru snickered secretly

"hehe. Zhou Cheng said with a smile:"The whole Jizhou belongs to me, where can Guo Fengxiao go?""

Now that we know that Guo Jia is in Jizhou, the problem can be easily solved.

If Guo Jia is willing to serve as an official and assist Zhou Cheng, then Zhou Cheng will accept him as a military advisor.

If Guo Jia is not willing, then Zhou Cheng will ask Guo Jia to stay for the rest of his life. Studying in Boyali.

Guo Jia wants to escape from Jizhou?

Is that a dream!

And Zhou Cheng's identity is different now.

After all, he is also a great Sima, ranking above the three princes.

He controls millions of people and has hundreds of thousands of troops and horses. Don't ask Guo Jia to defect.

As long as you ensure that Guo Jia doesn't defect to Cao Cao, you will weaken Cao Cao.

Hearing this, Dian Wei thought it made sense.

Zhou Cheng said:"Teacher, you are in a good mood today. Let's go out. hunting."

Both Jia Xu and Li Ru agreed.


Compared to Zhou Cheng's good mood.

Gongsun Zan's recent mood is not good at all.

I thought that after acquiring Qingzhou, my strength would grow rapidly.

However, Qingzhou has suffered serious population loss.

Bao Xin did not obey Gongsun Zan.

Moreover, the worst thing is that Liu He, Xian Yufu, Yan Rou and others are still causing trouble.

As a result, Gongsun Zan cannot leave his armor now.

The war in Youzhou, whether it was to avenge Liu Yu or to suppress the remnants of Liu Yu's party.

Once the war breaks out, the people of Youzhou will not have a good life.

Jizhou is a good place, stable and peaceful, and there are also military camps dedicated to housing refugees.

After arriving in Jizhou, there was no need to worry about having nothing to eat.

Therefore, the people of Youzhou began to flee to Jizhou.

This is not good news for Gongsun Zan.

If the people fled in large numbers, there would be no one to cultivate the land, and without anyone to cultivate the land, there would not be enough food to sustain the army.

It is true that Gongsun Zan was good at fighting, but his management of the place was a mess. Sometimes, it would be better if he did not add chaos.

In addition, the wealthy families in Youzhou were grateful for Liu Yu's kindness and were unwilling to help Gongsun Zan.

Before Qingzhou could digest it, a new famine appeared in Youzhou.

September 197 AD.

Zhou Cheng sent Du Ji to Pingyuan County to appease the refugees in Pingyuan County. At the same time, he sent a message to all counties and counties to make announcements to calm the people.

Resettling the refugees and accepting people's support is only the first step.

Du Ji knew that whether it was to attack Gongsun Zan or continue to advance westward, Zhou Cheng's war to unify the north was already being prepared.

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