The soldier outside the door replied:"It should be the Zhou army coming from the direction of Zuo Feng Ling."

Zuo Feng Ling? That is Zhang He's tribe who has been attacking Zuo Fenling recently.

Although Zhang He has 30,000 cavalry, the number of troops attacking Hedong County must not be large after deducting the troops and horses left behind in Youfufeng.

Moreover, although cavalry has an advantage in field battles on the plains, it must be dismounted during siege warfare, and the cavalry becomes infantry.

At the same time, Zhang He lacked siege equipment and could not even capture Gaoling City. How could he capture Anyi City?

Thinking of this, Lu Bu said disdainfully:"No need to worry, just strengthen the defense in the city."

"Here."The soldier immediately left and conveyed Lu Bu's order.

Lu Bu continued to have fun with the dancers.


Before Zhang Liao and Zhang He led their troops to Yongzhou, Yuan Shang led his army into Liangzhou.

When Zhang He and Zhang Liao began to attack Yongzhou, Yuan Shang's army basically retreated to Liangzhou.

One is to eliminate Yuan Tan and establish Yuan Shao's status as the orthodox heir, and the other is to avoid Zhou Cheng and avoid being involved in the Battle of Yongzhou.

At this time, Feng Ji said to Yuan Shang:"My lord, Ma Teng has surrendered to the Zhou thieves. For the current plan, we need to join forces with Han Wen to defeat Ma Teng and establish a foothold in Liangzhou."

Although Yuan Shang is still young, he has been smart since he was a child. After hearing Fengji's suggestion, Shi adopted Fengji's strategy.

Later, Feng Ji added:"Today Chencang is occupied by Zhou thieves. In the future, Zhou thieves will use this place to march westward to Xiliang. The lord needs to seize Chencang again while the Zhou army is not stable."

Yuan Shang heard this and said hesitantly:" Military advisor, didn't you advocate before that you should avoid direct confrontation with the Zhou army?"

Feng Ji replied:"At that time, this time, Chencang is an important area. If you go west, you can capture Tianshui, capture Liangzhou, and go south to attack Hanzhong and capture it. Yizhou is a strategically important place. When the Chu and Han Dynasties were fighting for hegemony, Emperor Gaozu adopted the strategy of building plank roads openly and using Chen Cang secretly to break through the blockade of the Three Qin Dynasties." To put it simply,

Feng Ji advised Yuan Shang that if he wanted to achieve something As a result, Chen Cang must be under control.

Otherwise, if Chencang is completely controlled by Zhou Cheng, Yuan Shang will be trapped in Liangzhou from now on, losing the initiative and can only passively defend.

"Let me consider this matter again."Yuan Shang thought for a while, but he was still afraid of a head-on battle with Zhou Cheng.

Why couldn't Feng Ji see Yuan Shang's thoughts?

Yuan Shang, like Yuan Shao, was fierce and timid.

Feng Ji analyzed:"Although Zhang He leads 30,000 troops and horses, he has They also attacked Zuo Fengling and Hedong County. There must not be many troops and horses left behind in Chencang. The lord can use Yan Liang as his general to secure the position.

At this time, Yan Liang stood up and said:"My lord, we will attack Chencang.""

Yuan Shang thought about it carefully and agreed.

At the end of January 199 AD, Yuan Shang took Yan Liang as his general and sent out 20,000 troops to attack Chencang. There were only three defenders left in Chencang.

Among them, one thousand Hu Ben camp and one thousand Rouran Cavalry, one thousand Xianbei cavalry


At the same time, Zhang He led 20,000 troops and set up camp outside Anyi City. Instead of rushing to attack the city, he sent troops and horses to cut down trees and make ladders and other simple siege equipment.

Seeing this, Lu Bu no longer regarded Zhang He as a threat.

Although Zhang He had 20,000 troops and horses, he obviously didn't bring any siege equipment when he came this time, and he still had plenty of food and grass.

As for Anyi County, the city is high and the pond is deep. There are more than 30,000 troops and horses at the same time, and civilians and young men in the city are mobilized to participate in the defense of the city.

Moreover, the city has sufficient food and grass, as well as arrows, wood, and rolling stones.

At the same time, Gao Shun's 15,000 troops and horses were in Wenxi County.

However, when Gao Shun learned that Zhang He led 20,000 cavalry and arrived at Anyi County, he felt something fishy.

Although Zhang He was good at fighting, and the Zhou army's cavalry was the strongest in the world, he had few opponents.

However, Zhang He wouldn't be stupid enough to use cavalry to attack the city!

If Zhang He really did this, Zhou Cheng would definitely not spare him lightly once he was defeated.

Therefore, Gao Shun absolutely did not believe that Zhang He would do the stupid thing of attacking the city with cavalry.

Since he couldn't attack the city, what was Zhang He's purpose?

"Could it be……"

Gao Shun looked at the map, and when he saw Chang'an, his heart suddenly contracted.

He realized something was wrong and understood Zhang He's intention!

It's Chang'an, it must be Chang'an!

There are still 50,000 Zhou troops in Chang'an, and these 50,000 Zhou troops have a large number of infantry and siege equipment.

Once these 50,000 Zhou troops arrive in Anyi County, Lu Bu will be in danger.

If Anyi City was besieged and Lu Bu tried to break out, the consequences would be disastrous.

Thinking of this, Gao Shun hurriedly wrote a letter and sent someone to deliver it to Anyi County.

However, Gao Shun's reminder was too late.

Zhang Liao left behind 10,000 troops and horses to distract Huangfu Li.

Zhang Liao himself led an army of 40,000 people and a large number of siege equipment, and traveled day and night to the outside of Anyi County.

Now Zhang Liao and Zhang He are united.

When Zhang Liao saw Zhang He, the two laughed.

Zhang Liao said:"Jun Yi used his troops like a god, and I admire him."

Zhang He also said:"If Huangfu Li Zhiwen Yuan led the main force to leave Chang'an, he would definitely regret it." The art of war pays attention to the correctness, how to use superior troops and terrain to achieve the goal. Attack more and attack less, and attack the enemy's key points. This is what the general who leads the army needs to do.

But when Zhang Liao and Zhang He joined forces and Chen Bing was outside the city, Lu Bu's expression suddenly changed.

He was on top of the city, looking out.

I saw banners all over the city and the military was strong.

Moreover, there are not only trebuchets, but also large siege equipment such as manholes, ramps, trench bridges, and rams.

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