July 200 AD.

Yuan Shu transferred back Ji Ling and ordered Ji Ling to command 50,000 troops and horses to reinforce Runan and completely eliminate Cao's army entrenched in Runan.

At the same time, Sun Jian also asked Sun Ce to return to Jiangdong to stabilize the situation in Jiangdong.

This time Jiangdong was able to hold on and repel Huang Zu, and Sun Quan was indispensable.

Therefore, Sun Jian also gave Sun Quan more authority so that Sun Quan could show his talents.

However, Yuan Shang, who was entrenched in Linjing, began to fall into trouble as time passed.

Although Yuan Shang had Feng Ji to plan for him and two powerful generals, Wen Chou and Yan Liang, there were four armies outside the city.

The eldest brother Yuan Tan and the second brother Yuan Xi obviously turned to Zhou Cheng and did not care about brotherhood at all.

Except for his two brothers who want to kill him, Ma Teng will not let him go.

What's more, the Zhou army led by Zhao Yun is even more eyeing.

As time passed, the daily consumption of food and grass added invisible pressure to Yuan Shang.

He was almost out of breath.

If this continues, they will really be trapped and die in the city.


As the low and suppressed horn sounded, Yuan Shang knew that a new day of city defense had begun again.

Since the siege, Ma Teng, Yuan Xi, Yuan Tan and others have been actively building siege equipment.

Well railings, ladders, trebuchets, trench bridges, etc. are everywhere outside the city.

However, most are wrecks.

The soldiers and civilians in the city desperately defended the city and repelled wave after wave of enemy attacks.

However, even so, the intensity of the siege remained uninterrupted.

Under Zhao Yun's unified dispatch, Ma Teng, Yuan Xi, and Yuan Tan must participate in the battle.

Today is no exception. According to Zhao Yun's deployment, Yuan Xi needs to take the lead today.

Two thousand soldiers were ready.

The trebuchet's stone bullets have been loaded.

Then, the strong warriors pushed the well railings and Linchong and began to approach the city wall.

There are a total of 6 well railings and 8 Lin Chongs.

There are 23 trebuchets in total

"Siege the city!"

As Yuan Xi roared loudly in a slightly hoarse voice, the siege battle began.

Dong Dong Dong...

With the sound of war drums, the soldiers holding shields began to advance according to the drum beat.

The faster the drum beat, Their speed will become faster.

At the same time, Yuan Jun on the top of the city is also ready.

There is a huge crossbow on the city wall, and the heavy crossbow arrows fired can hit the well railings and Linchong within 400 steps..However

, the trebuchet's firing range is more than 500 steps, and the bed crossbow cannot threaten the trebuchet.

"Get the kerosene ready!"

"The reserve team is ready, ready to go to the city to support at any time!"

"Arrows, go get more arrows."

Captain Yuan, who is on the city, is mobilizing young men and civilian men.

Using young men and civilian men to defend the city can effectively reduce the casualties of sergeants. He accompanied Yuan Shang at every opportunity, patrolling the city, looking down from a high place on the battlefield. Everything above is in sight

"My lord, we need more archers here."

"This section of the city wall needs to be reinforced, and the bandit army will attack from here."

As a counselor, Feng Ji is still very qualified.

And Yuan Shang obeyed Feng Ji's words.

Yan Liang and Wen Chou also obeyed Feng Ji's dispatches.

The defenders in the city were united.

After all, Zhou Cheng was notorious.

Now they are stubbornly resisting, even more It was difficult to be spared, and he could only go all the way to the dark, and maybe there would be a turning point!

Outside the city, Zhao Yun had a high platform erected.

The high platform was five feet high, and he could overlook Yuan Jun in the city from a high place.

When soldiers come, the water will be blocked and the earth will be covered.

Every day when attacking and defending the city, you can learn something new or get new inspiration.

Zhao Yun has many young men under his command.

These young men have all passed the martial arts examination in the past two years. Martial arts candidates.

Nowadays, some of them serve as team leaders, and some serve as commanders. Leading the army to kill is just the basic of being a general.

How to win the war is what the general needs to think about, and must work harder..

Zhao Yun learned a lot from Zhou Cheng, and now he is willing to let the young people learn from him.

On the high platform, there were many grassroots generals watching the battle.

"Those who don't plan for the overall situation are not enough to plan a region. This is what the Lord is admonishing us. You need to observe carefully in order to find the opportunity to win on the battlefield!"

Zhao Yun said to the teenagers behind him. Watching the fire from the other side and being there are completely different things.

Watching the siege can signal the enemy's movement changes. For example, when Linchong and Jinglan are approaching, the enemy general will prepare crossbows and crossbows. The trebuchets will focus their attacks.

When the ladder approaches, the crossbowmen who were originally on standby under the city will be mobilized.

When facing the shafts and Linchong, as well as the arrows shot up from the city, there will be sword and shield men. Hold up shields to cover the young men and civilians, and let them bring up the wood and rolling stones.

The grassroots generals do not need to control the direction of the entire war. What they need to do is to control every combat area and every city wall. How to complete the assigned tasks with minimal casualties is the basis they need to master, and thinking about any expansion of the results and guiding them to victory is what they need to use their brains._Feilu reminds you:

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