With the start of the training of the Navy Elite Training Course, the atmosphere of the entire training ground has been mobilized, I thought that the beginning of the first day was just to prepare myself for preparation, so that everyone could use this time to prepare and adapt in advance, in order to face the future high-intensity training, but who knew that as soon as it came up, it began to magnify the moves.

The large-scale and high-intensity training has forced these so-called naval elites to adjust their mentality in order to cope with the next difficult days in the naval elite training class.

A few simple days have passed, no one knows what these naval elites have experienced, with the high-intensity training in the past few days, in the eyes of this admiral Zefa, these so-called naval elites have a trace of the prototype of a strong man.

Of course, these results alone did not make Zefa satisfied, because these people, but among all the navy, the elite of the elite, Zefa planned to increase the intensity of training for these people, and as a result, the elite of these training courses were even more mentally and physically exhausted.

However, relatively speaking, this is the best period for physical fitness and mental training, in this environment, it is an absolutely safe environment, there is no real threat, and it is the best place to settle what you have learned, so it is also called a real training paradise.

After everyone understood this truth, they also started training day and night, all day long, because there is not much time for good training like this.

In the same way, they also know that after they have successfully trained here, they will have what kind of high position they will have, and their training during this period of time, and their experience in the elite class of the Navy will become the qualification for promotion in the future, and all of them do not want to let go of this opportunity.

The people here also know that the person in charge of the training is Admiral Zefa, who is a person whose eyes can't get into the sand, if it is because of personal stealing and cheating, burying his future future, then this person will definitely regret it for a lifetime, even under this training intensity, no one shouts that he is tired.

After the physical training was completed, they began to cultivate their survival skills, and without saying hello, they were all thrown out and thrown on a desert island, so that they could survive on the desert island for half a month to a month, didn't it sound very similar to surviving in the wilderness? It was in the era of the extinction of very large carnivores, and it was equally dangerous in that era, and a small spider could kill itself.

And what kind of place is this? In the world of pirates, many unscientific things will happen, and everyone will be accustomed to it, just look at the unscientific sea kings in the sea.

These trainings, in Zefa's eyes, are pediatrics, and the thing that makes this group of elites collapse the most is that at the end of each training period, Zefa will personally test each of them, which is called a beautiful name, and actually beat them.

Anyway, it's all kinds of beatings, this is actually a very effective method, through two people fighting, you can clearly perceive whether this person's strength has improved, because the object of its battle is our admiral Zefa, of course, Zefa does not beat them in vain, through the battle Zefa to explain the problems that arise to them.

Because this is the first naval training course, all high-level officials attach great importance to this group of trainees, so they are in training.

Most of the time, it was supervised by General Zefa himself. Every time a dishonest person is dishonest, he will get a cordial greeting from Zefa.

Of course, despite this, there was still a cheater among them, and that was the later admiral with great fame, the Yellow Ape.

But you say that people are not angry, people are obviously cheating and cheating, but the strength is still steadily improving, so Zefa is very dissatisfied with this Polusalino, in Zefa's opinion, if he trains seriously, then his strength will be even stronger.

It is estimated that this is also a point of contradiction between the two people in the future, although Zefa once commented in the later period that the yellow ape's physical skills are not too good, and they rely too much on the ability of the fruit, but this is not good, not that our general's physical fitness is poor, so when you look at the Chambord Islands, that mouth is "so scared", and one foot is a "supernova".

This is also a love for a person, but the method may be a little radical. There are still a lot of talents in this group of students, and these people can absorb what Zefa teaches very well.

Unconsciously, everyone's abilities are steadily improving. After each training quiz, someone aggregates this information. Take it to Zefa to see, if this person does not meet the corresponding requirements in training, Zefa will be severely punished.

Although these navies are the elite of the military, in the end, there are also 4 people who were dismissed by Zefa. The top brass of the Navy has high hopes for this group of people, and this group of people has not disappointed these top brass of the Navy.

In the training, Zefa not only does a training on the physical aspects of these people, but also cultivates some of their team spirit and some combat thinking.

Although,Watching the animation of One Piece makes people feel very enthusiastic,But,It's really not the time to reflect individual heroism.,One person may be able to resist thousands of people.,But that's a minority after all.,When fighting against ordinary navies and pirates.,A rigorous combat unit.,And a chaotic combat unit.,The combat power that two can burst out of is very different.,The ability of the team is therefore very important.。

In the process, Zefa invited some veterans of the navy, who have rich experience in sending troops to deploy formations, and asked them to train the trainees of these elite training courses, so that they can better understand how naval warfare is conducted.

Similarly, in the subtle way, Zefa also guided their group of personnel in the elite training course of the navy in terms of ideology, so that they could be more loyal to the navy and contribute to the cause of the navy.

said a thousand ways and ten thousand, or the same sentence, the master led the door, and the practice depends on the individual. The entire navy is staring at this batch of elite training class students, so the pressure on them is also very huge, and everyone is absorbing nutrients like a sponge, striving to transform these nutrients into their own strength as soon as possible.

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