When Hewen was satisfied, he turned to look at Karp, and when he saw Karp, he was still angry, so he immediately went over to coax Karp to go, just for a scabbard, not to offend Karp to death, and there will be a time in the future when he can use this "Iron Fist Karp".

Seeing that Hewen came up to coax himself, the old kid, ignoring it, turned his head away, so Hewen knew what he should do, turned around and went to the kitchen to clean up, made a big meal for them, and then promised a bunch of benefits, and immediately, he coaxed Karp well.

Time was fast, two days passed. ————————

Today, the weather is fine, and on the ground of the Navy's elite training class, there is a mighty and majestic man standing on a platform built in the open air, and this person is none other than the marshal of the Navy - Kong.

At this time, it was time for Marshal Air to perform again, and I saw this person on the stage, affectionately telling about encouraging people and poisonous chicken soup for the soul, but the people in the audience seemed to be immune, until Marshal Air said it, and after this reward, everyone cheered up.

When the air marshal spoke, after these names, it was not surprising that they were the few:

the first, which was our later admiral - Sakasky

the second, and unsurprisingly, in the future the three admirals - Polusalino, that is, the yellow monkey.

Until I read that the last place was Hewen, the audience couldn't help but laugh. The story of Ha Wen secretly running away to the desert island to adventure has spread all over the navy, and the fact that he is Zefa's righteous son is surprising enough.

In addition, there is such a incident, don't everyone know about it? It's just that our protagonist lacks awareness of himself and always wants to develop in a low-key manner, but how is this possible, so Hewen can only helplessly deal with it, hoping that time will wipe everything out, just like that, this young man became famous in the navy in this way.

Originally, it was estimated that this time Hewen's ranking should not be the last, but this one didn't care about this, because now he is just an auditor in the Navy Elite Training Class, he is still young, and he will have to go through many training sessions in the Navy Elite Class in the future, so this cheeky protagonist should not hear it, and everyone laughed.

Looking at Hewen who lowered his head and was silent in the audience, Zefa's heart couldn't help but be happy, because he did it on purpose, he wanted to be angry with Hewen and let him lose face in public, but there was no malice in this, just ridicule, from this incident, it can also be seen that Zefa is also with a little bit of childlike nature.

After everyone finished laughing, everyone came to the stage to receive their own things, not everyone, they were very satisfied with their prizes, but it didn't matter, although some people didn't need these things, but, within the navy, they could be replaced according to equivalent items, for example, Sakasky at this time only changed a famous knife for self-defense.

And at this moment, the trainees of these naval elite training courses are very excited, after Zefa's training, the promises of the navy's top brass have been fulfilled one by one, for example: after their training is completed, the lowest military rank is already the rank of captain, and even Sakasky and Polusalino have obtained the rank of major, not only that, but also reward these students, a move of the Navy Six.

When this group of trainees had just left the training camp, they were transferred to their own ships by other major generals or lieutenant generals, and as they went to sea, they earned military merits and further improved their management ability.

Because, the strength of this group of cadets has been recognized by everyone, and the navy has reached the point where it is a little lacking.

Everyone also hopes that these people can grow up quickly to fill the vacated positions vacated by age, injury, illness, and death, so to speak, this group of personnel is injected by the navy and cultivated with a lot of painstaking efforts.

With the end of the first batch of naval elite training courses, there was a window period, which was very rare, the two got a period of rest, and the father and son spent a good time together, saying that it was a good time, but compared to the previous training, a little relaxed.

During this time, the Navy Headquarters submitted some shapeable talents to the Air Marshal for verification, and then handed over the information to Zefa for preparation, so Zefa did not have enough time to rest, but it didn't matter, during this time, Zefa also cooperated with Hewen to train, and at the same time continued to fight against He Wen.

Combat experience is a very valuable thing, and our protagonist Er Hewen is a person who has decades of life experience, he has formed his own relevant ideology, and can analyze some things well, organize and summarize them, and learn these experiences well.

In the battle with Zefa, he quickly absorbed the knowledge passed on by Zefa through his own methods, and drew inferences from one another.

His cleverness, coupled with his own self-discipline and diligence, was instantly highly recognized by Zefa. It is precisely because of Zefa's approval that Hewen is required to be more strict in training, and if others complete double, Zefa requires Hewen to complete two to three times.

The bug with the training bonus has helped Hewen to a great extent, so these efforts are also bearable.

In the end, the second batch of trainees of the training camp arrived at the Navy headquarters in Marin Fodo, and as a result, the training of the second batch of elite training courses of the Navy is about to begin.

However, there is already Zefa, who has relevant experience, for this group of students, practice makes perfect, no need to be as nervous as the first time, at the same time, he also brought Hewen, the little guy, to the army, because in the early stage, Hewen has been rewarded, so at this time, Hewen is also a first-class soldier, and at the same time, he was arranged by Zefa's side to be Zefa's new secretary.

Helping Zefa and dealing with some problems in life can be regarded as Zefa's life consultant. Zefa is very satisfied with this, after all, his son, who is by his side, can also supervise and check his training at any time, and is responsible for him.

Hewen is also very satisfied with this, and this is also the first step towards the life he yearns for, but this is only the beginning, and Hewen still needs to continue to work towards his goal.

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