They themselves have very strong strength, and slowly put in front of them, a group of prisoners who do not know the height of the sky, and after the extermination is completed, without saying a word, they will set off to help the division and area next to them, and prepare for the later big war in advance.

In fact, what those navy and the jailers of the Advance City are doing now is to clean up the remaining prisoners, who are weak themselves.

And the strong ones have their own geniuses to deal with, so sometimes, you will see a more interesting scene, when those strong prisoners face the navy.

After being found to be invincible, they will be released from the encirclement by the navy, giving them some hope for life, taking refuge in their dogs jumping over the wall in a hurry, and completing the loss of their own strength.

It's like this part of the prisoners, originally, these people were able to escape, they were still very happy, and they rushed forward without looking back, and their subordinates didn't care.

Watching their fleeing backs, the naval officer smiled and didn't say a word, but his eyes became more and more cold.

He smiled to himself, and thought to himself: We are here, the real pediatrics, and the above is the place where you are waiting for your death, and now I am happy, there are still some too early, if it weren't for our group, we didn't get it, those monsters, otherwise, hum, there are you good-looking.

Thinking of this, this person packed up his mood and faced his own area, the pirates in the area who couldn't beat him, let him run away if he could, and if he couldn't run, he would shoot him directly.

For those who accidentally died in this battle, those brothers, one by one, thought of this, the naval officer immediately gave an order, and looked at it coldly, those prisoners who still wanted to resist again, did not show any mercy.

At this time, there is another place that I have to focus on and take it out, that is, to advance the sixth layer of the city, as early as these prisoners, when they found that things were beyond their expectations, some people went to the sixth layer of the city in advance.

Release those prisoners who can be released from the sixth floor of the city in advance, and use these vicious prisoners to muddy the water of the entire city.

Isn't it more advantageous to do this, these people escaped from the city in the chaos, but they didn't wait for them for long.

I saw 4 elite vice admirals within the navy, leading countless jailers and naval soldiers, rushed to, in the sixth layer, which was already going on at this time, the prisoners of the sixth layer who were reveling were suddenly stunned, and some couldn't understand it, the current situation, the scene suddenly quieted down.

Don't talk nonsense, after so many years, I know that the first strike is the king's way, looking at the already there, some of the prisoners were untied in advance, and the shackles that bound them were estimated to be a little out of control.

Facing the sixth layer of the advancing city, those strong men, one of them, the naval elite vice admiral directly ordered the navy to load the bullets, shoot directly, and shoot at those who had already unshackled.

At the same time, he also ordered that the snipers he brought with him be replaced with Hailou Stone bullets and fired at some people who had escaped from the trap and had Devil Fruit abilities.

From the first shot, the scene has begun to be chaotic, at this moment, there is no time to confirm what the scene is, those prisoners, all they have left in their minds is the idea of rushing forward, only by rushing out, surrounded by these people, it is possible to get a new life.

Looking at these people who want to fight for freedom, these vice admirals are not used to them, and in the face of the menacing prisoners, they directly rush forward and kill those who want to resist.

At the same time, after seeing the suppression, after the scene, there were immediately the guards of the navy and the advancing city, rushing forward, watching them aim their weapons, those prisoners of the advancing city who wanted to make a move, these prisoners of the sixth layer, are not stupid, making such a big trouble, wanting to be so simple, it is impossible to end the game, for this reason, there will definitely be bloodshed.

Looking at the current scene, everyone present understands that some of their own people will definitely become the tools of these big people to vent their anger.

So now be honest and accept the arrest, otherwise, in the later stage, these insidious navy and jailers will definitely give themselves small shoes, so in the face of these situations, it is better to have no choice but to accept it, otherwise, there are painful things waiting for you.

Of course, not every prisoner is a real honest person, and he can be imprisoned on the 6th floor, so he must be someone with some temper.

It's like there are two sea thieves with a bounty of about 500 million. According to the situation at the scene, we quickly found the loopholes between the cooperation between the naval officers and the jailers.

Seize the opportunity, escape decisively, and run towards the 6th floor of the push floor, at this time, I want to intercept, but the scene is again, and I can't distinguish the manpower, what should I do?

This situation has arisen, don't be afraid, it doesn't matter, do you think he can leave this place so easily?

At this time, he heard a "chirp", and a yellow beam of light shot from the sixth floor of the city, behind the gate, towards the middle of the field, and suddenly, an explosion sounded.

After the sound, I saw two figures, faster than when they left, and returned, and then I saw two heavy objects smashed to the ground, causing a large amount of dust to be stirred up on the ground.

Then I heard a slightly obscene voice coming out from behind, saying: "No, no, no, speed is weight, have you ever learned flash kicks?"

This familiar way of appearance, and familiar words, needless to say, the person who came was the future Yellow Ape General - Polusalino.

When they saw the arrival of this person, all the people present breathed a sigh of relief, the recent rise, several monsters in the navy, according to the evaluation within the navy, the future is not, there is no possibility, which position to climb to the top.

Therefore, for the suppression of the sixth layer of the Advance City, this task, for the naval side, is already considered to be without any danger.

Then I heard this Polusalino (who is still a major general) say: "If you leave today, then, when I return to the ship of Sengoku-san, it will be difficult to explain, so please cooperate with me."

Although his tone was full of ridicule, none of the people present dared to despise him. Through the way of appearance that has just arrived, this group of experienced prisoners has already judged that what they are about to face, this navy, is a natural devil fruit, the owner of the ability, since they can't resist, then they can only enjoy it.

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