Lieutenant General Karp was too, too lazy to complain again, their father and son were two, so he said to Hewen: "Hewen boy, there has been a big incident recently, let me tell you what it is, you listen, this matter is, very, very important, related to the privacy of a friend of mine."

Can I trust you

?Hewen?"Is it so serious?has it risen to this point, what kind of friend's privacy?Could it be that the child that someone else is carrying is yours?" asked Hewen rhetorically.

Hearing Hewen's words, for some reason, Lieutenant General Karp's brows jumped again, he couldn't bear it, that is, he didn't need to endure it anymore, without saying a word, he punched Hewen's head again, and said: "Listen to me, you stinky boy, don't interrupt me indiscriminately."

Ha Wen rubbed his aching head, learned a lesson, and listened intently, Lieutenant General Karp talked about this incident, anyway, this matter was not done by himself, it has nothing to do with him, and he should have fun.

But listening to it, Hewen wanted to scold the street, what is this? Why do you take everything on yourself?

After listening to it, Hewen got up in an instant, and ran into the sea without thinking about it, he didn't want to do this kind of thing, the impact of this kind of thing in the future is too great, if he doesn't do it well, he will be removed from the navy, which is not in his own interests.

I want to be in the system, a person who eats for a lifetime, but I can't follow Lieutenant General Karp, this old guy goes to mix casually, his strength is strong, his relationship is hard, but he is still a baby.

Lieutenant General Karp saw this, the kid who didn't know how to escape, but how could he let him go, the person who had already listened to his secret, then he was in the same boat as himself, don't say it, they are really in the same boat now.

I saw Vice Admiral Karp, a Navy six-style "shaving", came to Hewen's side, unceremoniously pressed him, and said to him: "Hewen boy, I know that your kid is clever and has a better head than me, so next, you stay by my side and give me ideas." Hearing

Lieutenant General Karp's words, Ha Wen shook his head into a rattle, and he didn't want to go at all, mixing in this kind of.

But when he suddenly saw a face with ill intentions, a spirit, who nodded without love, and said, "Okay, if there is anything about Karp's predecessor, just leave it to me, I am the best at giving advice."

Hearing this, Lieutenant General Karp nodded with satisfaction, but then, he secretly told Hewen, "Hewen boy, you can't talk nonsense about this matter to your stepfather, do you hear it?" I didn't force you, if you let me hear it, what bad rumors, be careful of your own ass."

After finishing speaking, he symbolically shook his fist, and when he saw himself being threatened, Hewen's face was full of shame and indignation, but there was no way, his life was still in the hands of others.

He could only nod helplessly again, Lieutenant General Karp didn't dare to persecute too much, he also knew the weight of this kid in the heart of his old friend, so he changed his face again, and said to Hewen with a pleasant face: "Hewen boy, help me deal with this matter, I will give you benefits." "

Hmph, Hewen smiled disdainfully in his heart, and the strategy of slapping and giving you a sweet jujube has been used up.

Obviously, as a vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters, his salary is ridiculously high, but he handed over his grandson to a bandit to manage, and in the end, what happened to him, you regret it.

What is it that can make Hewen want to jump into the river in an instant, this matter is a long story, I have explained it before, that is, Lieutenant General Karp, go to the city to meet Roger, One Piece.

Roger knows that his time is short, but his child is about to be born, what should he do?

Why didn't he go and look for his crew, because these people had been through so many ups and downs with him.

After all these years, he finally stabilized, and he didn't want to disturb the tranquility of his friend, and he had no choice but to go to his opponent and friend Lieutenant General Karp.

And Lieutenant General Karp, the only characteristic of this person is that he is very affectionate, and his heart is also very soft, and in the end, this matter fell on his head, and he also decided to take a hand to help.

But this matter has encountered the biggest problem, what is this problem? That is, his friend Sengoku, is not a general now, he is now a marshal, so because he is already a marshal, he thinks about different problems than when he was a general, and no one knows what he will think.

Helplessly, Lieutenant General Karp still decided that at the beginning of this matter, he couldn't tell him that it was good, so he could only find his other two friends, Aunt Crane and General Zefa, to discuss.

After hearing this, these two people were also helpless for a while, there was no way, this matter was too big, and if something happened if something happened again, no one could say for sure in the future.

His father finally died in the hands of the navy, if this person wants to go to the navy to seek revenge in the future, it is completely reasonable, the admiral may have to face a big enemy, which is unbearable for Aunt Crane and Admiral Zefa.

But I can't stand my friend, I begged hard, this is also for this child, completely let go of his self-esteem, there is no way, he is a human life after all.

In the end, friendship prevailed over everything, and the two of them were ruthless, but they had no choice, if the best way was to communicate clearly with the marshal of the Warring States and put this child in a place where everyone could monitor it.

But Lieutenant General Karp was very dissatisfied with this, he thought that the future of this child was very bright, and he couldn't just restrict it.

Moreover, he also guaranteed that he would personally teach this child, but when he saw these two people, after those suspicious eyes, he still retreated in defeat, and could only say that he would definitely educate him seriously.

The two of them also now understand that it is not yet time to teach Lieutenant General Karp a lesson, and at this critical moment, they have come up with all the methods, and it is not insurance.

So, for the sake of Lieutenant General Karp's bad matter, the two of them discussed silently together, I don't know how many days, but there was no exact way to deal with it.

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