The Multiverse Starting from White Deer Plain

153. Go to Kyoto for the second time (additional update for the host)

Lean less. Google search reading

The train rushing from Tokyo to Kyoto honked and clanged forward.

It took almost a quarter of an hour to walk.

Bai Gui finally finished talking about the relationship.

"So that's it, this Chen Zhen... As a senior, I will help you. Anyway, in Kyoto, most people will betray me, and I also know Uncle Funakoshi..."

Yamada Mitsuko patted Bai Gui on the shoulder with a righteous look on his face.

"Since you know Fumio Funakoshi, this matter is easy to handle. It's just a formality."

Bai Gui doesn't intend to really have a quarrel with Heilong. He hasn't had his head turned yet. Although Heilong is wary of Yamada Mitsuko's identity, if he really goes out of his way to provoke these gang members, who knows what trouble will happen. .

Jianghu is not about fighting and killing, but about human relationships.

When the sword is unsheathed, it is often the sharpest and most feared.

If you have an identity and still fight, you are a fool!

"Is this your first time going to Kyoto?"

Suddenly, Yamada Mitsuko remembered something, and the corners of his beautiful lips curved, and he glanced at the young man who was meditating opposite him. Although he was sitting there, his sitting posture was different from ordinary people. He was very straight. He was clearly sitting, but he looked like a stick. The harpooned javelin.


"I went there once last November."

Bai Gui replied casually.

"Huh? You have been to Kyoto, but you have only studied abroad for a short time. Why didn't you study well in Tokyo?"

Yamada Mitsuko showed a hint of disappointment.

"What did you do in Kyoto?"

She looked at Bai Gui with some curiosity, her bright eyes flashing, as bright as stars.

"Go to Kyoto..."

Bai Gui was speechless. He didn't seem to get off the bus much when he went to Kyoto, so he asked the rickshaw driver to take him to Gion. It's like arriving in a city and going to the red light district of the city to have fun before looking for a hotel.

Open your mouth, how to open your mouth?

Could it be said that he went to Gion immediately? !

"Yes, I passed by Kyoto, took a quick look, and then went to Sendai Medical College to find Mr. Fujino. Mr. Fujino was the younger brother of a Japanese teacher when I was studying in Chang'an. He and Mr. Fujino lost contact..."

Bai Gui explained what happened to Mr. Fujino.

"What a touching story."

"I didn't expect Mr. Bai to be such a tender person. No wonder he could write such a beautiful book..."

Yamada Mitsuko was a little moved.

The two of them talked and it was night.

It takes twelve hours to get from Tokyo to Kyoto. They got on the train around five o'clock in the afternoon. By the time they reached the middle section, it was already dark and they could see the starry sky through the glass on the iron window.

There seemed to be a lot more stars this night than usual.

You can also see some occasional lights flashing through the low villages in the wilderness.

"This is the blanket I brought. Mr. Bai, please cover yourself with one too."

Yamada Mitsuko took out two sleeping blankets from his luggage, handed them over with a gentle smile.

"Thank you."

Bai Gui took the blanket and covered him.

Although sleeping blankets are also provided in the upper-class carriages, not many people use the sleeping blankets, maybe only a few people. But after the nose is developed, it smells more than the average person, and it is not suitable for it.

And since he was strong, it didn't matter if he was covered with a blanket or not.

At this time, Yamada Mitsuko handed him a sleeping blanket, and he didn't refuse. He took it and covered himself with it.

There is a very nice smell on the blanket.

The two fell asleep.

The next day, it was just clear.

It was usually five or six o'clock in the summer day. When they walked out of the station, there was still some cold wind hitting their cheeks.

"Let's go to Kyoto Shotokan."

The three of them got into the rickshaw, and Mitsuko Yamada said to the rickshaw driver.

Wait until you get on the bus.

Mitsuko Yamada explained: "Uncle Funakoshi is the chief instructor of the Kurono Kai. He also opened a martial arts gym, the Shoto Martial Arts School in Kyoto, where many members of the Kurono Kai learn martial arts."

Songtao Martial Arts School is located near Dongshi.

Kyoto was built after Chang'an and Luoyang, the two capitals of the Tang Dynasty. It also contains Chang'an's East and West Markets, which are also the bustling places and places of commerce and trade in Kyoto.

Three rickshaws entered from the main entrance of Suzaku Street, and after waiting for about a quarter of an hour, they arrived at Shotokan in Dongshi.

Even though it was around seven o'clock in the morning, it was still bustling with people.

"Three servings of miso soup and three servings of oshi sushi."

Walking to the sushi vendor, Bai Gui took out the banknotes and said.

As the saying goes, recharge your batteries. Despite Yamada Mitsuko's assurance, Bai Gui still planned to let his energy reach its peak. Breakfast was unavoidable and he was hungry.

Oshizushi is a popular way of eating sushi in Kansai.

The sushi chef will place the rice and sashimi in a long box in advance, squeeze it and cut it into mahjong-sized cubes for consumption.

"Be calm in times of crisis, with the demeanor of a general."

Minister Wu praised him and took a seat at the bamboo table set up on the street.

After taking a sip of the stomach-warming miso soup and finishing the oshi sushi, Bai Gui took a closer look at the Shoto Dojo. The Japanese-style building blended in with the surroundings. There was almost no difference, except that the Shoto Dojo There were several sword-wielding samurai standing at the door, and the surrounding vendors did not dare to push their trucks in front of the Songtao Martial Arts School. Pedestrians would also unconsciously slow down when walking...

Subtle observations!

"Let's go!"

Bai Gui nodded and said after seeing Mitsuko Yamada finishing the sushi.

To be honest, it is useless to observe the layout of Shoto Martial Arts School. The main reason is that as a woman, Mitsuko Yamada eats more slowly and chews carefully. This is the etiquette of aristocrats and cannot be done in a hurry.

He had nothing to do and could only stare at the martial arts hall.

Arrive at the entrance of the martial arts hall.

"What do you do?"

The samurai with the sword frowned and asked.

The three people in front of them were dressed differently. One was in a suit. The material of the suit was expensive at first glance. The other was in a black student uniform with a student cap and a high school badge. He had a handle on his waist. Muto, the other one is wearing a kimono, but she looks like an aristocratic lady...

"Bai Gui Bai Meihe!"

"Shira Miwa who once competed in the Tokyo Kendall Yagyu Kendo Hall..."

Bai Gui smiled and said.

Although the background of Mitsuko Yamada is mainly relied on this time, Mitsuko Yamada’s background is obviously not suitable to be mentioned here, and the miscellaneous soldier Xiaoyu still has to rely on his reputation.

"Bai Meihe?"

The expressions of the warriors in front of the Shotokan gate changed slightly.

Vendors and civilians with this ordinary name may not know it, but he is a famous figure in Japan's kendo circles. He used a wooden sword to cut off Yagyu Ichi's wrist, so that Yagyu Ichi, a kendo master of Yagyu Shininryu, could not even draw his sword. No……

If it weren't for Bai Gui's special status, the Sword Abolition Order, and various measures to restrict samurai, Yagyu would be solely responsible for it, and if his strength was too powerful, challengers would definitely come one after another!

It can be said that this name is almost universally known in the Japanese martial arts world!

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