The Multiverse Starting from White Deer Plain

167. Asahi Social Service Software (please order in full)

"This novel by Bai Meihe really shocked me. I have never seen anyone able to explain the evolution of human society so deeply, and find a main line from scattered historical materials and research materials to connect them. stand up……"

"It seems like history but not history. This novel by Bai Meihe can be called a masterpiece of historians! No one has ever understood the east and west, and explained the evolution of human society in the West and the process of civilization in the East so clearly..."

"I asked the professor of the Faculty of Literature of Dongda University. These historical and research materials are cutting-edge materials. Bai Meihe spent several months in the library of Dongda University and the Classics Room of the Faculty of Arts and Letters to complete this novel. This patience alone, That’s admirable…”

These are reporters from major news newspapers who went to Tokyo University.

Written by interviews with students from the Department of Literature.

Although these Tokyo University students are still unknown, they are all elites, and these comments immediately attracted widespread attention.

Mori Ogai said in the newspaper: "I once asked Bai Jun how to write historical novels at a writers' gathering. He gave me examples of "Water Margin" and "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", which benefited me a lot. In terms of historical novels, Chinese people have unique talents."

Some good people also went to interview Liang Rengong who was evading pursuit by the Qing court. He said: "I had already paid attention to Bai Meihe when he wrote The Great Qin Empire. I heard that he was the successor of Mr. Hengqu's Guan School. This book made him famous." I am very moved.”

Both Kang and Liang were great Confucian scholars in China, and they were familiar with various Confucian schools. For example, Kang Mingyi had a close relationship with Liu Guyu. During the reform period, Liu Guyu, a great Confucian scholar from Guan Dynasty, was engaged in reform education and worked in Jingyang County, Qin Province. Wei Jing Academy was founded, so people at that time called it: "Nan Kang Bei Liu".

Liang Rengong even called Liu Guyu, a great scholar of Guan Xue, "the back town of Guan Xue."

Bai Gui came from the Guan school of Mihara He Ruilin, and Liu Xueyu came from Liu Guyu's line. The two schools had a very close relationship, so after Kang Liang knew about Liu Xueyu and the Minjin Newspaper Company, he knew that Bai Gui was also from the Guan school. Learn from the same lineage.

As a result, with the evaluation of many celebrities and the approval of professors from the Faculty of Liberal Arts of Dongda University, Bai Gui became famous.

The first 3,000 copies of "Guns, Germs, Steel" were quickly sold out as newspapers published the news. So Youfei Pavilion approached Bai Gui again, hoping to print 50,000 more copies.

"Fifty thousand volumes?"

Bai Gui was also a little surprised when he heard the news.

Fifty thousand copies, this is only the second issue. Except for the top best-selling novels, the second issue of the general best-selling novels cannot reach this number. As Mitsuko Yamada thinks, this book is too obscure. Except for being sold among elites such as students, it is really hard for ordinary people to understand...

In this day and age, knowing a few hundred words means you are not illiterate.

The reading threshold for this book written by Bai Gui is too high. To put it bluntly, most people really can’t understand it. Only people who know Chinese characters and have a certain level of history can read it...

He really didn't expect that the second issue would print 50,000 copies.

"Yes, Mr. Bai, you have underestimated your own work. Now bookstores in big cities all over Japan are asking if they have the book "Guns, Germs, Steel" for sale. According to statistics, only Yokohama, Osaka, Kyoto, The number of pre-orders in the four cities of Nagoya has reached 12,000..."

"In other words, as long as 12,000 copies are printed, they will be sold out immediately!"

President Jiang Cao came in person and said eagerly.

Although the profit from printing 50,000 copies is not a small amount of money for Youfei Pavilion, it is not enough for him, the president, to personally take action. However, after the publication of this book, Bai Gui's current status in the industry has been in vain...

As Bai Gui had expected, he was already at the top of the contempt chain.

This kind of character, even if the novel is not very popular, still has a high status. In an interview with the manager of the company, I felt that he was being treated lightly.

"President Jiang Cao is well versed in business. I don't know much about it. Everything depends on you, President Jiang Cao..."

Bai Gui smiled and agreed.

"No, no, Mr. Bai, you are too humble. A person like you must also know some business knowledge."

President Jiang Cao took it as a compliment and looked happy after hearing it.

He would not think that someone who could write such a masterpiece knew nothing about business.

Not long after President Jiang Cao was sent away.

Asahisha came to visit. This time, in addition to the previous Asahisha member, there was also president Murayama Ryuhei.

Although Murayama Ryuhei, the president of the Asahi News Agency, is the king of Japanese news and earns much more money than Bai Gui, Bai Gui's status in the literary world is worthy of a personal visit.

"Haha, I have always seen Mr. Bai in the newspapers, but I never thought that Mr. Bai in real life would be like this Yushu Linfeng..."

"I heard that Mr. Bai has also practiced martial arts. No wonder, no wonder..."

President Murayama spoke Chinese and raised his hands.

"President Murayama is laughing."

Bai Gui stood up and welcomed Murayama Ryuhei and Asahi Club members inside.

Although his current status in the literary world is not low and he is at the top of the contempt chain, if he is really arrogant and offends someone, he will die miserably...

When you should be humble, be humble.

When the water is full, it will overflow; when the moon is full, it will suffer losses; when you are complacent, you will be defeated; when you are conceited, you will be foolish.

"The royalties issue last time was our Asahi Club's fault, so this time I will bring Nohara to you to apologize. I also ask Mr. Bai for your understanding. If it doesn't work..."

Murayama Ryuhei glanced at the Nohara club members, and the implication was obvious.

As long as you say a word, he will immediately fire the Nohara members without any hesitation.

"President Murayama was joking. Nohara just had a temporary misunderstanding about the relationship between Natsu-senpai and I. Although the two of us don't get along very well, in fact, there is really no conflict..."

"President Murayama must be aware of the idiom story about three people becoming a tiger."

"Nohara... was only temporarily deceived."

Bai Gui took a sip of warm wine, which was rice wine, and said calmly.

What Ryuyama Murayama said seemed to be an apology to him, but upon closer consideration, he also asked Shiroki to limit the conflict between the Asahi Club and him to the Nohara Club members and deal with him, so that everyone would forget the past...

You don't blame me, I don't blame you.

But in fact, whether this matter is big or small, Nohara Club members are just scapegoats. It makes no sense at all for him to let Murayama Ryuhei deal with Nohara Club members. But speaking more broadly, it is also a "misunderstanding" caused by false rumors...

Besides, this Nohara club member is really good. When he does things, it is official business and he can't change it.

Blame Nohara, no need!

What really offended him in this matter was the malicious public opinion and the fact that Asahisha was forced to lean towards their facade, Natsume Sakuseki...

So he simply chose to laugh it off.

make enemies?

Bai Gui is not a fool either.

Although Natsume Soseki was despised by him from the top of the contempt chain, just as he "offended" Natsume Soseki and Natsume Soseki could only choose to suppress him in some literature, he also had no effective measures to deal with Natsume Soseki...

Besides, Natsume is also a professor of English at Tokyo University's Faculty of Liberal Arts. If he "offends" him too much, other professors will also murmur in their hearts.

It's unnecessary to make your face stiff.

But this does not mean that he will make friends with Natsume Soseki. Sometimes friendships are based on positions. It is not that the more people you make friends with, the more powerful your connections will be, but it is better to make friends selectively and make your position clear...

"Mr. Bai has the style of an ancient gentleman..."

Murayama Ryuhei gave Bai Gui a high look in his heart. He was not very afraid of offending Bai Gui. He was just worried that public opinion would have some bad tendencies and cause turmoil in Asahisha's business, so he came here specially.

If Bai Gui had any trouble, he would have a way to deal with it.

Just a Qing man!

Businessmen may not be as good as literati in terms of status, but in terms of power, they are definitely better than Bai Gui, an outsider.

But they are also wary of each other, otherwise there would be no need for him to make this trip...

"It is also an honor for my village to befriend Mr. Bai today..."

President Murayama was smiling, but when he turned around, his expression changed and he became cold and serious, scolding: "Nohara, what are you waiting for? Why don't you quickly apologize to Mr. Bai?"

Nohara members immediately bowed ninety degrees and kept bending to apologize.

The spirit of craftsmanship.

"Yes, I didn't handle it properly, please forgive Mr. Bai..."

He kept saying this over and over again.

Wait until you finish apologizing.

The two of them took their seats, with the Nohara club member standing beside them.

Murayama Ryuhei also said the purpose of this trip, "Shiro-kun, your "Guns, Germs, Steel" was a hot seller in Japan, but unfortunately it was not published by our Asahisha. This is our fault..., but the same thing , because of the success of this novel, the first volume of Bai Jun's "The Qin Empire" is also selling well all over the country, and it was quickly sold out..."

"We are here this time, firstly, to solemnly apologize to Mr. Bai, and secondly, for the three issues of the first volume of The Great Qin Empire, as well as the release of the second volume of The Great Qin Empire..."

"In terms of price, we will give Mr. Bai the highest quotation in the industry, which will definitely satisfy Mr. Bai!"

Murayama Ryūhei's great air.

What a newspaper relies on to maintain is its reputation. If you have a reputation, there will be newspaper sales. The matter of publishing the first and second volumes of the Great Qin Empire is actually not that important. What is important is that if Bai Gui can name himself in the Asahi Society, the hidden benefits it will bring... can be imagined.

"The three issues of the first volume of the Great Qin Empire are set at 30,000 copies, and the copyright tax is 20%, while the second volume of the Great Qin Empire is set at 4,000 copies, and the copyright tax is 17%. I don't know why. Are you satisfied?"

He said slowly.

Bai Gui nodded to express his approval of the result.

Nohara members also immediately took out this contract agreement from their briefcase.

When it comes to collecting writing materials, Bai Gui basically doesn't know how to open envelopes and check them. Big newspapers don't lack the money, but when it comes to contracts, he will consider and check them over and over again to avoid falling into the trap.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with the contract, Bai Gui signed it and stamped it with his private seal.

Murayama Ryuhei's face relaxed, and he added: "Since Mr. Bai has already had so much cooperation with our newspaper, why not also work for our newspaper as a columnist..."

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